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Apr 1

so american - juraj slafkovsky ☆

wc: 1.8k

tw: mentions of sex. fluff? kinda mentions and ED. lmk if there's more!

juraj slafkovsky x reader


being nineteen living in new york city is a scary thing for any teenager. if you could even still call yourself that, but you got by.

instead of going the route that most of your friends did, attending the university of michigan, joining a sorority, and marrying a retired frat guy; you did the complete opposite.

you skipped college and moved to nyc to be a model. it had been going very well for you, seeing as your face was all over times square and you began to become the newest it girl, and you thankfully made enough to pay for your high rise apartment and live a luxaric life that you've always dreamed about.

so why on earth would you be standing in montreal on a tuesday night?

your boyfriend would be the cause of that. he lived in montreal and a love began to grow for the city seeing as its the place you've fallen in love with him.

is it too soon to say that? im sorry, but it's no doubt love; the feelings you've felt.

he was the most perfect boyfriend, treating you like a princess and you couldn't be happier.

you were currently standing at the airport searching for his tall frame. being a long distance couple is not easy but you two made it work. seeing as during the season he's basically glued to montreal, it was up to you to come and see him in the beautiful city, which is why you were here now.

"im outside gate forty six" his thick accent came through the phone. his accent was something that could turn your face red, in a millisecond.

"no your not. im standing directly under it" you said searching for him.

"turn around" you heard his voice come from behind you.

and behold and beyond there stood your boyfriend, standing there in all his glory smiling ear to ear and your excitement to see him, flooded in.

you squealed so loud and dropped your bag to run up to him and hug him. one thing you liked about juraj was his height and the fact you were still able to be shorter than him being 5'11 and all.

"how was your flight" he said giving you a sweet kiss, before picking up your bags and still managing to hold your hand through the crowd of people.

"it was okay, im a little jet lagged though" you said as you saw his car.

"have you eaten yet?, I made us dinner at home" he said opening your door for you.

he knew you hadn't been eating. you had been so wrapped up in growing your name, this was the first break you had in months and juraj was quick to see that. he really worried for you and you've never had someone other than your parents care like that. if he kept up with all this sh*t, you were going to marry him.

"no, im sorry" you said looking down, as you got in. you felt bad how much he spent worrying for you and you still not eating anything past nine thirty pm was not going to eaze his worries.

"dont apoligize, i got you know" your heart beated at his words.

"I literally love you juraj slafkovsky" you said as he got into the drivers side.

"you literally?" he teased.

"stop it!' you said smiling. you knew already what he was about to tease you about.

"you are so american pretty"



you and juraj were at a bar with his teammates and you were feeling tipsy early on to the night. he was wearing a fit that had you in shambles. god he looked handsome. you were sitting on his lap leaning your face into the crook of his neck.

"Y/N!!!" you heard cole yell over the loud music. you lifted your head from jurajs soft neck to see his teammate, happy to see you in montreal.

"hi cole" you giggled at his excitement.

"sing 22 with me. I just put it into the karaoke machine."

"oh my gosh! yes!!" you said standing up from juraj. right away realizing you were way to drunk to stand, and losing balance.

"woah," juraj said grabbing a hold of your hips and helping you stand straight.

"okay, i think its time to head home" he says smiling at her, holding her up.

"but cole-"

"but she-

"we'll see you tomorrow cole" juraj said cutting both cole and his girlfriend off.

"okay then" cole said looking like a kicked puppy and waving goodbye to you.

"what are you trying to take me home so fast for? hmm" you said to your boyfriend seductively grabbing the collar of his shirt.

"to get you in bed pretty" he said walking you out. you blushed right away thinking the other thing and loved how forward he was being right now even though he meant far from that.


you guys arrive to jurajs apartment and all you wanted was your boyfriend.

he opened the door and you didnt waste time to attach your lips to his and push him against the door. his hands still on holding your hips from walking you in, squeezed your sides as he pulled away.

"what are you doing baby" he said giggling at your forwardness.

"I want you. now." you said to him attaching your lips to his sweet spot on his neck.

you knew his weaknesses and even though it hurt him to push you away, you were drunk.

"we cant pretty, your drunk"

"no im not" you said as he guided you to his room.

"yes you are. come on lets get these cloths off"

"sex time?" you said, face lighting up taking off your top.

"no. sleep time" he said helping you pull your boots off.

you groaned and threw yourself starfish back onto his bed.

"come here" he said pulling you up and putting his hoodie over your frame. he put some boxers on you and reached into his drawer for you that had some makeup wipes as you starred at him.

"im sobering up" you said to him as he wiped your makeup off.

"y/n" he said pointly.

you rolled your eyes as you laid back onto the bed watching him begin to change.

"you look pretty in my cloths" he said smiling at how big his hoodie fit you.

"you think I look pretty in everything" you said rolling your eyes at your boyfriends cheesiness.

"so, you are pretty" he said pulling the covers over the both of you and wrapping his arm around you as you cuddled into him.

you traced a finger over his features, seeing as it always helped him fall asleep.

"your pretty" you whispered to him, giggling.

"im pretty?" he said lightly smiling, eyes still close.

"mhm" you said to him.

"goodnight baby. I love you" he said after a while.

"I love you. goodnight" you answered feeling, restless. how were you supposed to sleep when he's with you? and you loved sleeping. you sucked it up, and decided to make sure to be completely sober for tomorrow.


you were currently hitting the hottest nyc bars with your best friends, after being dragged out against your will by them and you just wanted to be home in bed. you couldn't believe you used to love going out.

"come on y/n!" your friend yelled over the loud music pulling you along.

you were miserable.

you sat on the booth, when a guy came up to sit next to you.

"hey, im Logan" the man said to you, probably hoping to go home with you tonight.

"y/n" you said uninterested looking around hoping to find somewhere to go off too.

"you like-" he was cutoff by the next song and you couldn't help but think about juraj.

"my boyfriend likes this song!" you said to the guy.

"you have a boyfriend?" he said standing up.

"yeah, it was nice meeting you" you said walking away.

you saw your friend with her newest eye candy and you walked up to them.

"y/n! this is... omg I already forgot. but he said he plays hockey!"

"uhm no, I said I liked it"

"its okay. I know your secret" she said whispering and pushing herself right after.

"what's your favorite team?" you said hoping the conversation would bring up juraj. its like you couldn't go a conversation without talking about him.

"the maple leafs"

you cringed.

"my boyfriend hates that team"

"he a montreal fan or what"' the guy said with his arm still around your best friend.

"no hes a playe-"

"are you talking about juraj again!?!" a voice comes from behind you.

"what do you mean again. I don't talk about him THAT much."

your friends shared a look before they both let out,

"yes you do"


you were currently at a photoshoot for the cover of times magazine when you got a FaceTime call coming from your boyfriend.

"hi" you said answering.'

"hello, how is the shoot going"

"really good! we're doing the last outfit, and im so happy because im spent" you said exhaustedly.

"dont tire yourself too much" he said seeing her eye bags hiding under the makeup she was wearing.

"I won't, anyways what happened?" you knew he wanted to ask you something because he knew not to interrupt your shoot time.

"my mom wants to know if you would join us for christmas, and im looking at tickets rights now, did you want to join us?" he said with a hopeful look.

you wanted to squeal. he was taking you home to his native land, and for some reason that felt so sacred to you. doesn't this man know that you would go anywhere he goes?

"that sounds like fun, I'd think l'd enjoy that" you said smiling at him. he let out what seemed to be a breath he'd been holding.

"okay, love. im booking our flights right now then. thank you for doing this"

"thank you for inviting me"

"oh! that means you have to spend thanksgiving with my family!" you added.

"okay. is that actually something you guys celebrate?" juraj asked. he thought the holiday was something he saw in movies seeing as they didnt celebrate the holiday, from where he was from .

"obviously! its only the best holiday!!!"

"yeah? what's your favorite thing about it?"

"well I like the food, obviously. I like spending time with everyone and watching the parade in nyc- oh! and the football game is always so much fun to watch, omg! and we have to put on the game for christmas at your families" you said to him.

"that seems..." he said trailing off, smiling at your excitement.

"spit it out slaf" you said, knowing he was about to make fun of you. he hesitated because he didnt know if he wanted to keep teasing you over this.

"so american"


hi guys! im sorry about the inactivity. I've had so much work and school work but, I will be writing more though, because im currently in the hospital, getting treated for a spider bite... so ill have ALOT of time. send in au thoughts lol.

#nhl imagines#hockey fic#nhl imagine#juraj slafkovsky smut#juraj slafkovsky x reader#juraj slafkovsky#cole caufield#nhl hockey#montreal canadiens x reader#cole caufield x reader

Be My Forever

~Be My Forever by Christina Perri and Ed Sheeran~

Author's Note: requested :)Summary: Cole and Y/N are having a babyWarnings: some mentions of body image issuesWord Count: 2,000Cole Caufield x fm!reader

She was alone, staring at the pregnancy test on the bathroom counter. Watching the small black bar blink as it was awaiting the results. She wasn’t sure on how she should feel. Whether to be excited or scared or disappointed. She was in her mid-twenties, it was not like she would be alone. Her boyfriend Cole would be supportive no matter what.

She was alone but it was because she couldn’t wait anymore. He was going to be home in a couple hours. But she had already spent the last three days unsure of if she was pregnant or not she couldn’t wait any longer. She flipped the test over, unable to watch the bar blink any longer.

She leaned away from the counter, pulling her phone from her pocket and stared at the text from Cole. On my way up xo. She checked the time and furrowed her eyebrows harshly. She swallowed hard as she tilted her head back, she felt her eyes fill with tears.

Quickly, she shoved her phone back into her pocket as she took a hold of the test. She stared at the blinking black line again. Longest two minutes of her life. Yanking open the drawer, she dropped the test inside.

“Y/N?” Cole’s voice rang out throughout the apartment. She felt her hands start to shake as she pulled the bathroom door open. “Where are you, Gorgeous?” Cole called out, the sound of his duffle bag hitting the floor.

She cleared her throat, blinked back the tears in her eyes. Forcing a smile to her lips she walked towards the kitchen. Cole was standing in the center of their apartment, staring at his phone. The soft sounds of her footsteps lifted his gaze. He smiled once he saw her. She forced a smile to her lips but her puffy eyes gave away her feelings.

“What’s wrong, Gorgeous?” He quickly walked towards her. She took a shaky breath as she rolled her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against his chest. “What’s wrong?” he asked again.

“I can’t-I can’t say it,” she muttered as she pulled away from him. He scanned her features as she took her hand in his. She guided him towards the bathroom.

“What’s going on?” he asked as they stepped into the bathroom. The empty pregnancy test box was on the counter. She wiped the tears that fell onto her cheek. His eyes widened as he looked towards it. “Oh,” he let out barely above a whisper.

She bit her bottom lip as she tilted her head back. “Have you-uh-have you taken it yet?” he asked barely above a whisper.

She nodded her head, “I haven’t looked,” she mumbled. He nodded as he pulled her towards him. She shifted her gaze towards him. He nodded as he slowly ran his hand up and down her back.

“We’ll look together,” he whispered before he pressed his lips to her forehead for a few seconds. “It’ll be okay,” he whispered once more before he tilted his head back. She pointed towards the drawer. He pulled it open to reveal the upside down pregnancy test. He quickly reached for it and pulled it towards him, keeping it upside down.

He tightened his hand around it, dropping towards his side. He shifted his gaze towards her, “Whatever it says, we’ll be fine,” he whispered as he scanned her teary features. She nodded as she clenched her jaw.

Taking a deep breath, he brought the test closer to their faces as he flipped it over. It read pregnant: in bold letters impossible to not read it.

At first, a gasp left their lips as they read it.

The feeling of dread she thought she would feel was filled with overwhelming joy. “I know-I know this is not great timing but-” Cole let out with his voice breaking. She shifted her gaze to his as she started nodding. She started crying, not out of fear but out of joy. She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck as she jumped into his arms.

She giggled as he spun her around. “We’re having a baby,” he whispered into her ear.

~four months later~

She sat on the barstool eating toast as she rested her hand on her small growing bump. She scrolled through her Instagram feed. “Good morning, Momma, how are you feeling?” Cole asked as he was walking towards her. She rolled her eyes.

“Oh god,” she let out as she tilted her head back to meet his gaze. He smirked as he licked his lips nervously.

“Seriously, how are you feeling, my love?” he asked as he walked towards her.

She took a deep breath, “Still the only thing I can keep down,” she mumbled. He nodded as he slowly ran his hand up and down her back. He nodded as he scanned her features, “Our parents are visiting this weekend, do you think it’s time?” she asked him.

He tilted his head back, a chuckle leaving his throat. “How lucky are we that both our parents are staying with us,” he let out sarcastically. She chuckled.

“Well, you're the one that offered our bed to your parents. And your the one who invited my parents to come visit at the same time,”

“I wasn’t going to let one of our parents sleep on the pull out bed, but now I don’t want my pregnant girlfriend to sleep on the pull out bed either,” he let out a dramatic groan as he leaned his body against the countertop.

“I’ll be fine, Cole,” she mumbled as she took another bite of toast dramatically. He huffed as he leaned towards her pressing his lips against her cheek.

The weekend quickly came up and so did the impending doom of having to tell their parents that they were having a baby; and that they were excited about it. She walked into the living room in a baggie hoodie and sweatpants. He smiled towards her as he lifted his gaze from his phone.

“Does it look like I’m pregnant?” she asked as she spun in a circle. He chuckled.

“Yes,” he let out, she pouted as she tilted her head to the side. “When have you ever worn an outfit like that in front of anyone other than me?” he expressed while throwing his arms to the side. She rolled her eyes playfully.

“So you think they’ll catch on?” She walked towards him and sat down beside him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. She leaned her head onto his shoulder. Before he had a chance to answer, the doorbell rang. “Who’s here first?” she whispered. He chuckled before they both stood up from the couch.

They both walked towards the door. They stared towards one another for a few seconds before Cole pulled the door open to reveal both of their parents. Y/N’s eyes widened. “Wow,” she mumbled.

“Look at you two! This apartment is a lot nicer than you described Y/N,” her mother said as they all walked inside. Y/N chuckled nervously as they all walked inside. They all dragged suitcases behind them. Cole kept his hand on the door as he forced a smile.

Both of their parents' eyes scanned the apartment excitedly. Cole slowly shut the door behind him as he met Y/N’s gaze. “Bandaid?” he whispered towards her. She took a deep breath as she shook her head. He nodded slowly as he walked towards her.

They spent the next hour, letting their parents settle in. But it was starting to get harder to not say anything. Her mother continuously kept asking if she was too hot in her outfit. She kept denying it but she definitely was obviously overheating in her attire.

“Honey, what’s going on?” her mother asked as she pulled her to the side. Y/N eyes widened as she swallowed hard. She looked across the apartment towards Cole, who was also struggling trying to keep the secret at bay. Cole nodded.

“Can you guys sit down?” Y/N asked the room. The four parents all shared glances before they went towards the couch. After a few minutes of their parents discussing the different things that it could be. She interlocked her fingers with Cole’s as they looked towards their parents.

“We’re having a baby,” Cole blurted out. She squeezed his hand. All of their eyes widened as they shifted glances towards one another. “And we’re happy about it,” he continued. Letting out a long dramatic breath as he met his mom’s gaze.

“You should be happy about it!” her mother let out excitedly. “We’re having a grandbaby,” she stood up and all four of them started hugging excitedly.

“How far long?” his mother asked as she walked towards them. Cole and Y/N stood up from the couch.

~Two month later~

She was seven months along, her bump was showing and she was starting to show it off more. Reluctantly. She groaned as she tried to zip up her jeans but they barely passed her thighs. “What the hell!” she yelled out as she sat down onto the mattress.

Cole walked out of the bathroom, as he threw on his jean jacket. “What’s wrong?” he asked, his breath caught in his throat.

“My jeans don’t fit,” she let out, a sob rising in her throat.

“That tends to happen with growing a baby inside of you,” he let out as he walked towards her. She dropped her gaze towards her lap as she let out a sob. “My love,” he mumbled.

“These are my favorite jeans,” she let out barely above a whisper. He pouted as he tilted his head to the side. “What if they don’t fit after I have the baby?” she asked. He frowned.

“Then you’ll find a new favorite,” he said as he ran his hands up and down her exposed thighs. She nodded slowly as her lips quivered. “Your body is beautiful,” he mumbled as he leaned towards her, taking a hold of her chin. “You’re beautiful,” he said as he delicately kissed her lips.

“I love you,” she whispered as he pulled away, he smiled softly.


“I still cannot believe you guys don’t know if you’re having a boy or girl,” Nick mumbled before he stabbed his fork against his salad. Cole chuckled as he took a sip of his water.

“Y/N doesn’t want to know and if she doesn’t want to know then I’m cool with it,” Cole offered as he leaned back against his chair.

“You hate being in the dark about dinner plans, what do you mean!?” Nick expressed. Cole rolled his eyes playfully.

“This is my kid, man, I would like to just at least have a name picked out before they’re born,” he let out while shaking his head.

“What are your options?” Nick asked before shoving a forkful of salad into his mouth.

Cole took a deep breath as he ran his hand over his chin, “Skyler, Cameron, Avery, and Jordan. We’re doing names that can be for a boy or girl,”

“Cameron Caufield sounds pretty sick,” Nick expressed with a wide smile.

Cole smiled softly as he nodded. Caitlin and Y/N walked towards the pair. Caitlin frowned as she saw the food on the boys’ plates.

“Seriously?” she let out as a small smirk toyed to her lips. She sat down beside Nick, he kissed her cheek as he loosely wrapped his arm around her waist. Cole kissed Y/N’s cheek as he winked towards her.

“I’m eating for two and you couldn’t have waited?” she teased and Cole laughed awkwardly.

“Did you ask Caitlin about the names?” Cole asked, Y/N nodded slowly. “Cause Nick said Cameron,” he continued. Caitlin and Y/N smiled widely.

“I think we just named our baby,” she let out barely above a whisper. Cole smiled as he quickly wrapped his arm around her, hugging her.

“I can’t wait,” he mumbled.

#cole caufield fluff#cole caufield x reader#cole caufield imagine#cole caufield imagines#cole caufield#nhl imagines#nhl#nhl x reader#nhl fic#hockey#montreal canadiens x reader#montreal canadiens imagines#montreal canadiens


Apr 7

Jealous of Joe | Juraj Slafkovský

wc. 1.9k

Juraj's jealous when he sees you with another certain athlete

(sorry for the bad google translate throughout)

You jog down the steps of Nationwide Arena until you're face to face with a wall of glass blocking you from the players on the ice. Your eyes roam the red and white jerseys, finding purchase when they land on the familiar number 20. You look over his figure, studying the way he skates down the ice with ease. He looks like he’s floating, stick down, looking for the puck, focused, perfect.

You and Juraj Slafkovský have been friends since the minute he was drafted by the Montreal Canadiens. As one of many social media managers, you became best friends with the whole team, finding safe spaces in Cole, Nick, Kirby, Kaiden, Monty, and most importantly, Juraj.

The first thing you ever bonded over was your mutual knowledge of the Finnish language. The two of you could converse for hours in Finnish and not even realize until another one of the boys finally gains the courage to ask about what you two have been saying. They even tried to use it to their advantage, asking if you understood what he would say in Slovak but you were no use in that department.

You try to snap yourself out of the trance you were in, looking around the rink to see what kind of media you could create before the game. You’re in the middle of thinking up a new question or tiktok challenge when you feel a presence next to you.

“They look good,” the stranger says from next to you and you don’t look over as you respond, somewhat hoping the person leaves.

“Hopefully they keep it up during the game tonight,” you respond, knowing the Hab's tendency for third period strikeouts.

“You think Caufield will score?” the boy next to you asks and you shrug.

“It’ll make my job easier if he does,” you joke and the laugh that sounds from next to you is so melodic it has curiosity leading you to turn your head.

To say you’re shocked by the man standing next to you is an understatement. After working in this league it takes a lot for you to get star struck by an athlete but you’re speechless, jaw dropped open looking at Joe Burrow standing next to you.

“Holy sh*t,” you blurt out and the older boy turns to look at you, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“I’m Joe,” he says, holding a hand out for you to shake and you can’t help the shiver that runs down your back when his hand slides perfectly into yours.

“(y/n),” you say, still not quite sure that you’re not totally dreaming. “No offense, but what are you doing here?”

His laugh has you smiling right along with him and you find yourself wanting to hear more of it.

“I’ve been meaning to come out and see a game for a while, meet the players and so on. I figured since I’m injured,” he takes the moment to lift up a carefully wrapped wrist in front of your eyes. “I would come and check it out.”

“Well if you’re expecting your fellow Ohioans to win, I apologize in advance,” you say and Joe throws his head back in laughter.

“Oh really?”

The two of you continue talking, trading jokes and reveling in each other's laughter. You were beyond enjoying the conversation with Joe and you almost forgot about the ongoing practice and job you should be doing.

Juraj certainly didn’t forget. During practice, a game, in the arena, out of the arena, no matter what Juraj always has an eye on you. The minute you stepped up to the glass during his practice his eye was on you, watching what you were doing, but more importantly, who you ended up talking to. Juraj’s furious and jealous gaze roams your figure, hating the way your head is thrown back in laughter, pink rising to your cheeks at his words, the slight, shy movements he knew all too well.

At some point his brain must have shut off because suddenly his body is barreling down the ice without a second thought. You’re mid sentence to Joe when a loud bang sounds in front of you and you both jump back in fear. You look up to see Juraj standing there, a sheepish smile on his lips but something different in his eyes. You shoot him a look that conveys the sentence “are you serious right now???” and Juraj waves awkwardly before backing off and skating away.

“Your boyfriend?” Joe asks and you jump at his voice, forgetting he was there for a moment.

“No, no,” you say, glancing at him before reverting back to following Juraj’s movements. “Just friends.”

“So, you wouldn’t mind if I asked you out then?” Joe asks and your body fully turns towards him at the question.

“I can pick you up before the game tonight? I have an empty seat next to me,” he offers and you grin.

“I’d love to.”

Juraj spends the rest of practice pissed and all the boys can tell. They’re even playing a game, seeing who can mess with him the most before he truly snaps.

Nick takes pity on him, the captain skating over to the young player. He follows Juraj’s gaze to where you are and watches as his eyes flame in anger when you smile at Joe.

“What's up?” Nick asks, vague enough that Juraj can tell him what’s actually going on or he can brush it off.

“He can fight?” Juraj asks and Nick fully turns to him in shock.


“I’m gonna fight him if he goes out with her,” Juraj says, determination so deep in his eyes that Nick knows he’s not a force to be reckoned with.

Normally, before games you’re nervous for other reasons. Making sure you have enough content, tweets are loaded and ready to go, photos are edited and stats are ready to be posted. This time, your coworker is taking on those nerves while yours belong to the date you were about to go on.

You looked over your outfit for what feels like the millionth time and smooth out the canadiens jersey that falls over your body. You were showing up with Joe but still had Juraj’s last name on your back; the irony. Joe knocks on your hotel room door right at 7 and you let out a breath before making your way to the front door.

You were no stranger to Joe’s pregame outfits but you were shocked out how he could still look so incredibly good even in a simple t-shirt and jeans. His smile is blinding and while you know you should be swooning at the sight, you can only think about Juraj’s crooked smile, the way he looks down, not wanting anyone else to see the beauty.

You and Joe head to the arena, a short drive in his luxury car and he’s nothing but a gentleman the entire time. Your heart flutters from time to time but you’re not sure if it’s because of Joe, or because you're nervous to see Juraj.

You two take your time getting to your seats, stopping to grab drinks before heading down as the players are finishing warm ups. Juraj thinks he’s safe, that he won’t have to control a temper for the rest of the game but it all falls flat when he sees Joe with an arm slung around your shoulders in the front row.

“Leave it be,” Nick warns the younger player and he shakes his head, praying his focus turns towards the game.

The game against the blue jackets is physical, to say the least. The boys are playing like it’s a revenge tour and the game is tied for most of the time. Third period begins and Juraj is firing on all cylinders at this point. He’s finishing his checks, he’s rushing down the ice, he’s doing anything and everything to forget about you and Joe.

You watch as Juraj digs for the puck, a battle between him and one of the blue jackets players trying to gain possession of the puck. It sails down towards Nick and Juraj lets up, words clearly exchanged between him and the opposer.

“Careful before I take your girl out next,” the player sneers at Juraj and he’s officially seeing red.

You watch in slight horror as Juraj slams the player into the boards and fists go flying. The fight must last a quick 20 seconds but feels like a lifetime. You’re on your feet and pressed against the glass as Juraj gets up, a fresh cut on his cheekbone and his hair disheveled and hanging over his now dark eyes.

“Holy f*ck,” you breathe out, watching as Juraj is escorted down the tunnel and some of the boys are casting glances in your direction.

“(y/n)?” you’re snapped out of your trance at Joe’s voice and turn to find him with worry and understanding in his gaze.

“I have to go check on him,” you say and Joe nods.

He leans forward, pressing a kiss to your cheek that explains all of his thoughts and feelings. You smile, a bit of sadness laced in the look, before parting and heading straight for the locker room.

You race down, surprisingly not getting lost as you run and you flash your access badge like your life depends on it. You finally come face to face with the locker room door and you take a deep breath before flinging it open, unable to stay away from Juraj any longer.

“Kto si, do pekla, myslí, že je? Sedí tam s ním a užíva si každú sekundu!! A ten sráč, ktorý-” Your brain flies a million miles an hour trying desperately to grasp the little Slovak language you know but to no avail.

“Juraj?” you call and the 6 foot 2 hockey player halts all movements before turning towards you.

“What are you doing here?” he grinds out, chest heaving trying to catch his breath.

“I wanted to check on you.”

“jebať ma,” he mutters angrily. “Go back to your new boyfriend.”

Juraj was torn clean in half between two sides. One desperately wanting you here, wanting you to stay and talk to him, to explain that Joe meant nothing to you. The other half of him is infuriated, feeling disrespected that you would show up now after flaunting Joe in front of him.

“What the f*ck is your issue?” you snap, taking several steps till you're inches from Juraj’s face.

“Ježiš Kristus.”

That’s the last thing you hear before Juraj leans down and slams his lips against yours, the kiss lighting you end to end in a fiery passion. His hands wrap around your waist and pull you up onto your tip toes and press your chest against his padded one. Your body takes a minute to catch up and when you do, your hands tangle deep into Juraj’s damp strands pulling him close and begging him to never let go.

Unfortunately, humans need air and the two of you separate, panting heavily for a moment after. You fall back onto your heels and Juraj’s eyes search yours for a moment before speaking again.

“You’re my issue,” he says and before you can retort he shushes you. “I love you. You walked into my game with my name on your back but your hand holding his.”

Your eyes stare deep into his, your heart cracking at the idea that Juraj could ever be hurt by your actions. However, it’s filled back up when you remember him admitting that he loves you.

“Oh minun rakkauteni,” you murmur, pulling him into you again and reveling in the feeling of his lips on yours.

“It’s you baby. It always has been and it always will be,” you promise.

Juraj grins against you, the moment fleeting but lasting forever.

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Nov 19, 2023

The Best Kinda Night

Pairing: Arber Xhekaj x Reader

Summary: Your first time watching Arber play and you get to see the rough side of his job.

Word Count: 1574

Warnings: fighting, mentions of sex related things


Since meeting Arber at a club after a game one night, the two of you hit it off. The two of you spent the whole night on the dance floor together. Maybe getting a little too handsy in public. After a couple too many drinks, you found yourself waking up in his bed. Arber woke up while you were getting dressed once more, phone held between your shoulder and ear. He protested you leaving and asked you to breakfast. Citing that he was wanting more than a one night stand with such a pretty person.

It had been months since you had had your first date and you were yet to go watch Arber play. Until tonight that is. Tonight he had a game against Arizona at home and you had a glass side ticket. You pulled out the pair of jeans, hoodie and jersey you planned on wearing before jumping into the shower. After spending the afternoon pampering, you made sure you were ready early so you could leave for the stadium and take in the journey.

What he didn’t tell you was that Caitlin, the captain’s girlfriend, would be meeting you at the stadium and sitting next to you so you weren’t alone. Not that it would have bothered you. But he wanted you to have a friend within the team because he knew you were going to be around for a while.

“Hi! You’re Wi-Fi’s girlfriend, yeah?” A blonde greeted you a couple moments after you stepped into the club bar area.

“Uh hi?” You and Arber weren’t public yet so you were very confused as to why she asked you this. She was dressed similarly to you but wearing a jersey with a C patch. Suzuki if you’re correct. “Sorry, who are you?”

The girl smiles, “I’m Caitlin, Nick’s girlfriend. Arber thought it would be a good idea you weren’t sitting by yourself.”

“Oh, that’s exciting. Thanks for agreeing.”

The two of you grabbed a drink from the bar before taking a seat. There was still half an hour until the teams took to the ice for warm-ups. You got to know Caitlin while you two bonded over the drinks. The blonde even introduced you to a couple of the other girls who walked by on their way to their seats.

“Let’s go find our seats. We’re against the glass,” Caitlin suggests when you both had finished your drinks.

Following others through the stadium halls, you find your section and descend the stairs. You made sure to take pictures of everything. Taking in all the bright lights and experience. The two of you were at a perfect spot. Across from the bench and near the penalty box. Or as you like to call it, the sin bin.

“When did you and Arber meet?” The blonde asks.

“Uh, a year ago? Dating for about 7 months.”

“He’s kept you hidden from us!”

You chuckle at the girl’s reaction. “Yeah, we just wanted to get settled and comfortable in our relationship before telling everyone.”

The two of you got to know each other while waiting for the teams to take to the ice for pregame warm ups. At least the chairs were comfier than other stadiums you have been to in the past. You glanced around at the fans around you. People watching. A few Arber jerseys stood out to you. Some Caufield and Suzuki jerseys as well.

“Here they come,” Caitlin spoke up, pointing to the tunnel.

One by one the boys stepped onto the ice and did their laps. Arber came out and skated around, looking around at the fans. He spotted a fan sign with his name on it being held up by a boy no older than 6. Watching the fan interaction was one of the best parts. Arber played paper, scissors, rock with the kid before flicking a puck over the glass and posing for a picture.

“Look who’s skating this way,” Caitlin teases as she waves to Nick standing in front of the girls.

Arber skated towards Nick and bumped him. He then turned his attention to you. The Canadian boy had the biggest smile as he waved like a kid to you. Just like he did for the little boy, he waved the puck then tossed it over the glass. You caught the cold rubber and posed for a picture that Caitlin was more than happy to take for you. Before he skated away to continue warm ups, he put his into a fist as best as he could and put it against the glass. You copied his actions and did a fist bump through the glass.

The fist bump started when you two first started dating. You had always fist bumped your best friend as a goodbye since they weren’t the hugging type. With Arber, the first time you did it was when you were both laying on the couch after your second date. Both of you were to shy to cuddle at the time. But you randomly held out your fist to him. From there it’s a daily occurrence. When it came to games, it fitted into the pregame ritual. He would kiss you goodbye then a fist bump on the way out.

“I like the jersey,” He yelled before giving you a smirk and skating off with his captain to join Caufield not far away.

“He’s so in love with you,” Caitlin pointed out. “I’ve never seen him smile that much. That wide!”

Warm ups went quicker than you’d like and next thing you know the teams skate off again. Now the wait between warm ups and the start of the game. Caitlin grabbed a silver sharpie from her bag and thrusted it towards you.

“You have to write on the puck the date and first Canadiens game.”

You agreed and wrote it on the back of the puck. One to start a collection. Or add to Arber’s puck collection when you moved in together.

The game started and was going smoothly. Kinda. There was some tension building and by the 2nd period you could see that Kassian was aiming at Arber. Wanting to drop the gloves. It wasn’t until a checking incident that Arber decided he had had enough.

“Here we go,” You smirk as Arber and the Arizona player threw their gloves off and grabbed each other. As someone with combat sport training, a fight was entertaining. “Arber’s got this one.”

Kassian’s first punch knocked off Arber’s helmet but he was sure to retaliate with multiple blows, one after the other in quick succession. The Coyotes player dropped to his knees pretty quick, allowing Arber to get some good hits in. Kassian managed to stand up again but didn’t stay on his feet for long. With the coyotes’ jersey in his grasp, Arber took him to the ground. He threw one last punch before the refs managed to pull him off. You watched as your boyfriend smirked at the sight of the player on the ice before skating to the penalty box. He even waved his arms to hype up the crowd who were all cheering by. He looked towards you, a smirk on his face as he chewed on his mouthguard.

“f*cking hell,” you mutter, turned on more than you’d admit to anyone.

“Keep it in your pants,” Caitlin laughs after she hears your muttering.

Arber took his seat in the sin bin and side glanced at you. Another smirk appeared when he noticed the look on your face. He winked at you before turning back to the game.

“Welp I’m gonna have to buy new lingerie after tonight,” You joke (slightly) to Caitlin.

She laughed, understanding the feeling, “it’s the best kinda night after a good, tense game.”

The pair of you laugh before turning back to the game that was playing. The game soon came to an end with a win for the home team. Caitlin showed you down to the family room where people waited for the players to finish changing and the media tasks.

“I’ll introduce you to some of the other girls if you want?”

You shrug, “Sure why not.”

The captain’s partner took you around, introducing you to the older players’ partners. Meeting their kids who were running around the room as well. It definitely filled the waiting time because you feel arms wrap around your waist as you talked to Caitlin and Kirby Dach’s girlfriend.

“Hey,” you grin, turning to see a freshly showered Arber.

He pressed a kiss to your temple. You could see in his eyes what he was thinking about. “Hey baby.”

“I can’t believe you hid her from us!”

“Sorry girls,” he chuckles. “You’ll have her around more but I’m gonna steal her now.”

Caitlin smirks, “don’t break any furniture.”

You blushed but Arber smirked and dragged you away and out of the arena. When you reached his car, he pushed you against the door.

“God you look so good wearing my name on your back.”

You tangle your fingers in his damp hair. Pulling him closer. “Showing everyone who I’m with.”

That snapped the tension. Arber ducked his head and kissed you roughly. He hand slid up your back and cupped the back of your hand from hitting it on the car.

“Let’s take this to yours shall we?”

Arber grinned as he opened the passenger side door for you, “you’re in for a long night baby.”


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May 11

Clinging to Victory

Cole caufield x reader

After an exhilarating win on the ice, the Montreal Canadiens' locker room buzzed with excitement. Cole Caufield, the team's rising star, basked in the glory of the victory, but his mind was already set on one thing – spending time with his girlfriend, Y/N.

As the team headed out for a celebratory night, Cole's anticipation grew. He couldn't wait to wrap his arms around Y/N, feeling her warmth against him. She was the calm amidst his storm, the one who made everything better with just a smile.

Arriving at their favorite bar, the team's camaraderie filled the air. Cole's teammates teased him good-naturedly, knowing all too well about his clingy tendencies when it came to Y/N.

"Hey, Cole, you bringing a leash for Y/N tonight?" one of his teammates joked, earning laughter from the group.

Cole grinned, shrugging off the teasing. "Hey, when you've got someone as amazing as Y/N, you never want to let go."

Y/N, who had been chatting with some of the other players' girlfriends, caught sight of Cole and beamed. She knew exactly what she was in for – an evening filled with Cole's affectionate antics.

As the night progressed, Cole couldn't resist the urge to be close to Y/N. Whether they were chatting with friends or grabbing drinks at the bar, he found himself gravitating towards her, unable to keep his hands off her for long.

His teammates watched with amusem*nt as Cole draped his arm around Y/N's shoulders, his touch possessive yet tender. They exchanged playful banter, poking fun at Cole's clinginess, but deep down, they admired the bond he shared with Y/N.

Despite the teasing, Y/N couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for Cole. She loved how he held her close, how he whispered sweet nothings in her ear when he thought no one was listening. To her, his clinginess was endearing, a testament to his deep love for her.

At one point, as they mingled with other guests, Cole couldn't resist sneaking up behind Y/N and enveloping her in a tight embrace. She laughed, leaning back into his embrace, feeling his heartbeat against her back.

"You're so clingy," she teased, turning to face him with a playful smile.

Cole grinned, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "Can't help it when you're around. You're my lucky charm, Y/N."

Their evening continued with laughter and love, the bond between Cole and Y/N growing stronger with each passing moment. And as they finally made their way home, Cole held Y/N close, knowing that no victory on the ice could ever compare to the love he found in her arms.

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Apr 24

Until I Come Home

~Until I Come Home by Two Feet & grandson~

Author's Note: this was requested and it's so cuteSummary: Cole is late for the plane for a roadieWarnings: implied smutWord Count: 802Cole Caufield x fm!reader

Her head rested on his bare chest, soaking up every single moment of him. This was one of the longest road trips he was going on, all she wanted was him to be home with her, but he was going to be gone for ten days.

Ten days of only phone calls and nothing else. All she wanted was this moment to never end. “I gotta get going,” he whispered as he pressed his lips to the top of her head, starting to get up from the bed.

“No,” she mumbled as she climbed onto his frame, leaning her lips down, kissing his lips slowly but urgently.

He should’ve gotten up to shower thirty minutes ago. Cole knew he was running late, his teammates were going to kill him if he was late for the plane. Again.

But right now, Y/N’s lips were more important. She knew what she was doing, trailing her lips down his body. Slow, wet kisses down his chizzeled frame.

“Baby,” he let out, breathily. She hummed against his ab muscle as he tilted his head back. “I need to go,” he muttered.

She lifted her head, climbing up his frame, her nose bumped against his. “No,” she mumbled, “Can’t leave,” she whispered before she kissed his lips for a brief second.

Cole rested his hands on her hips, tightly. “You’re going to get me in so much trouble,” he whispered as she pulled away. He met her gaze, running his hands up and down her side. She ran her hands up and down his chest, smiling towards him. He tilted his head back, shutting his eyes as he let out a dry chuckle.

“It’s only fair that I get you for a few more minutes, you’re leaving for ten days,” she leaned down, resting her hands on the base of his neck, she ran her thumbs along his jawline. He smirked as he clenched his jaw.

He took a hold of legs, slowly rolling her over onto her back, He separated her legs with his knee as he slowly met her lips. “At least, let’s move this to the shower please, I really need to get moving,” He mumbled between kisses against her lips. He pulled away, meeting her gaze, he raised his eyebrows.

She nodded slowly as Cole climbed off of her. He wrapped his arms around her waist lifting her from the bed. He tossed her onto his shoulder, giggles fell from her lips as she excitedly rested her hands on his lowerback as they manuvered into the bathroom. He delicately placed her down onto her feet and scanned her features.

“We’re showering, nothing else,” he pointed his finger towards her face, a teasing smirk. She nodded as she slowly pulled her tanktop away from her frame before she slowly slipped her underwear off of her frame. “Oh god, why do you have to look like that,” he mumbled as he slipped his boxers from his frame. He leaned towards her, kissing her urgently.

He shoved open the shower door, stumbling inside with their lips still connected. He turned the shower on, the water hot surrounding them. Steam filled the room. “You’re a bad influence,” he mumbled against her lips as he tilted his head back against the water, letting it hit his face.

“You’re the one leaving for ten days,” she mumbled, a teasing smirk on her lips.


He was jogging towards the plane, the social media manager not even outside to take photos of his entrance look. His hair was wet as the suit on his frame was a dark purple that was practically wrinkled.

The entire plane started shouting random things towards him. He smiled nervously as his cheeks flushed bright red.

“Sorry, I’m sorry,” he mumbled as he walked past each player, he sat down beside Alex who was on FaceTime with his girlfriend.

“Real nice,” Alex muttered as he elbowed him in the side.

Martin was sitting on the other set of seats on the plane, “I wish I could bench you,” he muttered, a small chuckle leaving his lips; he was joking of course.

“I’m sorry, I was-” he trailed off, deciding it was better to leave out his morning activities with his coach. Despite their close relationship. His coach didn’t need to know that he was running extremely late because of his gorgeous girlfriend.

“What were you up to?” Alex asked in a whisper, leaning towards Cole.

Cole smirked as he tilted his head back against the headrest. He turned his head to meet Alex’s gaze, “My girlfriend hates when I leave for roadies,” he said vaguely.

“Oh sure,” Alex said laughing as he shifted his attention back towards his own girlfriend on FaceTime.

Cole shut his eyes, picturing Y/N, a smirk still on his lips.

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Mar 12

Your Needs, My Needs

~Your Needs, My Needs by Noah Kahan~

Author's Note: I love Kirby Dach and I miss himSummary: After Kirby gets injured Y/N comforts himWarnings: shouting and cursingWord Count: 1,069Kirby Dach x fm!reader

He hasn’t come back to the ice after the hit into the Chicago bench. She anxiously sat in the back of the suit, staring at the television broadcast instead of the actual game below them. Caitlin walked over towards her with a sad smile on her lips.

“Have you heard from him?” she asked and Y/N shook her head. Shifting her gaze towards her phone, waiting to see if he texted her what was going on.

“It didn’t look that bad right?” Y/N questioned as she kept her gaze on the TV screen waiting for her boyfriend to return to the ice but he hadn't. She raised her hand towards her eye as she wiped a tear that was getting ready to trickle out of her eye.

The team ended up winning the game without Kirby. He hasn’t texted her or even alerted her if he was going to be okay. She waited outside the locker room with Caitlin beside her. Kirby usually left the locker room during the middle of the pack but he was the first one leaving. Using crutches to help himself walk. He kept his gaze low for only a moment before he lifted his gaze to see Y/N waiting for him. He clenched his jaw as he felt his eyes tear up.

She walked towards him, furrowing her eyebrows. “It hurts like a bitch,” he muttered, shaking his head. She nodded as she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek for a brief moment. His head rested on her shoulder as he fought off a sob climbing his throat.

“You’ll get through this,” she let out as she pulled away from him.

“Can you drive?” he mumbled, his voice was raspy.

“Of course,” she mumbled as she stood beside him, “Let’s get you home,” she muttered as she delicately rested her hand on his arm.


It had only been an hour since they got back to their shared apartment and the pain was slowly starting to get worse. He tried to pretend that it wasn’t hurting by trying to maneuver through the apartment. He didn’t want to talk about it, he just wanted it to be fine.

She emerged from the bathroom wearing her pajamas to find him standing up near his dresser. “Baby, please sit down and-”

“I dont want to sit down!” he shouted. She pulled her head back at the sudden tone of his voice. His lips quivered as he looked towards Y/N. His eyes tearing up. “I just want,” he let out a huff of air.

“I know, I know,” she muttered as she took a small step towards him.

“I’m-I’m sorry. I’m sorry I shouldn’t-” he said as he started to cry. He had spent several hours holding it in but now looking at his own reflection and the future of his season it all came crumbling down.

Her eyes widened as she walked towards him quickly. Her hand began gently rubbing circles along the center of his back as he clenched his fists and delicately hit them against the top of the dresser. He looked towards her and she met his eyes. “Honey,” she muttered as he turned his body to face her.

“I didn’t mean to yell,” he mumbled as he engulfed her in a hug.

“I know, Honey,” she mumbled against his chest, holding back her own tears.

It was rare to see him show emotions. He was always good at keeping the way he felt inside but he was frustrated. Year after year, he could never catch a break. “Come lay down, it’ll feel better,” she muttered as she delicately looped her arms around the center of his back guiding him towards their bed. She helped him lay down onto his back before she climbed beside him.

He rolled onto his side, unable to look her in the eye any longer. She slowly wrapped her arms around his chest, feeling the unsteady breathing. She ran her hands up and down his arm and his back.

“It’ll be okay,” she mumbled, her voice cracking slightly, “Injured for the season or not, you’ll be okay,” she said as she pressed her lips to his upper back. He stayed quiet as her touch began to calm him down.


The next morning, she woke up to Kirby slowly running his hand up and down her back. She took a deep breath as she rolled over to face Kirby. He smiled softly as he met her gaze. “How are you feeling?” she let out barely above a whisper. He shrugged slightly as he looped his arm around her waist.

“Getting a scan today,” he mumbled as he showed her his phone that was lying near the pillow. She rested her hand onto his arm as she inched closer to him. “It’ll probably need surgery,” he mumbled as he toyed with the end of her t-shirt.

“You don’t know that,” she mumbled as her hand landed on his cheek. She ran her thumb across his cheek, the stubble of his beard scratched her hand slightly.

“I can’t put pressure on it, Baby. Season’s done,” he muttered as he clenched his jaw.

“Then you’ll have one hell of a comeback,” she said as she tapped her hand against his cheek. He smiled softly as she leaned towards him and delicately pressed her lips against his. “Welcome back seventy-seven!” she said with an echo effect in her voice. He rolled his eyes playfully, “What a goal by Kirby Dach!” she continued.

“Enough,” he muttered before he kissed her urgently. “I’m glad you're here with me,” he said against her lips.

“Come on, handsome. Let’s get your comeback started now,” she muttered as she kissed him briefly. She stood up from the bed as she walked towards his side of the bed, “Do you need help?” she questioned. He shook his head as he sat up from the bed.

“I’m okay, Baby,” he mumbled as he started to stand up from the bed.

“Are you sure? Because I was thinking I could help you in the shower,” she mumbled as she widened her eyes slightly as she met his gaze. He raised his eyebrows as he pursed his lips forward.

“Now that I’m thinking about it, I could really use your help,” he pouted his lips forward as they wandered towards the bathroom together.

“Oh really?” she teased.

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Mar 26

obsessed with your ex? - juraj slafkovsky ☆

wc: 650+

tw: toxicity? obsessive. mention of sex. stalking?

juraj slafkovsky x reader


it was four in the morning and you couldn't sleep. your thoughts were running wild as the six foot three man was laying sound asleep next to you. you were staying over his place tonight and what was supposed to be an easy going night turned into a nightmare; for you at least.

you had opened your instagram to find that jurajs ex had followed you, and commented on her recent instagram post, how you slayed the photo dump you posted on your recent trip to Milan.

I mean his ex didn't mean to get in your brain. you had finally met the girl, about a couple weeks ago at a brand dinner seeing as you were both models. you had been professional with her. but since you guys had many mutual friends the ex seemed to be trying to befriend her.

oh my god I wonder if she was friends with jurajs friends? did she know arber like you know him?

was she good in bed?

does he still think about her?

was she easy going?

every controlling?

well traveled?

well read?

all these thoughts made you want to scream into your pillow and die. something you couldn't do because you were at your boy friends house, sleeping in his bed on a side that was now 'your side' but you knew it was once hers.

when you met the ex about two nights ago you had to act like you didn't know every little thing about her, when you did. you knew everything about her, from her star sign to her f*cking blood type.

you felt insane. you were honestly borderline of psycho. you were so obsessed with jurajs ex and everything about her was making you so upset.

you were pulled out of your thoughts when you felt the boy next to you move.

"why are you still awake" jury asked seeing her stare up into the ceiling. he moved to wrap his arms around her and pull her in, trying to to comfort his girlfriend.

what were you supposed to say to him? I'm up thinking about your ex? that im f*cking obsessed with her? he would think I was her freaking best friend with how much I would want to talk about her and ask him.

and it wasn't like there wasn't anything I could complain about too, anyways. she was an angel, who was perfect. my friends would even tell me she talked so nicely about me. she was the life of every party and had these perfect hips with the most perfect lips. god you sounded like you were in love with her.

he had once told you that she hated flying so she would take melatonin when they would go visit his family with him back home, and you've never forgotten that detail about her.

"y/n" jurajs voice rasped again.

"what did you call me?" y/n exclaimed sitting up moving away from him. she could of swear he said HER name.

"your name?" juraj said slowly, beyond confused. he loved you so much and the last thing he would of thought was wrong with his girlfriend in the middle of the night, was that you couldn't stop thinking about his ex. he doesn't even speak to her anymore and he loves you with his whole heart.

you looked at him, studying his face for any lie. he wasn't. you felt so obsessed and you knew it was crazy upon repair, but you couldn't help it for some reason.

"alright what's wrong. did I do something" he says sitting up and turning on the nightstand lamp.

you felt horrible. he looked exhausted and he needed his sleep, he had games coming up and he had practice in about five hours.

"no-" you sighed looking at his soft eyes urging you to go on.

"-its just" you stumbled upon how to word your next choice of words.

"you can tell me" he said rubbing your back and kissing your shoulder.

"im obsessed with your ex"


omg this is my first non au right and also like no oc character. if its cringe lmk! I like feedback. also this is based of an edit I saw on tiktok!! goodnight loves!!

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Views: 6525

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.