The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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Cleveland, Ohio

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mwwn" CLASSIIED INDEX 1 i tl 'ta MORE 49 48 49 beloved 44 reabyterten BIEE 51 51 55 44 Aug resl Hoij Sacrl EDUCATIONAL Aut Sizer retldena Wai MORE' Nitral Dimters Au? be (Parking at I Omtary Lata Miimili rA Cross Call Plain Dealer Classifieu hu CUT OUT PASTE ON POSTCARD AND MAIL ALL NAME 1 week DAY ZIP CODE LONG DIAL i Call 523 5555 Jut Say "Charge It' Plain Dealer Want Ads 's AMMWMAAAAAAAAA of Warrena huiband of 43 43 43 49 50 50 of of of and Tex Mc ADDRESS CITY Thursday Aux 11 at 1 irst Assembly of God 1370 Richmond Rd HaveYou Heard? Hiemer) father and Henry Where are they feeling? In the rental columns of The Plain Dealer! Today and ovary day Good Boomers fi Ad Good Livinq Quartan through The Plain Daalar Thara's a ROOMER Around Town! In fact there ora hundreds of rooman in this biq and lots of tham ora looting for battar ac commodations Air Strike Strands "AlLOhio Choir LISBON Portugal The number of passengers strand ed here by the US airline strike rose to 400 yesterday including a 131 member all Ohio youth choir group The choir which received a standing ovation Monday night at a Lisbon concert of popular and classic music could not catch a flight to New York and had to be moved into a seminary in Carcavelos near Lisbon All hotels were fully booked The group still has not found any normal route out of Portugal until the middle' of the month said of CIT: mean anything just there in case We must first have a plan to prove to the people such a tax will save them hutband of Shirley Ann A brother wtsn PD Easy Cash Want Ad Contest My prediction of the total number of want ads that will appear in The Plain Dealer Classified Advertisem*nt columns during August is Bedford Power Off at Truck Hits Pole Some 400 subscribers in central Bedford were without electrical power yesterday for about 40 minutes following a traffic accident according to Ya spokesman for the Clever lend Electric Illuminating Co The spokesman 'saidatruck sideswiped a utility pole at Broadway and War rensville Center' Road Bed ford causing a short circuit in a main power Jine No one was injured Power was out from 2 to 2:40 pm ADVERTISING WjD Be ound in BACK TO SGHOOL SECTION To plaeo an ad for quick'leiults at low eo( umply phone The Ziehm Co 13633 Euclid CL 15722 Opposite orest mill Blvd Plain Dealer Bureau ELYRIA The innocent looking letters intro duced yesterday on the deduc tion slips of city employes payroll checks apparently in dicate city officials are think ing of the future stands for city income tax No definite action has been taken on an income tax pro posal' 'I But Elyria auditor Edwin Haywood said an income tax ir the only major source of revenue for a municipality and is necessary if the city wants to grow Leonard Reichlin who recently took issue with Haywood on an income tax Ta it sister Minnesota VISITING PM AND 7 9 PLAIN dealer CLASSIIED Sell almost anything PD QUICK WITH PLAIN DEALER MONEY MAKER CLASSIIED ADS 25c per day for each additional line (Special rates for families Not Only household articles and miscellaneous items found around the house and household pets may be a advertised) easy as 1 2 3 and you Charge the fee PHONE 523 5555 Any time up to 5 pm for an ad for the next day or Sunday until 8 :30 pJB riday v' Clark Ave late Morrir Arthur anti Ronald nick very dear friend of William McMbnagle pawed away 2 lines 3 dollars awcett Makes Cooperation Plea COLUMBUS (Better co operation among Ohio colleges to avoid duplication of costly facilities and programs when a cooperative venture might prove superior educationally and economically is called for by Novice awcett presi dent of Ohio State University awcett speaking yester day as president of the 55 member Ohio College Associa tion called it for the schools to duplicate the expensive facilities and pro grams A committee headed by Vice President John Cor bally Jn met on the campus for the first time to begin working on a program seek ing out valid areas of cooper ation among the institutions Police to Study Boost in Pay Plain Dealer Special PHILADELPHIA New 16 man police force meets early next week to consider a pay hike granted by the City Council to which they submitted their resignations Monday night The policemen including Chief Police Louis Clark and three desk men resigned in a move protesting pay and "non fringe benefits During the same meeting die council approved a 10 across the board pay increase for city employes reportedly planned before the' resigna tions were turned in Th famUy will receive trieoft 34 and 7 4 WBOHngMT AND THUHS DAY at Monreal uneral Home 15133 44 Redid Ave Markaw Requiem Maae st Cather ine Church 13rd st) riday Aux 13 at 3:30 am Interment Calvary Cemetery Thuee who wUh may contribute to tha Holy amily Cancer Home ey Una 1 10 consecutive daye 7 consecutive days 3 to 8 consecutive 1 or a nays ALL OTHER Per Una 10 consecutive 7 mnaamitiWA 3 to I consecutive 1 or 3 daye UlnlMltm ohOPM 4 letters and spaces per line (about words Sox number counts 33 spaces POSITIONS WANTED BENT BOOMS ANO BfMBD BOBSEBEEPINO BOOMS CmiDBEN BOARDED LOST ANO POUND PHONE I (Mail to TTm Ptahi Dealer Easy Cash Want Ad Costnl I Bom 6997 Cleveland Ohio 44101) WINT Julius Wlnt beloved husband Ada Mae (nee Kyser) lather Vmn nd Dale grandfather four residence 1700 Coltemer Ave riends received at The Boe well Jones Mortuary 13013 Eu clid Ave at orest HUI Blvd Private services Wednesday at 10 am Kindly omit flowers Contri butions may be made to your fa vorite chanty WOOTTON red Wootton of 11303 Clifton Blvd beloved husband of LaVerne (Smith) brother of William Roy Louise DeKramer and Elmer Tuesday am riends may call 7 10 WEDNESDAY 3 5 AND 7 10 THURWAY at BoUin ger uneral Home 9310 Denison Ave where Emmanuel Lodge No 005 and AM will hold services Thursday at 3 pm Ministerial ser vice on riday at 3 pm Contri butions to St John's Hospital In halation Therapy und would be appreciated Haro are oHicial relee for the Easy Cash Want Ad Contest: 1 Predict the total number of want ads that win appear in The Plain Dealer Classified Advertis ing coluoms during the month of August Write your guess legibly on the entry form 3 Print your name addrma and telephone number on the entry form and pane on a POST CARD Do not use tape or metal fasteners Mall 'the card to: The Plain Dealer Easy Cash Want Ad 8997 Cleveland Ohio 44101 3 Alt entries must be post marked no later than midnight Thursday August 35 Late en tries win not be accepted 4 The Plain Dealer will not assume responsibility for lost or delayed entries All Uleglble al tered or mutilated entries and those which do not comply with the specified rules wilt be dis qualified All entriee became the property of The Plain Dealer 5 The meet nearly correct en try submitted within the boun ADJUSTMENT OR ERRORS It lg the responsibility of the Advertiser to check the oorrectnem of each Insertion of an advertiaement The Plain Dealer assumes no responsibility fur the repetition of errors in advertisem*nts ordered for more tnsu one insertion unless notified the same day or Corrections and Cancellations Call 523 4200 Church Burial Cemetery 54th St DEADLINES Want ads tor the Morning Plain Dealer neelvod until pm daily untU 8:30 pm riday or Saturday Living Home until 3 pm riday To Place WANT ADS Call 523 5555 REDERICK Katharine rederick Greer Bite rmtdenoe 5003 uath Braak Park beloved wife of Joseph dear sister of Arthur and Vincent jTSfeer amily will re ceive friends at Corrigan's uneral Home Loretn Ave at 14Stk St uneral Maae Wedneeday Aug 10 Assumption Church 5555 smith Rd at 10 am Interment Holy Cross Cemetery GEYER Elie Geyer beloved wife of Steve warer oi lorence norma Rose Aug 9 at McAllen Servlcee and interment at Allen GLYPTIS John Glyptla of 3090 Clarence Ave beloved husband of Anna son of Nickolas and Irene brother of Stella Pagoudls and Kyrlakoula I Mpehllvanl amily will receive frfende at Ths jfurch uneral BSEfc A 11 airfield Ave WEDNESDAY ROM 7 10 AND THURSDAY 3 10 PM SST vices at Greek Orthodox Church of Annunciation 3197 14th St at 1:30 pm Trysaglou Thurs Cruisem*n Grab Gape No Plain Dealer Special Cruiser 'patrolmen captured a capeearly yesterday but got away The officers observed a twum dressed in a cape crawling in the front yard fat 351 Redondo Road at 2 am When they approached the man ran and dropped his black cape Iv confiscated thecape which proved to be a black cover from a late 'model convertible WAGENSTEIN Abraham Wagensteln beloved husband of Sadie Martha (de ceased) devoted father of Louis Wagner Morris Wagner Pauline Atkin Ada Barrett of California and Shirley Moehontx loving grandfather of 11 and grmt grandtattwr of seven Graveside servioes Thursday Aug 11 at 11 a in Mt Sinai Cemetery amily at the residence of Mr and Mrs David Atkin 37800 South Woodland Rd Shaker Heights Arrangements by Berkowltz Kumln IncTMemorial Chapel 1985 8 Taylor Rd Cleveland Heights WINCHELL Bennie Winchell age 83 Mon day husband of Minnie father of Lucille Koerlin of Mantua Velma Cline of Auburn Lyle of Mantua and grandfather riends may call at The Chai Wolf Memorial Home Mantua WEDNESDAY ATERNOON AND EVENING vheie services will be held Thurs day at 1 pm Interment at Au bum Corners DUBIOSO Antonio Dubtoeo are 83 of 1387W 67th St dearly beloved hus band of Lucy (nee Prlolettl) dear 1 nt father of Susanne Chriatlne and Joaeph peered away Tusa day Aug 9 I960 rienda may call at The Craelun uneral Home 6204 Detroit Ave 2 TO 4 AND 7 TO 10 PM WEDNES DAY uneral services Thursdey 10 em Bethany Presbyterian Church (6415 Clinton Ave) Rev Donald Gordon officiating In terment West Park Cemetere PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN TME AND PLACE SERVICE Sun 38c 39c 41c CLASSIICATIONS days days 2 Locations to Serve You MARTENS UNERAL HOMES WEST PARMA 9811 Denison 5618 Broadview CREMATION AMPLE PARKING SERVICE St John Ue 281 7111 DAVIS Carrie Spring Davis beloved wife of the late Alton mother of Mary Jana Hartwell (Mre Shat tuck Jr) grandmother of A Davis Emily and Samuel Ute residence 19601 Van Aken Blvd riends may call at the Brown orward uneral Home 17023 Chagrin Blvd Shaker Hte 3 5 AND 7 9 PM WEDNESDAY Interment Lake View cemetery Memorial servlcee will be held at 4 on Thureday in the Chapel of airmount Presbyterian Church (airmount Blvd nt Scarboro) Those who wish may send contri butions to the Memorial und of Mt Union College Alliance DelBROCCO Coneetta DelBroceo dear mother of Ann ZanelU (deceased) Elva Cacclaeame Tillie Conlgllo Louis Caceiacame Josephine Gale and Lydia Maroean and grandmother amily will receive friends at The 1 Rlpepl uneral Heme 3303 ul ton Rd WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 3 TO 10 PM neral Maas St Michael Chureh riday Aug at 9:30 am Interment Calvary Cemetery DRAHEIM John Drahetm of 19108 Kewanee Ave beloved husband et Anna (nee Hartmann) dear brother of VloU Drahetm of Lincoln Park Mich Pauline Dresael of Blias fteld Mich BeesleKlum of To ledo Eleanor Hoot of Teeumeeh Mich and Clarence Drahehn of Toledo riends may call at The Grdlna Lake Shore uneral Home 17010 Lake Shore Blvd WEDNES DAY 2 5 AND 7 10 PM where funeral services win be held Thursday Aug 11 at 9:30 am Interment Calvary Cemetery ParOee Cam and Nicholas Ha fer eif John and Michael and grandmother late residence 13300 ytltcn Aye riends msy esll st nnml Home 7300 De trait Ave 7 10 PM WBDNSS DAY 3 5 AND 7 10 PM THURSDAY uneral Mass st An nunctetion Church ridsy Aux 12 st 9:30 a Interment Holy Cross Cemetery PAPESH MA Pspteh age 31 beloved Edward (deceased) and An toinette (nee Zorko) deer brother of Ronald and Denote grandson of Anton Zorko and Jennie Papeah uncle of Jtonalu Jr late rteMsMO 196S1 Tyronne Ave rieodi may call at Tae Zele Memorial Chape 458 153d St WBDNBSDAY3 5 AND 7 10 PM when services will be held Thureday at am aad at Holy Crass Church at lo am Intenuent Calvary PLONA fx Edward iona sr dear father at Edward Jr Patricia Thomae Joseph and Cathy dear brother ef Sophie Starr Rose Kudnski Casimir Berniee staMsok Har net Petore Herman and Raymondand dear unde riends any can from 3 5 AND 7 10 PM WEDNESDAT at The Rybicki Son uneral Home 4840 Tunwy Rd where services win be held Thureday Aug 11 at 8:45 am and at St Jeoaphat Chureh at VntttH A r'v' Do err Mean' Elyria West Southwest 52 Shaker Heights Univer ws slty Heishti Cleveland CORRECTIONS AND CANCELLATIONS or Before pm riday or Before 5 ut Other Before 5 pm preceding day Inept Sat "Better Living Home Before 3 pm riday' When canceling an ad a cancellation number will be given you No allowance on clalma canceled without ntunber 523 5555 Houses for Rent (East) SO suburban Prone rtv Houses for Rent (West) 50 i West SouWiwes7y attist nvtui ji Warehouse Site 50 Rent urnished Apartments 'Heights Beachwood54 i East Northeast East Cleveland Euclid 53 Southeast Garfield Heights Maple Heights Bedford' Warrensville Heights 53 Wickliffe Willowick Willoughby Eastlake Mentqr 54 South Euclid Lyndhurst:" Richmond Heights Highland Heights May field Mayfield Heights 54 Pepper Pike Orange Moreland Hills Solon Chagrin alls Hunting Valley Gates Mills 54 'Suburban Property East Southeast 54 Sale Lots 54 Pi vunajua OILC9 XVCBUl Real Estate 54 SALI MISCILLANIOUS 50 Auctions 55 PLOTNER Helen Plotner (nee Ruddy) be loved wife of Carl mother of Mrx Melvin A Anderton (Edith) and Mre John Kappux (Ruth) grandmother and great grand mother elater of the late Kathryn Martin Mary Tobin Anne Walling Celia Saunders reeidence 34139 Bruce Rd: Bay Village Tuexday Aug 9 1986 riends may call THURSDAY 3 5 7 9 PM at McGorray't Lakewood Home 14133 Detroit Ave uneral Mau riday Aug 13 St Raphael Chureh (535 Dover Center Rd) at 10 am Interment Holy Croat Cemetery POUTTU Suaan Pouttu (nee Louma) bom In Helalnkl inland Anrll 10 1898 wife of Jacob moth Aouvn a rnomaa a vw mj ji bug uunet of Hllna Bergstrom of grandmother of eight HOURS WEDNESDAY ANT) TUYTBCAAV A PM at the Joaeoh Schulte Cheateriand uneral Home 7976 Mayfield Rd (17 ml Eaat of CpuDfv Line Rd) where aervlcm will be conducted riday Aux 13 at 1:30 pm PROCTOR George A Proctor beloved huaband dear tetber of Mre william Lawther 1 Betty and Mrs William Cook (Peggy brother of Gertrude Proctor grandfather of five paaaed away Aug 8 realdence 3905 Eleanor Dr rienda received 7 9 PM WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY at The Saxton uneral Homa 13215 Detroit Ave where PRIVATE ser vices wtu be held at a later date RALPH Walter Ralph beloved husband of the late Edith dear brother of Joseph a Charles William Marguerite Bissell and the late Haney late residence 1390 85th St rienda may call at Berry 'a uneral Home 7300 De troit Ave 3 5 AND 7 10 PM WEDNESDAT uneral services will be held Thursday Aug 11 at 1 pm Interment Brooklyn Hte Cemetery ROGERS Dorothea (Dora) Rogers beloved wife of John residence 5803 Bonna mother of Richard Eugene Ruth Jean grandmother of 16 great grandmother of 13 riendsmay call at The Wells Kloss Euclid Ave uneral Home 8806 Euclid Ave 3 4 AND 7 9 PM WEDNESDAY where sendees will be held Thureday Aug 11 at 3:30 pm Interment Lake View Cemetery SCHMIDLIN Annie Schmidlin beloved wife of Harold mother or Mrs Patricia Ralston sister of Mrs Mary Camp bell and Paul Nethercott and grandmother riends may call at Wells Kloss Lyndhurst uneral Home Mayfield at Brainard 2 4 AND 7 10 PM WEDNESDAY servicn pm at Church SIZER Richard lace Blvd Ridgeville be loved husband of Ann (nee Brit ton) father of Richard A Robert Carol and Sheri son of Blanche (nee Rada) and the late Louts brother of Mre Betty Segadl Mrs Margaret Hathaway Edward A John Lawrence and the late William Steer Monday pm rienda may can 3 5 AND 7 10 PM WEDNESDAY at The Chas A Mandley airview Park neral Home 18871 Lorain Rd Services Thursday Aug 11 at 1:30 pm SPILKER red Spllker formerly of 47S3 Bailey Rd North Olmsted beloved husband of Gertrude deer father i of Dorothy Posante of Qulney Mich and Betty Kiefer and grandfather amily will receive friends at Corrigan uneral Home Lorain Ave at West 148th St where services will be held Wednesday Aug 10 at 1:30 pm Interment Sunset Memorial Park TESMER Daniel Tenner realdence 13301 Benwood Ave beloved ion ofAnton and Roee (nee Ssczukai dear brother of Henry Edward and beloved uncle riends may call at The Domagalskl uneral Home Harvard Ave at 143rd St where services will be held riday Aug 13 at 9:30 am and at St Mary of Czestochowa Church at 9 am Interment St Mary's Ceme tery (B 71st St VISITING HOURS 3 5 AND 7 10 PM ULLMAN Sophie Ullman belovod wife of Samuel devoted mother of Irving and Dr Seymour and loving grand mother dear aloter of Abe kubtn Ben and Dave Dratx all of Louis ville Ky Services will be held at Berimrttx Kumln Inc Memorial Chapel 1965 South Taylor Rd Cleveland Heights Wednesday Aug 10 at 11 am Interment Zion Memorial Park amily at the res idence of Dr and Mrs Seymour Ullman 47S9 Walford Rd War rensville Heights amily suggests contributions to the American Cancer Society VARGO Andrew Vargo beloved husband of Elizabeth (nee Kolcumi dear father of Wilferd (Waukegan 1111 and Mrs Antoinette Schind ler grandfather and great grand father brother of Steve (Avon Ol Mary Vainer and the late Joaeph John and Prank Resi dence 436 Dundee Dr The family will receive friends 3 4 AND 7 9 PM WEDNESDAY at The Mon i real uneral Home' 15133 44 Euclid Ave near Shaw Requiem Masz St Aloyalus Church Thurs day Aug 11 at 9:30 am In terment Calvary Cemetery Please omit flowers riends may call at The Craciun uneral Home 6304 Detroit Ave 3 4 AND 7 10 PM WEDXES DAY Sarocusta servlets pm Wednesday uneral services Thurs day at 10 azn al St Mary'a Ro manlan Orthodox Church 3356 Warren Rd Rev Vaslle Hategan 'i officiating Interment Wt Park Cemetery Member of the Amerl con Legion Nicholas Dunes Post' 314 ALPERS Ruby Alpers wife of the late William A money of Mrs Grace Sunus and William ef rank rt Ky sister of Mrs Grace Greenwood Hxry A Henderson Cloyd aad the late William Henderson grandmother of Wil liam ATntmMMDeMtt Mich and Robert fltmas of Boston Maas great iraMmother of five nasaed away Aug residence 13509 Edgewater Dr Mends will be received at The Saxton uneral Home 13315 Dotrolt Ave where services srtll be held Wednesday Aug 10 at 1:30 pm intennent Lakewood Park Cemetery BARNEY James Barney Jr beloved ami ot James P7sr ami Mabel broth er oi sharon Lovejoy Cindy Kevin and Brian grandson or Mabel and Clell Oberlander and Mr and Mre william Long Aug amily will receive frienAa ROM 3 4 AND 7 0 PM WEDNESDAY at The Briekctan Sons Euclid uneral Home 31900 Euclid Ave where services will be held Thureday Aug 11 at 3 pm BARTEL Lucile Bartel formerly of 30145 Parklane Dr Rocky River passed away Aux 9 at Titusville Pa wife of Harvey mother of Mrs Harry Wilson of Dover Del and Robert Ross of Titusville Pa Services Thursday at Garrett neral Home Titusville Pa Mem ber or tne Laxewooa Church BEDRICK John Bedrlck Jr villa Wt Phyllis Botamer Bedrlck dear fa ther of Jonn III Darlene Jablon ski Gall Pecjak and Edward son of John Sr and the late Bar bara brother of Joseph Earnest Velma Russo Betty alenstein Ga zelle Bassett and Matg Ann ro zen suddenly Sunday riends re ceived 3 5 AND 7 9 PM WEDNESDAY at The Donald Johnson uneral Home 521 Broad way Bedford Ohio Services at Church of St Jude Warrensville Hts Thureday Aux at 10 BENN George Benn late realdence 13601 Terminal Ave beloved husband of Rose (Kappler) dear father of Ernest Benn and Coletta Dokler grandfather ot Maryann Loretta Clare and John Dokler brother of Rose Konnerth ot Hanover Can ada amily wtu receive friends at Corrigan's uneral Home Lorain Ave at 148th St (WEDNES DAY AND THURSDAY 3 5 AMD 7 rO PM) uneral Tiday Aug 13 at St Stephans Church at 10 a Interment Holy Cron Cemetery BLAHA Julie Blaha (Julia) (neo odojin age 81 of 3806 55th wife of the late James beloved mother of Mary Rose Walsh and the late Helen grandmother of Mary Kand Michael sitter of Helen zelez ny Rose PodoJIl Steve and the late John riends received at the ortuna uner! Home 5316 leet Ave WEDNESDAY i TO 10 PM uneral Thursday 8:30 a Services at St John Nepomucene Church at 9 am Interment Calftry amily suggests remem orsnees inrougn me flee of the Mass BLUMEL Al Blumei beloved Stephanie father of rtMs anil Kwineth nf Tntmah nf Snnkan Dominic of Lauderdale la Henry of Phoenix Ariz and Mary Robbins and aye Hartman grand father of five riends may call WEDNESDAY 7 10 THURSDAY 25 7 10 at The A A Btirnan uneral Home 13134 Buclid Ave Services riday Aug 13 at 3 pm BRUNNER Ray A Brunner beloved husband of Marie residence 13704 Oak Park Blvd Garfield Heights riends may call at Thomas neral Homa 13513 Miles Ave WEDNESDAY 3 TO 5 AND 7 TO rM service rnursoay 11 at 3:30 pm CACCIACARNE DelBroceo notice CARRICK Elate Carrick (nee Sehultzl be loved wife cf the late Elijah sitter of Walter of Maine charlre and William A Aug 7 amily will receive frienda at The Brick man Sons Euclid uneral Home 2 1900 Euclid Ave ServiceWednesday Aug 10 at 1 pm Interment Knollwood Cemetery CHALLENDER Clifford ChaUender lata resi dence 7100 Columbia Park Olm 1 sted alls beloved husband of Alice (Appleton) amily will receive frienda at Corrigan's New airview Park uneral Home Lo rain Ave at 208th St where services will be held Wednesday Au? 10 at 3 pm Intennent sunxec rarw CHASTAIN Cnmaiiiu iVmIi chfln loved huaband ot Julia (nee Tothi dear father of Mn Dorothy Coch ran and Mrs Joanna Santee and arandfather brother of CHfton ulton Nathan Inez Tipton and Roaaiat Dean Monday Aug 8 1966 hla home wea at 13815 Beaumont Rd amily will receive friends at Chas Melbourne A sons 27 7 Euclid Ave WEDNESDAY 2 4 AND 7 9 pm where eervtcee win be conducted Thureday Aug 11 at 3 pm CHRISTOPHERSEN Chriatopheroen beloved hus band of Hattie passed way at Davenport la Part preudqn of Smaller Bustneu Administration of Cleveland Services will be at A A Burman uneral Home 13134 EueUd Ave Wednesday Aug 10 at 3:30 pm CONNORS i Elinor Comoro (Martin) late roldoncq 31SS 159th St be loved wife of RureeU 8 Sr dear mother of Maureen Linda Carlin Ulen McGunaxle Timothy Russell Jr grand mother of Margaret Mary Carlin daughter ot Helen Martin sister of Ruth Lauer Robert end George Jr Martin Bernadtne Ylrava amily will receive friends at Corrigan's uneral Home Lorain Ave at 146th St (WEDNESDAY 7 10 THURS DAY 3 7 10) uneral Mass riday Aug 13 St Church 15800 Montrose Ave time later 'interment noiy Cemetery CONNORS jonn Connors oeioveo Hus band of Catherine (nee Wood) dear father of Mrs Thomas (Catherine) Paskert and Mn Donald (Patricia) Young grand father ot 14 brother ot Mar I caret Law Richard Connors lorence McCormick and the late William and Edmund Monday late residence 1456 tlbur Ave The family will receive friends WEDNESDAT 3 5 AND 7 10 PM at The Nickels uneral Home 14500 Madison Ave neral Man Thursday Aux 11 St Clement Church at 10 am TRY IT TODAY: KREVAS John Krevas Sr 987 140th St dear father of John Jr and rranx oetovea son or nose ana Joaeph (deceased) dear brother of Anne Vincent Joseph (de ceased) Peter (deeeased) and rank (deceased) The family win receive friends at The Jakubs Son uneral Home 936 185th St WEDNESDAT 10 PM AND THURSDAY 3 5 AND 7 10 rsa runeru 13 at St 9:30 am Cemetery LARSON Ha MzLanon (Talbot) late resi dence 1780 West Hill Blvd Westlake beloved wife of the late George Sear mother ot Edith Varney gtrter ot William Tal bot of Saulte Ste Marie Mich and Pearl Parker ot Lansing Mich amily win receive frienda at Cor airview Park uneral Home Lorain Ave at Wert 308th St where services will be held Wednesday Aug 10 at 11 am Interment Lakewood Park Ceme tery LEWIS OrvUlt Lewii IBOO 118th St passed away Monday Aug 8 at St Alcala Hospital riends re cetved at Watson's uneral Home 10913 Superot Ave WEDNES DAY 7 9 PM Services Thurs day 1 pm Intennent Highland Park Cemetery MAIORANO Vincenzo Malorano beloved hus bend of Saveria (nee Albanese) deer father ot Mike arandfather of James Michael and Sylvia late residence 3423 Storer Ave amily will receive friends at The Ripepl uneral Home 3202 ulton Rd WEDNESDAT AND THURS DAY 3 10 PM uneral Mass Blessed Sacrament Church rldey Aus 13 at 9:39 am Intennent Calvary Cemetery MEYER Henry Meyer beloved husband ot Gertrude (nee Hiemer) father of Kenneth and Henry grandfather brother ot Mrs Rose Teckemeyer Caroline Mn Edna Reeder and the late william passed away Tuesday Aux 9 late residence 4519 30th St riends may call at The Busch uneral Home 4334 Pearl Rd 'ROM 3 5 AND 7 10 PM WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY where services will be held ri day Aug 13 at 1 pm MOLLNER Joseph Mollner late residence 311JI 98th St' beloved hua nt Kiisabsth nse Kemanvl devotedjather of Anthony Anna Martordtous and Elizabeth 8U berth grandmother Monday The family will receive frienda 3 TO 5 aim to iq wednbb DAY st Ths Martens uneral Hom 8811 Denison Aye The uneral Mam Thursday Aug 11 at St Emetic's Church I860 Mad St 10 am Interment HolyCroat Cemetery MURPHY 1 rank Hint Murphy 83 ot Chardon beloved huebend of Eleanor (nee Crampton) step father of the late Ralph Campbell and brother of Mre attic Rletz ot Morgantown WVa riendl WEDNES 5 DAY ROM 7 9 PM at The Burr uneral Home Chardon wheref services will be held Thursday Aug 11 at 3:30 pm Crema i tlon to follow NELSON' Lula Nelson (nee Decker) be loved wife of the late Henry mother of Miss Nina Nelson sister ot Mrs Violet A Kollle I Memorial services wlU 'be con ducted riday Aug 13 at 8 pm at The Joseph Sehulte South Euclid uneral Home 4090 May field Rd (East of Noble Rd Contributions may be made to the i Cuyahoga County Eastern Star i Home 3114 Noble Rd or Holy amily Cancer hom*o Parma OPINCAR CRAWORD 'Nellie Clawford (nee KUnel'dd years widow of the late Thomas beloved mother of Robert of Brunswick Barbara of Medina Joyce Rodrigues of Spencer Carol Snock Avon grandmother petted away In Medina Aug 9 riends roccived at The Waite and Son Memorial Home Yds Court St Madina where servicw will be held riday Aug 13 at 11 a Interment Crown Hill Burial arit in Wama at 1 pm CROUSE Verma jE Crouae afq Tl resl deace Columbiana Rd North Lima passed away Tuesday Maoabte of the Mahoaiag County Ur Board nuahand ot Verna (neo Suaunere) father of two mu uneral gervlcea 3 pjn ri day at the Mt Olivet United Church ot Christ North Lima riends may can THURSDAY A TERNOON AND 'EVENING I at Seodariy BeUhart uneral Home North luma DANIELE TVanmtn ifisnl husband of the late Roee father ot Walter rank and Mn Eleanor Valsl grandfather VISITING HOUitS WTONESDAY 3 4 AND 7 10 PM at i The Joseph Schulte South Euclid uneral Home 4090 Mayfield Rd (Bast of Noble Rd) uneral Mass will be held Thursday Aug 14 at 10 am at st Gregory Church Green Rd MORE Saeamad UatUll PM Par Naat Defa Plain Daalar ACKIM victor Acktm 'ags 73 of 071s Bdn Art devoted husband to tM Ia 7 (neai Choalchl JABLONSKI Clare Jablonskt (nee Jozefowiczi of 13001 Roekside Rd beloved wife of Stanley daariy beloved mother of KenMth and Karen Kullgowskl beloved grandmother ot Kenneth Jr dear daughter of Mary Josetowicz slater of elida Kunmgo and Mildred Morlnek and beloved aunt riends received at Golubeki Garfield uneral Home corner of Garfield Blvd and Turney Rd WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 3 5 AND 7 10 rm nnerai services rnaay 13 at St Monica Church 10 Interment Calvary Cemetery JAQUAYS Plovd Jxguivh ixtm dence 186A0 RtvercHff Dr air view Park beloved husband o' Helen (Gardner dear father o' Dr William and John arandfather of eight aml will receive frienda at Corrisan a New Airvlew Park unera Home In ram Ave at 208th St (WEDNESDAY 35 AND 7 0 PM) where services will be conducted by Rev Elmer Leas Thursday Aug 11 at 1:30 Interment Lakewood Park Cemetery Please omit (lowers The family sureests contributions be made to the Lake wood Hospital oundation und JAROS 'f George Jaros beloved husband of Agnes (neo Plorowskl) father of David Tom and Paul son of Mrs Susan Jaros brother of Stephan and uncle uneral Thursday Aug 11 1966 at St Mary Byzantine Catholic Chureh 9:30 am rienda re ceived at The uneral Home of Jos Marhevka 4438 Pearl Rd Paraataa Wednesday at 7:30 pm JEZIOR Sophie Jezlor residence 3730 13th St beloved wife of Henry dear mother ef Ted Stanley Angela Golemblowski Julius de ceased I Caroline Mlnlch Anne Trujillo Jeanne Rustic Joseph) Helen Kublt Therese and Aloy atua also grandmother and great grandmother sister of Pauline A Soleckl also sister and brother in Poland uneral services Thursday Aug 11 at 10 am at St Church riends may call ROM 3 5 AND 7 0 PM at The A Tomon A Sons uneral Home 4773 Pearl Rd ROSIER Ruth Koster 4340 144th St beloved wife of Paul dear mother of Maynard and Larry and grand mother dear sitter of Mrs Blanche McGinley riends may call at TheGolub uneral Home 4703 Supe rior Ave WEDNESDAY 1 4 AND 7 10 PM uneral Thursday 1 pm interment Highland Park Cemetery GRAVE SPACE AT REASONABLE COST GET THE ACTS NO OBLIGATION REE CEMETERY BOOKLET PHONE 333 0035 OR WRITE Hillcrest Memorial Park 38700 Aurora Rd Bedford Ohio CPOWN HILL CEMKTERY: Reason able Call 752 2700 ext 335 (East) so Rent urnished Apartments (West) so Rent urnished Houses (Easti wi EDGAR Dr William Edgar formerly of 47 Tarbell Ave Bedford husband ot the late Sara (nee Gorman) stepfather of Roy and Dean Ben nington brother of George Ed gar and xrandfather Services Thursday 10:30 am conducted by Luther Blackmon of The Church of Chritt amily will receive frienda WEDNESDAY 3 4 AND 7 9 PM at The lynn roelk Co Bedford Home 40 Taroell Ave EHRINGER Magdalena Bhringer (nee Schmidt) beloved wife of George sister ot Elisabeth Schmidt Anna Schnei der Theresa Werner PhlUtoplna Roth and the late Katherine Walk er Joaeph Schmidt aunt of many nieces and nephewa lata residence 1564 8 32nd St Aux 8 amily will receive frienda WEDNESDAY ROM 3 5 AND 7 9 PM at The Wm Abel A Sone Co uneral Home 15317 Jtuclld Ave corner Shaw where servlcee will be held Thursday at pm Rev A Kltterer officiating IntermentLske View Cemetery EIDAM Catherine Eldam (nee Knoblauch) of 13901 erris Ave beloved wife of Peter mother ot Bernard Jo seph CecIHa Belock Leonard Theresa Norbert Dolores Ruite vltch Richard (deceaaed) and Mary Catherine Slmec slater ot John Knoblauch Mike Knoblauch Margaret Lens (deceased) Joseph Decker and Clara Venlbrr and grandmother of 33 passed away Monday am The family will re celve friends 3 5 AND 7 10 PM WEDNESDAY at The Chas xAOA nuisii riAucidu nwsse tvi 131st St where services win be nets Tnursoay az Bias am ana at Holy amily Church at 9:30 am Interment Calvary Cemetery' nease omit nowera Sohlo Station) ENGEL Male Engel of 4900 beloved wife of the dear aunt of William itonaia mex suddenly Aux 8 riends may call at The red Grosse uneral i Home 3308 35th St WEDNESDAY 3 4 AND 7 9 PM Services will be Thursday at 1 pm Interment Wert Park Ceme tery ALLERT Madeline alltrt (nee Stein) be loved Wife of Raymond dear mother of Madonna Leckle Ray mond Ralph and Norman and grandmother late realdence 8783 York Road amily will receive friends at The Ripent Parma neral Home" 5763 Pearl Road (at Snow Rd when services will be held Wednesday Aux 10 at 3 pm Interment Brooklyn Heights Cemetery LANAGAN Josephine lanagan Renaut) late residence 36989 Whitehorn Ave North Olmsted beloved wife ot William Sr dear mother ot William Jr Rita Porter John Judy Ann and Mary Elisabeth and xrandmother of seven sitter of Loretta Young ot Camden amily will receive friends at Corrigan's new alrvtew Pai uneral Home Lorain Ave at 308th St (WEDNESDAY 7 9 THURSDAY 3 5 7 9 PMI uneral Mam riday Aug 12 at St Rlchard'e Church 28855 Lorain Rd at 10 am Interment Holy Cross Cemetery Member of Third Order ot st rancis LORCZYK Joseph lorcxyb beloved hueband ot Marcella devoted father of Henry Stephanie Holko Catherine Stefanko brother of John and rank In Poland grandfather and great grandfather amily will re ceive frienda at The Ratajcak neral Home 7348 Broadway Ser vices Thursday Aug 11 at 9:30 am and 10 am at Holy Trinity Cemetery 54th LOYD Richard loyd Richard loyd beloved hus band ef Maudlne (nee Herrin) mMenoe 3865 104 th St riends may call at Thomas neral Home 13513 Miles Ave Servtom Wednaoday Aug 10 at THOMAS 12512 Miles DI 125B Merle Owen Son GL 1 3101 19049 Euclid at Noble IM RATES AND OTHER INORMATION Within 100 oallte of Cleveland Rates beyond this arm (Ivan upon request I DEATH NOTICES Dally 50c per agate Une Sunday 85e par agate line Death notleee Lost and ound and Lodge Notices accepted up to 11 pm for the next day's edition CI IN AUGUST I9 THE PLAIN DEALER VLiUE PUBLISHED lAU WANT ADS darieg of the num will receive el 50 In cosh The second most ootrett entry win receive 87S and the thlrf most correct en try will rseelve J50 8 Identical winning antriae wlU divide the itaah prize equal 7 You may tend in as umm entries as you wish wing The Plain Dealer Easy Cash Want Ai Contest entry Mank One hand drawn facsimile may be sent in but facsimiles which are mechan Ically reproduced will not be ac cepted 8 Employees of The orest Qty Publishing company and their immediate families are Ineligible for prizes An entrant will be asktd to sign an affidavit to the effect he required no help frees any person involved in the con tftt 9 By entering all eoatettantaJrt he Plain Dealer reserves' the right to determine the coxi reel answers and rule on all dto Vr SwSVSSt KT4SJK to rwx mrt UAL MTATI RenJ Brook Park Berea au iMeama Middleburg Rent Apartments Heights Strongsville S3 n1'' Brooklyn Parma Rent Garages Storage 90 Brooklyn Heights Business Places for Rent 50 1 Eaa Heights Children Boarded jQ North Royalton 53 Homes for Awed Seven Hills 'Brecksville 'm! vokaty Otto Vokaty beloved husband of Arabella fattier of the late James brother of Jerry Stan ley Anna Clara Green Helen Edward and the late Charles James and red Monday Aug 8 1998 residence 17738 Pearl Rd StrunuviUe 2 5 AND 7 10 PM WEDNESDAY where ser vices will be held Thursday Aug 5236 MAYIELD RD: 7474 MENTOR AVE 12737 EUCLID AVE DANIELS AC 6 5149 GOLDMAN Jomph GoMaun SOS 333d St batovtti husband of Anna brother ot Mbanle GoMmoa and Mrs Base Katz of Cleveland Mrs Bertha Seott vt Tounsatown 'Abe GoMamn andMrs Regina Rraenblum of Lex Angelas uneralaerviees at Cleveland Temple Me mortal 8937 Burlld Ave Wednes day Aug 10 at 3 pm Inter ment Lake View Cemetery ar raugements by Sydney A Deutsch HACHERIAN Guluaria (Julia) Hachadan be loved wife of the late Nlxoghos i (Nick) mother ot Martha George and Alice late rosldoaee 3913 Blanche Rd riendz may eall at The Browa orward uneral Home 17033 Chagrin Blvd Shaker Hts Serrtces win be held 11 am as Wednesday at the St Greg ory of Narek Armenian Apos tolic church 888 Richmond Rd lUcmuond Hte Interment Lake View cemetery Those who wishmay Md oontributloM to the i Memorial of the Church HENCY PearUe Heacy wife of the lateWilUam I mother of Harold ofranklin Gerald and Lalen ot Arcanum Mrs Philip Melar agno (Pat) and Mrs Brace WII Items (Grace) grandmother ot 15 and great grandmother sitter ot Mrs surest Biainly ot Brooklyn Mich realdence 1051 Netewew Rd Cleveland Hts riends re ceived tn The Boswell Jones Mor tuary 1313 Euclid Ave at Or ett Hill Blvd ON WEDNESDAY 7 9 PM Services on riday morning In Laura HORAK Julia Horak (nee Koptlk) late residence 13904 Corlett Ave trill beloved wife of the late James dearest mother ot George Jara and grandmother ot two beloved slater of Mrs Theresa Zelonka Mrs Horak entered Into rest Aux 8 The family will re ceive friends at The Sam Blondo dr Sons uneral Home 3630 116th St Services will be held Wednesday Aus 10 at 1:30 pm Member of Mt Pleasant Set tlers Interment Highland Park Cemetery HUNZIKER red Hunziker age 67 passed away Sunday retired sales manager of the Toledo office of Remington Rand late residence 8897 Broad view Rd Broadview Heights beloved husband of Gladys (nee Mleeznowskl) dear father of Ted Dieterich and Mrs Elmer (Adele) I Paul grandfather ot Douglas Paul i David Dieterich John Dieterich Thomas Paul Diane Dieterich Kathy Dieterich end Debbie Paul brother of Mn Hedwig Dombon and Mrs reldl Seiler both of Switzerland The family will be present to receive friends at Sauer's uneral Home 4801 Memphis Ave unera! Maas at Assumption Cath olic Church 9183 Broadview Rd i Broadview Heights st 9:30 am Wednesday Aug 10 Inter meat Holy Cross Cemetery The family suxxezts contributions be made to The Heart und 2 LUge NatiMS Received Until 11 PM or Next Plain Dealer a EMMANUEL LODGE NO 605 and A JUa Masonic services for our vlYlate brother rederick xAJg'X Wootton will be held vy Thursday Aug 11 at 8 pm at The Bollinger neral Home 9810 Denison Ave TOM TAYLOR JR RICHARD HAUENSTEIN Sec AUTOMOBIUS Parts Service 55 Salt Automobiles 57 8ale Sports and Imported Crs sports and Imported Car Parts Accessories Servlet 55Antique Classic and Cart 55 Auto Parts Repairs Tires 55 Camping Trailers Equip ment and Sites 55 MobUe Homes and Travel Trailers 55 Trucks Trailers Parts 55 Autos Trucks 55 Motorcycles Bicycles 55 BUSINUS OPPOBTUNITIIS Business Opportunities 51 BUSINIU SIBVICI a a a a a a a a a a MwauJlSooi Tabled Monuments Personals Buaineaa Notices 44 Band Notices 44 nepatrs ana service 44 MILM a Employment Agenc emale Employment Aeencv Male 47 48 Employment Resumes 47 emale Instruction 49 Male Instruc tion School Tabloid Help Wanted emale Temporary Part Time 48 Help Wanted emale 48 49 nvip wanieo Temnorarv Part Tlmw Help Wanted Male 44 to 47 Help Wanted Male and emale 47 Help Wanted Salesmen 47 Help Saleswomen 49 Position Wanted emale 49 Position Male 49 NNANCIAL Personal Loans (Licensed) 51 Personal Loans (Banks) 51 Loans Diamonds Jewelry 51 Real Estate Loans 54 Mortgages Bought Sold 54 NOTICIS Death Notices uneral Directors Lodge Notices Lost and ound Rewards Clothing urs Repairs 55 Construction Equipment 51 Dogs Pets Supplies 55 Hi i and Components 54 Horses Stock arm Tools 55 Machinery Tools Motors 51 Pianos Musical Instruments '50 Sale Diamonds Jewelry 54 Sale Household Goods 51Sale Miscellaneous 51 uuiaoor Kecreation Equipment Store and Office ixtures Typewriters Office Machines Wanted Old Gold Diamonds 54 Wanted Miscellaneous 54 50 43 Rent Halls and Studios 50 itent Housekeeping (East): Rent Housekeeping (West) 49 Rent Offices Desk Room 50 Rent Rooms Board (East)' Rent Rooms Board V7C51) Rent Suburban Property Rent Summer Cottages Share Houses WANTIU TO BINT Want urnished' Apartments Want Rooms Board 49 Marine Supplies 51 Want Suburban Property 50 Want to Rent Apartments 50Want to Rent Houses 50 RIAL ISTATI Home Building 54 Out of Town Real Estate 54 Real Estate Miscellaneous 54 Sale actories Sites 54 Sale arms and Acreage 54 Investment Property 52 West Southwest a Cleveland 53 Lakewood Rocky River airview Bay 52 Westlake Avon Avon Lake North OlmstedOlmsted alls 52 7 10 xervlcn riday Aux Grows Chureh at Interment Calvary Dally i 30c 31c days 38c 43e Dally Sun 46c 64p 48c 86c days 54c 7 lx 62c SOe Unoa Count 31 tit* I 1 4 tn' La r4 JS 1 4 ft 11 I rtf' 9 Yy 4 'S: A 3 2 1 Jt' I S1 SEA V' 1 JrtJCEh.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.