Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo : FOXNEWSW : February 4, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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and on the campaign trail, president biden is headed to las vegas ahead of tuesday's democratic primary after a winning his party's south carolina primary last night with 96% of the vote. quick note, my podcast, living the bream, dropped this morning. i talk with trey yingst about the realities of life are on the ground in israel and worries that the war in gaza will widen in the region. we talk about the domestic politics here, domestic politics there, all the complication cans as many groups including hezbollah continue to threaten israel. could they open up a front in the north. well, that is it for today. thank you for joining us. i'm shannon bream, have a wonderful week. see you next week for "fox news sunday." ♪ ♪ i wouldn't. pete: no, doesn't. -- don't. ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morning,


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everyone, welcome to "sunday morning futures." i'm maria bartiromo. thanks so much for joining us today. today, my if exclusive interview with president donald trump on the upcoming election and his plans for policy changes should he return to the white house. also coming up, reaction from the governor of texas, greg abbott is here on why the open border has become america's number one national security threat. also ahead, south dakota governor kristi noem on the communist party of china and its efforts to capitalize on the wide open border ask and undermine america. it's all right here, right now on "sunday morning futures." ♪ ♪ maria: is and we begin this sunday morning with my exclusive interview with president donald trump. with 275 days until the presidential election and just days ahead of the next gop nomination contests, the nevada primary on february 6th and the south carolina primary on february 24th, i met with the 45th president on thursday at

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his estate in florida amidst heightened tensions between the united states and and iran, russia and china. and economic anxiety here at home. the backdrop all part of the reason president trump believes he will be locking up the gop nomination for president very soon. >> i don't know what the timing is, but i know we're leading in every single state. we are going to win nevada very easily. that'll be next week. we have a situation where they forgot to apply, i e guess, for indiana. you don't run and not amy for indiana, great state -- and not apply if for indiana. so we won indiana or will, and we've won just about everything we've touched. we had record numbers n as you know, big records in new hampshire and iowa was the largest percentage anyone's ever won by. so we're having tremendous victories, and i would think that it would be soon. i would certainly think so. and we're leading biden in virtually every poll. maria: let's talk about the

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general election. assuming you get the nomination, it's mid march and you've locked up that nomination, how are you going to attract the independent, those anti-trump the ors? do you have a plan? >> i don't know if they're anti-trumpers. they want security, safety, a strong economy, the border's a disaster. nobody's ever seen a board. nobody covers it better, but you see with what's going on. i think the number's going to be 18 million people by the time he gets out. maria: wow with. >> i think 18 million people. that's bigger than new york state. maria: i'm going to get to that, but your critics who are with nikki haley said that they're not going to vote for you regardless of you getting the nomination. do you have a plan to win over those indents -- independents or anti-trumpers that are with nikki haley? >> she had a great chance in new hampshire because democrats voted for her or, and she still lost by 12 or 13 points. she had -- that was the one place that he had a chance because democrats are stupidly allowed to vote in the


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republican primary, and independents also. so they voted, and we beat her by a lot. again, i got the most votes in the history of that primary. and the same thing in iowa. she was really fighting, she spent far more money than i spent, you know? she's got all these characters giving her a lot of money just giving her home. -- hope. martha: maria: you said that you would close the border and drill, drill, drill. what specifically did you mean by that? >> i think you know. it was with sean hannity, and we were having fun, and i said i'm going if to be a dictator because he asked me, are you going to be a dick today or to have? i said, absolutely, for one day. i didn't say -- maria: what did that mean? >> it's very simple, i'm going to close the border, i'm going to drill, baby, are drill. and then after that, i'm not going to be a dictator. now, that was said in jest, and most people -- i'm surprised you asked that question, but most people say if you run at all a, you'd say and after that, what i'm saying is that we're going

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to immediately drill, baby, drill. we're going to get energy down, and the other thing is we're going to have a strong border. we're going to close up the border because no country is sustainable -- when you look at what's happening to our country with people from jails and prisons, people from mental a institutions and insane asylums coming in, it's -- our country's being destroyed. maria: i mean, mr. president, the reason that i asked the question is because your critics say that that's the worry, that it's the end of democracy, it's a dictator. and i wanted you to explain what it meant. in other words, does it mean executive orders? are you planning to use more executive orders this time than last time? would you use an executive order to close the border? >> there's nothing wrong with executive borders. to me, biden is bad for democracy because he's incompetent. and, frankly, you take a look at what's happening to our country, our country's being destroyed. of course i'm not going to be doing that. i will say this, four years we had no wars, we defeated isis, i knocked out the biggest terrorists in the world, we had

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the best economy ever, i cut taxes, i cut regulations at a level -- i had the biggest tax cut ever, the biggest e regulation cut ever. we had the greatest economy in the history of our country. we never if did better. we never did better. and all of the people that say, oh, never trump, they don't even know why they're saying it. we did a job that very few people have ever done. in fact, we're getting credit for it. we rebuilt the military. we created space force which is turning out to be very essential. i said it's going to end up being maybe our most important force because it's going out to space now if you look, or and we are now leading russia and china. we were way behind. people thought it was a joke when i created it, now they're saying, wow, what a great job you did. maria: i want to go back to immigration. walk us through your plan because is it as easy as going back to the remain in mexico and all these other things that joe biden overturned? there are 8-10 million illegals in the country right now on biden's watch, so or what are you to going to do with that?

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are you going to deport them all? >> well, you're going to have to deport a lot of them. it's not sustainable. i know ever one of the leaders for the most part, the presidents, the dictators, i know 'em all. i know the kings, the queens, i know 'em all. these are smart people, street wise people. it makes sense that they're faking people out and sending -- taking people out and sending them in caravans to the united states. it's not just south america. it's from africa, asia, all over the world. maria: and china. >> yeah. from china, there are 28,000 people in the last few months. 28,000. what's he doing, building an army in mostly men, almost all men from the age of 18-25, so what's that all about? maria: are you talking about mass deportations? what do you do with the 8-10 million people already here? >> dwight eisenhower, believe it or not, you don't think the of him being a tough or great president. he was very strong on deor porration because a lot of people were coming into our country illegally, and he started a big, mass deportation. he dropped them very close to the border, and they came a back.

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then he cropped them 2,000 miles away, and they didn't come back. we cannot allow scenes like i saw in new york two days ago where policemen are being beat up by gangs of illegal immigrants from venezuela, honduras. we can't allow that. and these are kids that were fighters. they were knocking the hell out of our policemen. we can't let this happen. these are tough people. so the heads of these countries are smart. maria: you -- >> they're not sending the people that are doing a great if job and that they love in the country. they're sending people, for the most part, that they don't want. ask and they're putting them into caravans. i know that because they tried the it with me, but i turned back the caravans. look, i had the safest border in the history of our country. i built 561 miles of wall, and that was good, but i also got mexico to give us 28,000 soldiers free of charge. now, i told them that we were not going to be happy if you don't do it. we're going to put tariffs on your cars and everything else that you sell us, which is a lot, if you don't do it. and they did it.

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they gave us 28,000 soldiers, and to this day, i had the best border we've ever had. now we have the worst border probably in the history of the world. maria: i understand. i'm told the chinese are paying $35,000 a head, $50,000 a head to come to the southern border. they're paying the drug cartels this money. the number of chinese nationals, and they are mill military-aged men, you're right, up1100% year-over-year with. are i think being directed by the communist party to come here? >> i believe so. i believe so. and i believe we're going to have a terrorist attack 100%. 100%. you know, during my term i had no terrorist attackses. you know that, right? maria: so saboteurs? if. >> all sorts of bans on people of certain countries, we had no attack. maria: where are we with china? how strong is china's influence on american politics, american business? is it possible to decouple, or is it just tariffs, the way you dealt with it? you used tariffs and sanctions against china. >> i did. and i did very well with it, as

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you know. we took in hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes and tariffs, combination. maria: is that what you want to do again? >> well, you have to do it. their stock the market almost crashed when it was announced i won the iowa primary in a record. and when i won new hampshire, the stock market went down like crazy. i'm not looking to hurt china. i i want to get along with china, but they've really taken advantage of our country, and we turned it around. i saved the steel companies, we put big tariffs on steel, and now japan is buying u.s. steel. 50 years ago there was no company like u.s. steel. now japan is buying it. i don't think i'd let that deal go through, by the way with. maria: your critics are saying you're going to start another trade war. >> not a trade war. i did great with china with everything. china came in, they were going to destroy our steel industry, and and i put big tariffs, 50%, 100 percent but 50% for the most part. i have steel people that a every time they see me, they start to

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cry. they hug me. they say, you saved our industry. but now we're letting it go. maria: now "the washington post" is saying you're talking about 60% tariffs on chinese goods. is that in the cards? >> no, i would say maybe it's boeing to be more than that. look, i want china today great, i do. and i like president xi a lot -- maria: well, look, covid, covid cover-up, the list is wrong from one of our number one adversaries. i don't know if he's a friend. >> no, but i got along with him great. maria: i don't think he wants you in the white house. >> no, he doesn't. their market almost crashed when i won iowa. and new hampshire, the market went down tremendously. look, it's not sustainable for this country to lose $500 billion a year every year like, like the sun rises. we lose $500 billion a year. no country can sustain that. finishwe're not going to do it because the people that lead our country allowed it to happen. they would have never if sent the balloon over the united

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states if i were president -- maria: are you saying there was never a balloon on your watchesome. >> they tried to say there was, but they found out there budget. he would have never done it. they respected our country three year ago. today they think our country's a joke. and it started, i think more than anything else, with afghanistan. that was the worst display of military incompetence i've ever seen. manufacture more do you believe china will interfere in the presidential election? that's what john ratcliffe said on this program. >> i think they will. we should go same-day voting, paper ballots, voter id and no mail-in ballots. maria: would you try to stop china from taking the over taiwan? >> i won't tell you now because that would really general -- jeopardize my negotiating ability with china. so i don't talk about those things. it's very hard to say. i would or i wouldn't with, they know what i do, and they know where i stand. and we won't have a problem. maria: coming up, president trump reacts to the u.s.'

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response to iran plus 45 on his running mate and the criteria he's used to identify that vp candidate. stay with us. ♪ there's nothing better than a subway series footlong. except when you add an all new footlong sidekick. like the philly with a new $2 footlong churro. sometimes the sidekick is the main event. you would say that. every epic footlong deserves the perfect sidekick. i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”?

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he's using to determine who will be his running mate and vice presidential hopeful. but first, i asked the 45th president about america leading today on the world stage. given all the conflicts developing overseas, if you are elected in november, what's the first thing you'd do to get america's strength back on the international stage? >> first thing you have to do is close up the border. then you're going to have to do a massive deportation. you have to do it. maria: mr. president, i want to get back to iran. we lost three service members last week. >> yep. maria: may they rest in peace. an iranian drone launched by proxies killed our heros. what should be the proper response? >> before you go too far, it would have never happened with me. i had iran in check. do you know we hit them very hard for something that they did, and they had to hit back. hay feel they have to do it, and i understand that. do you know they called me to tell me we're going to hit a certain location, but we're not

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going to hit it, it's going to be outside the perimeters? maria: who called you? >> iran called me, called for me. and they let us know, and we hai believe it was 16, 6 or 7 failed in the air -- maria: when was this? >> this was prior to an attack on the fort that we had, do you remember when they sent 18 missiles or 16 missiles? 5 failed. they let us go, don't move, we're going to have to hit you back. psychologically we have to do that because we hit them on manager. you remember. maria: okay. >> they said 16 or 18 mice seals, and we -- missiles, and we knew they weren't going to hit inside the fort. and the media a was going, and now i reveal it, the media was going wild because if they said it's strange, they're very accurate missiles. nobody was killed, if you remember. with all those missiles, nobody was killed. now, they had to do it because they have people and they have to show strength, so they aimed the missiles, but they said, please, don't attack us. they're not going to hit you.

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that was respect. we had respect. when we took out soleimani, you know, israel was supposed to do it with us. two days before the takeout, said say -- they said we can't do it, we can't do it. i said, what? we can't do it. had a certain general who's great. i said, so, general, do we do it ourselves? he said, we can, sir. it's up to you. i said, we'll do it. israel was a part of it. bibi was a big part of it, and we had everything planned. what he's done, was terrible. what he did to us was terrible. killed so many of our soldiers. he's the father of the roadside bomb, you know that, right? and soleimani, we can't -- it was just incredible. and al-baghdadi, i wiped him out too. we took out the founder of isis that nobody could find except me. and the father of the roadside bomb. and beyond that, killed many people. he was going to attack five of our military bases. we took him out. and we took him out without its

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reel, because israel two days before the attack, they said we cannot participate. maria: so, again, what should be the response from the united states, and what do you think about a biden's response? >> well, if you're going to not want a widening war, then you're going to have to be a lot tougher -- maria: he showed his cards. >> number one, he shouldn't say he's going to do anything, he's going to do much or very little. but he's inch competent. everybody knows it. he doesn't even know -- somebody's making decisions in there. not him. he is very, look, when it comes to a lot of countries, i think he's a manchurian candidate because he receives money from china. he gets a lot of money from china. people say i wonder why he's so weak with on china. he gets a lot of money from china. maria: any thoughts on a ponce to iran, or you don't want to discuss out it -- discuss it? >> i can't tell you what i'd do. i know exactly what i'd do. it's subject to change, you know, there were a lot of stories that iran had no money to give to hamas or hezbollah. they had no money.

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and they were the all a going out of business. all these terror outfits were going out of business. i said anybody that does business, buys oil -- because that's a big deal -- essentially business, but oil in particular, anybody that buy withs from iran will do no business with the united states. everybody stopped. finish they were selling almost nothing. they were almost out of business. they would have had a deal with me within two weeks after the election. now, the deal is a very simple deal,ing no nuclear weapon. they're going to have a nuclear weapon in the next 60 days. and once they have a nuclear weapon, it's a whole different story, it's a whole different negotiation. whole different deal. and biden allowed them to do this. he's allowed them, and now they're a very wealthy country. they are a country with over $200 billion, and they control iraq, another stupid thing that we did. going into iraq was a stupid thing. remember i used to say don't do it, but if you do it, keep the oil. maria: would you still send aid

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to israel? >> look, we've always got to protect israel, in my opinion. they've been, you know, they're amazing people. what they've done, it's an amazing thing, and they've been loyal to us. maria: mr. president, when will you announce who your vp is? >> not for a while. we have so many great people in the republican party, but not for a while. maria: what criteria are you using to identify who your running mate is? >> always one thing, who would be a good president. you always have to think that in case of emergency. no matter who you are, things happen. it's got to be number one. maria: who is your running mate in. >> well, i have a lot of good people -- maria: so you haven't decided who it is? >> i have a lot of good ideas -- maria: so you haven't told that person, you're my finish. >> i speak to everybody. i speak to everybody. i called tim scott this week, a lot of people like tim scott. i called him and said you're a much better candidate for me than you are for yourself. when i watched tim, he was fine, he was good, but he was very low key, etc., etc. i 40 watched him in the last

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week, defending me and fighting for me and i said, man, you're a much better person for me than you are for yourself, because for himself he was low key. for me he's been, he's been a real tiger. he's been incredible. and others have too. maria: so maybe it's tim scott. >> could be, could be a lot of people. it was interesting. i was watching tim, i've been watching for a while. i watched him campaign as a candidate, but i watched him over the last two weeks, as you know he endorsed me, fully endorsed me, gave me a beautiful endorsem*nt, and he has been really strong in terms of that. no, but that has a nothing to do take any inference, but it's incredible. kristi noem has been incredible fighting for me. she said i'd never run against him because i can't beat him. that was a very nice if thing to say. maria: what was the story that your team reached out to rfk jr.? >> it was a falsehood. i like him a lot -- maria: you never reached out? >> no, never happened.

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maria: is it fair to believe you would have a number of your former officials in your new cab cabinet? >> i would put some back. i came to washington having spent almost no time in my life in washington. maria: i know. you said that. >> all of a sudden i'm president, and i wasn't into washington society, so i was not a -- i was a new york person, i was a new york builder -- maria: you were an outsider, and that's why -- >> >> but the one problem with that, and i love the outsider, but you're relying on other people to give you names to be head of, this head of that. and, by the way, you had unbelievable -- maria: but you had plenty of personnel mistakes. >> no, of course, but everybody does. obama had, what about biden? look at the people running this biden thing. the difference is i fire people. i fired comey. maria: you didn't fire christopher wray. >> well, you know what? at the time, i don't know, let's see how, let's see what the final judgment is. but i didn't fire christopher wray, i didn't fire people i would have, but i fired a lot of people. you know, i had a turnover. they have no turnover right now.

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maria: how do you know if you get back in you don't have a network of people around you working against you? >> i will and so will anybody else that gets in as a republican. these people are sick. these are sick people. maria: but do you feel better this time around because you know what to expect? >> well, i also know people that i didn't know before. i know now the smart ones, i know the dumb ones. i know the weak ones and the strong ones. i know tremendous amounts of people that i know will do a great job. but i was different. when i didn't like a job that someone was doing, i fired them. just like the apprentice. i said, you're fired. you have to go. maria: what about some of your former officials? do you see them being in this next cabinet? mike pompeo, for example? >> i don't know. maria: john ratcliff? >> he's fan fantastic. john ratcliffe has done a great job. maria: dr. ben carson? >> he's done a great job. maria: so you're expecting them to be in your cabinetsome. >> some of them, yes. maria: coming up next, will it really be a trump-biden rematch,

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or will the next go to p candidate case off against somebody else in november? president trump reacts, next. stay with us. ♪ ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪

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♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪

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maria: welcome back. president trump is about to take a larger role within the republican national committee as he pursues the gop nomination for president. in this exclusive interview, i asked the 45th commander in chief about some of his former officials and whether they'll be part of the new cabinet. you've spoken about the weaponization of law enforcement agencies, two-tiered system of justice. we watch it. >> yeah. maria: who do you want to see in those roles, the a.g., the fbi? >> i want tough people, much tougher than bill barr. when they said e that we're going to impeach you, for no reason, he went -- he got scared. you know what they do? it's called playing the ref. once they said to him we're going to impeach you with, he became like a wallflower. he was sort of finished

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mentally. and i got him out. i said -- even though it was late, i got him out. the republicans have to be tougher. maria: you talk about this optimism ahead that we could see some relief, but the rnc doesn't seem to be so strong. i mean, the democrats have all the money. look at what we're seeing, we've got the democrats actually with the money if spending it. the the rnc is seeking credit lines, reporting its lowest bank balance at the point in any year since 2016. comerica says michigan gop defaulted on a loan of half a million dollars. >> so i have a lot of money, and the money that they get, people are not looking at the rnc. they want changes. you have to understand, i have nothing to do with the rnc, i don't -- i'm separate. maria: how ronna mcdaniel doing? >> i think she did great when she ran michigan for me. i think she did great initially, i would say right now there'll probably be some is changes made. maria: you've said many policy ideas and lots of hope ahead, but you're going to need a

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willing partner in the senate. senate leadership is against you. mitch mcconnell, he's massively anti-trump. how are you going to work with him? i. >> i think mitch mcconnell wants to enforce me. maria: really? >> john cornyn just endorsed me. steve daines is a fantastic guy, endorsed me. maria: so you think membership chuck mcconnell -- >> just so you know, nikki, she doesn't have any if endorsem*nts. i don't know if he's going to endorse mentioner i just heard he wants to endorse me. but these are all people that are, they're -- everybody's getting in line. they're all getting aboard, and they also see the fact that we've changed the republican party. the republican party under trump has become a tremendous success. maria: are you going to be able to flip blue states like a new york and new jersey? there's a rumor you're going to do a rally in the south bronx. >> i think so. i think i'll do one maybe at madison square garden too. i think we have a chance. new york has changed a lot in the last two years.

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we have migrants all over the city. they're living on madison avenue. i mean, they -- nobody can believe what's happened to new york. the people of new york are angry. people that would have never voted for me because i'm republican. i mean, the democrats, they vote for democrats, i think they're going to vote for me. so i think we're going to give new york a heavy shot. they're very unhappy in new york, what's, happening -- what's happening, and you take a look at the crime in new york, it's at record levels. the other thing is, and very importantly, new jersey. i think new jersey can be flipped. i think that virginia can be flipped. i think that new mexico can be flipped, and i think minnesota can be flipped. and i'm not even sure that everything can't be flipped -- maria: and you're focused on pennsylvania too. >> i did great in pennsylvania twice. maria: will you pursue an investigation into the biden family and the influence peddling? >> i don't want to say that. i don't think it's appropriate to say it right now. but i can tell you they have done things that are so is bad in terms of weaponization. maria: you've got 91 felony

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counts against you, 4 indictments. you could be in trial this year, and you could get convicted -- >> you know. maria: do you think about that? >> no, because it's all about courage. you have to have courage for the country. i would have, if i didn't run or if i was in fifth place, i wouldn't have any indictments. i wouldn't have any problem. they went after me from before i even announced because they've said we have to do it. it's all -- these are aren't indictments, these are biden indictments. maria: how are you going to get through? >> washington, d.c -- i just get through things, whatever it is. i'm doing this for the country. i didn't need this. i could have had the greatest life. hook at this, i could have had a nice time instead of doing a nice, fair but tough interview with you, i could have had a very nice time in my life. i could have enjoyed it, but i enjoy it e anyway because we're going to make america great again. this country is failing, this nation is failing, and it's incompetent people like biden. who wants open borders, high interest rates, bad education? who wants all of this stuff? mo wants a -- who wants a woke

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military? our country's going to hell, and it's ap an honor for mentioner i really say anytime if i get indicted, it's an honor because i'm doing it for you. and the people agree with it. maria: now, you've said you don't even think that's who you're going to face off in november. is he going to be the nominee? >> personally, i don't think so -- maria: who is it? gavin newsom's right out 0u6 central casting. >> i don't know. maria: how are you going to do against gavin newsom? >> i tell you what, he's so much [bleep] he wants to say how wonderful, it's doing horribly. maria: california. >> his state is doing or horribly. you look at the homeless problem, you look at the people that are leaving. you have companies that are leaving, they're all a leaving for other locations. think gavin's easy because california's a disaster. he has been a horrible governor. maria: what if it's michelle obama? how are you going to do against michelle obama? >> i've seen polls where she doesn't do well. i've seen polls where i beat her easily, i beat her by a lot. i had four great years.

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maria: is your answer to getting inflation down drill, drill, drill? if independent oil is many. >> well, among other things it's drill, drill, drill, yeah. it's krill, drill, drill. maria: what about -- >> there is no, you have to get the oil. look, i did something in alaska that nobody if could believe. i got rights to drill in alaska on the largest oil -- possibly the size of saudi arabia, and the first thing they did is they voided that. they knock out their oil leases, and now they're letting some things happen because if oil goes up, then he's finished. but they have been so bad and so disrespectful to that industry, it's incredible. finish i think this, our country's a mess, our borders are open and insecure. you know, nine months is a long time. you have a very good chance in that period of time of having world war iii because we have somebody that is not doing his job properly. he's not respecting, he's laughed at all over the world he's not doing a good job.

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maria: president trump also told me that he believes inflation is likely to spike given the hostilities in the red sea and that, if elected again, he would not reappoint if federal reserve chairman jay powell. my thanks

to former president donald j. trump. up next, the man in the middle of the crisis, texas governor greg abbott is here want to president trump and the state of affairs at the southern border. plus, south dakota governor kristi noem on the rising threat of communist china and why every state has now become a border state. all coming up next right here lye on "sunday morning futures." ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)

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this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday,

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collude -- include deportation of most of the 10 million illegals already here under the biden administration. joining me now with reaction is the governor of texas, greg abbott. governor, thank thanks very much for joining us this morning. your reaction to what you heard from president trump. >> listen, the president outlined his two top priorities which are the top priorities as cross the united states. one is to crack down on illegal immigration. and this is more than are rhetoric on his part. he has proven record of, by what he did when he was president. remember, when he was president, he implemented four policies that led to the lowest illegal border crossings in 40 years. the second thing he talked about a was drilling for more energy. this is important because it connects to the economy in the united states of america, and bidenomics inflation. first, america and should be energy independent. second and most importantly, what joe biden is doing by his policies, he's trying to destroy

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the jobs of hard working men and women in the energy sector who depend upon producing energy for a paycheck and also because of joe biden's policies it's leading to an increase in the price at the pump that americans are so angry about. so president trump is honing in on the temperature two issues affecting americans -- top two issues. maria: yeah. and they affect texas first before thest are rough the country, right? just the other day president biden canceled all of those lng contracts. he wants to look at the way the federal government approaches those contracts. what kind of an impact is that having on texas? >> well, it's going to be extraordinary. texas is a leading lng exporter for one, but for other countries across the globe that count on us for energy ranging from the european region that, if they don't get our lng, they may have to once again rely upon russia for their natural gas supplies. also there's other countries like india and other countries across the globe where, if they do not get our lng, they may

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have to revert or back to using coal which, obviously, provides more air pollution than natural gas does. and so i've got to tell you, the decision by joe biden literally makes no sense whatsoever. it harms the people that he's trying to connect with, but also it harms jobs in the united states of america and hinders our energy independence. maria: also questioning about the decision to allow 8-10 million illegals from across the world into america and then give them court dates 10 is years later. want to get your take on the assessment of the border today. you've got a border trip coming up. you are hosting several governors from across the country at the southern border today, correct? can you tell us about it? some. >> sure, that's correct, maria. more than half of the governors are now joined together in support of a very important proposition, and that is we are guaranteed by the united states constitution the right of self-defense if states face

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imminent harm or invasion. texas, obviously, is facing both and imminent harm as well as an invasion. and so these governors are rallying around texas to support our ongoing right to self-defense and the deployment of this razor wire that has led to a massive reduction in inflow. maria, get this: the area where we have occupied this park in eagle pass, texas, that we put up the razor wire, there used to be 3,000 or 4,000 people crossing that area a day. for the past three days, we've averaged just 3 people crossing that area. the point is, if we put up resistance, we show that we can secure the border. joe biden should not be stopping that. more yeah. let me get your take on what's going on in new york. we understand now new york is going to be spending $53 million to come up with prepaid credit cards for the illegal migrants. what do you think's behind this? why do they need prepaid credit

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cards? if. >> it sounds like insanity is behind it because it really so offensive. maybe the most reprehensible thing that i've a seen take place over the past 48 hours when you see police officers in new york city being beaten by illegal immigrants in this country who should not be in the country in the first place and and then after they engage in this crime against a law enforcement officer, they are let loose back out onto the streets. what's going on in new york is outrageous, and americans across the entire country are angry not just about what's going on in new york, but the underlying cause for it which is joe biden's open border policies. maria: and why do you think joe biden has this open border policy? if what is your thinking in terms of why he continues to do this? in the last two weeks, the president said he's known that the border is not secured, he's known it for 10 to years, he says. he doesn't have the power. even though on day one he walked

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into the to oval office and reversed all of president trump's security on the border. >> yeah, so you make a very important point. biden says he needs congress to give him the power to do whatever he needs to do to secure the border. the fact is, as we all saw from what president trump did, the president of the united states has the power. i must emphasize this: there is an obligation, there are laws in the united states that require the president to deny illegal entry of any illegal immigrant, and then if they do get into the united states, he has a legal obligation to detain those illegal immigrants. joe biden is failing at both of those duties, and that's exactly what a gives texas the authority to make sure that we can step up and secure our own border and protect our own state through self-defense. maria: governor, we'll be watching your efforts to secure the border in texas and for america. we is appreciate your time this morning. thank you, sir. >> thank you, maria. maria: texas governor greg abbott this morning. coming up next, south dakota governor chris ety nome is here

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on what's at stake for america in november's presidential election -- kristi noem. back in a minute. ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works.

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maria: welcome back. we are now 275 days away from political pundits calling the

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most consequential presidential election in u.s. history. joining me right now with reaction is south dakota governor kristi noem who's also the author of the forthcoming book, "no going back," which is slated for release this may. governor, thanks very much for being here this morning. >> absolutely. thanks for inviting me, maria. maria: i want to get your take first on president trump. has he contacted you about potentially being his running mate9? is. >> no. we talk all the time, but we've never if had that conversation. i just talk about ways that we could really help our country during this critical time in history. maria: so, governor, tell us about this create sal -- critical time. what kind of stakes do you see in 275 days with the upcoming presidential election? >> just look at what a we've gone through the last four years. we saw governments and the president break federal law, we saw them take away fundamental freedoms that are protected in our constitution, our freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, freedom of speech. now we see the president undermining our country by allowing this invasion at the southern border, and it's destabilizing our country. so you look at how quickly

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america is becoming more and more uncertain every single day, the fact that we continue to borrow money from china to run our government and then we're just handing it out to people who aren't even citizens here, it's a very consequential time because it's escalating so quickly. and if we don't shut this down, get a new leader in the white house that loves this country, i don't know how long it'll be around. maria: and, of course, you've endorsed president trump. i want to get your take the on what he said regarding communist china. you been very good pushing back against the communist china, chinese party's efforts to acquire land in your state. tell me what's at stake. >> well, we've been fighting to make sure that china can't own our property, but that's just based on the knowledge that the last 30 years i've worked in policy i've seen them buy up our fertilizer companies, i saw china buy up chemical companies, they own our processing systems for our food supply. very concerned that if they buy the land, they will complete that cycle. and when they control our food, they will control us.

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remember, everything china does every day to undermine america, they manipulate their currency, i believe they're using the southern border to get people into this country to direct data and spy on us -- collect data. they're using every tool that they have, and that's the people of the ccp that are in here gathering information in our communities that they will use against us. remember, china has had a plan for thousands of years to be a world power. a one dominating world power, and that is their goal. and they will put their people through horrific things in order to make that happen. maria: well, i mean, you can't just pick up and leave communist china. you need to have approval for that. >> right. maria: president trump just told me a moment ago he does believe that these military-aged men who are showing up at the southern border from china are being directed by the communist party. is that what you're saying as well? >> absolutely. i was down there a few days ago, maria. and remember, three years ago a i was the very first government in this country to -- governor in in this country to send my national guard to the border because i believe it is the a

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war zone. when i was down there just a few days ago, the vast majority of people i saw crossing the border at that point in time was military-aged men. and the reason that the federal government went after texas buzd actually figured out a way to put up the raise e sor wire that was impenetrable. even those able-bodied, military-aged men could not get through the barrier, and that's when the federal government came after texas to take it down. we're deploying all of our resources that we have to support texas. and, remember, democrats have been encouraging this president, they've been encouraging president biden to come after states' rights. they've been talking about federalizing our national guard which would be the first time in american history that we would have a president that would pay soldiers to stand down. to actually not protect america. and if he's willing to do that and to take away my authority as governor and commander in chief of those national guard, boy, we do have a war on or hands. maria: wow. why do you think that is? if what is his motivation for allowing all of these illegals

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to come into america and give them prepaid credit cards and housing and health care and all the rest? >> he's weak. and somebody's, somebody's running the white house. i don't believe it's joe biden. he's never been this extreme. this is an extreme remaking of america, and it is a socialist, communist agenda. i think that they've so infiltrated the democrat party that it's no longer the democrat party of 20 years ago a, it's now a socialist party that does not want a strong america. the people coming across that southern border aren't coming here to be like american citizens, to love our country, protect our freedoms. they aren't coming here because they love our constitution. some of them are coming for opportunity, but they're being manipulated by the mexican cartels and put in very dangerous situations. and the fact of the matter is you talk to anybody who's in border patrol and i.c.e. down there and the texas national guard or public safety, they say you have to come to this country right. the humanity and the inhumanity of what we're seeing down here is horrific, what joe biden's allowing to happen, but you have

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to do things right or else you have consequences that we will pay for with our freedoms. maria: governor, it's great to have you this morning. thanks very much. we'll be watching your work. >> thank you, maria. maria: south dakota governor kristi noem joining us this morning. we will have more of my interview with president trump tomorrow morning on fox business. that'll do it for now for "sunday morning futures."

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