Press and Sun-Bulletin from Binghamton, New York (2024)

'5't7 PERHAPS THE VERY THING y-U QrQ ookinZ for is Adverised Today on this page. Or, it may be that someonT is searching for just that Something you have, and would buy it if you Advertised itj THE BIXOITAMTOX PRESS, FRIDAY EVEXIXfi, JUXE 28, 1912. nn.V Foil Ai MISCKI i.tsKors, FOR SAI.H MiarEI.I ANnora. FOR SALE FARMS. FOR SAI.F REAL ESTATE, IMPROVED.

FOU SAI.U Itr.AL ESTATE. IMI'HDVICI). PRESS WANTS -r ADVERTISERS IN TOUCH WITH ftn TUT MN1T 1 1 i 2S ACRE FARM, mile and half from eill.iije, lair hou ham, good! oi iai id. 1' 1 tun. TI "El.

CM AN LIVKKMORK, 1 -JK-tv" HERE ARE iiANDY NEW ONES. lit acres of very hind, las Irm miles from railroad station, 3 mtb-r, of perfectly level road to ono station. Farm in vnllev and Is beautifully situated. School and church within 10 rods: in acres of rolling land; in acres pasture and balance slightly rolling. 10 Minar maples with equipment, till kinds uf fruit, new wire tences, new kahl roof barn 3ux60; excellent 9 room iKUfH1.

nrranm'd very tastily and beautifully decorated, faces east and ban nice simile and row of handsome shrubs around l.iwn. This farm is also nicely watered, will keep 10 head of stock easy. Taxes $18.00. $1,000 takes this farm if you act quickly, down, no trade. 112 acres, laying close to th above described farm; 60 acres level creek Hals nnd free from stone; SO acres slcq-lug; tine 12 room house; 4ax70 basem*nt harn with silo, also annex all nearly new nnd painted white; cost $3,500 to build: horse barn 86x40.

Close to school and creamery. Will support .0 head of stock. Taxes J28.00. Price Ono-lmlf down. INQUIliE OF HIRAM MINTZ FARM AGENCY, 3O4-305 Phelps Bldg.

Binghamton. N. Y. I have several stores, 100 farms, many houses, for sale or trade. Money to loan.

J. E. Shute, Chenango Bridge, Y. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For itv nronertv. farm 234 acres.

4 mile from village. 60 acres of timber, $5,000 worth hemlock, 6,000 cords of wood, 126 tons hay, 145 tons of ensilage rut last year, 10 room house, running water, 3 burns, ono 109x32, best condition, fruit, 45 stanchions for stock, cement floor in hum, two new silos. BINGHAMTON FARM AGENCY, 506 Press Bldg. TO FARM BUYERS. The river farms that I have for sale are of the best.

It will pay you to In vestigate, write me or come and see me. I have some cholcu homes In Port Dickinson for sale, and all of this at the right price. Write me If you want a good river farm. C. B.

Squires, Real Estate. Port Dickinson, N. Y. THE FARM YOU WANT listed with C. L.

YAGER CO. 708 Tress Bldg. Farms for sale, any size, price, lo cation desired. If lookius for a farm, call, write or 'phone, I'iMPJKfci REALTY CO. 514 Security Mutual Ufa Bldg.

New 'phone 2. FOR SALE 100 acre stock farm ono mile from R. R. station and macadam road, lays facing south, some woods, well and spring water, large new basem*nt barn, eight room house, some frulf, might exchange, price $3,500. 43 acres near Port Crane, some woods, fine spring water.

6 room cottage, basem*nt barn, some fruit, two good hen houses, some farming tools, price $1,800. Possession given at once. Mersereau Fa nii Exchange 153 Washington St. I havo several good river, creek and hill farms for sale at reasonahia prlrtes. Call or write Roy C.

Billings, Apafacliln, N. Y. Farms, bought, sola, exchanged. Some fine bargains on our lists at present. Mutual Realty 714 Press Bldg.

FLUME FELT, Binghamton Savings Bank Building, agent for E. A. Strout Co. I have sold a lot ot farms to a lot of satisfied customers the nast year. Tell me what you want and will tell jru wnere it la.

ANNOUNCEMENTS. Cady, contractor, painter and paper-hanger. 20 Mitchell Ave. New phone 617L. SPECIAL PRICES We are cleaning all kinds of plain and fancy wash dresses by our new liquid process, which will remove all dirt, stains and yellow appearance.

This method Is simply wonderful. Goods called for and delivered promptly. Ballard Ballard Dry Cleaning 21 Main Wilkinson Block. Bell 'phone 1621. York State 521.

M. Tumpowsky, the Syracuse optician, Is now the I.rftwls House until July 1. We carry a complete line of Herald ranges, the best bakers, a 2-fuel range with a guarantee, H. Carver, EM J2ViishlngJ.onSt. Conin In and see our speelafEViiit.e Iron Bed, $2.50 value at $1.49.

Gately Furniture 93 State St. We pay the highest cash prices for stoves, ranges, refrigerators, carpets and everything in household furnish ings. Phone and we will give you an estimate. James H. Carver, 124-128 Washington St.

Both 'phones. We will wash windows and wood work until further notice. Binghamton Vacuum Cleaning 443 O'Neil Bldg. jew pnone jaow. ueu uiu, TO RENT FLATS UNFURNIr.HRI).

FOR RENT A flat of 7 rooms, with Improvements, at 138 Court St, In- quire of L. It. Hodge. TO RENT Modern flat, steam heat and hot water. 88 Carroll.

PERSONAL. WANTED To correspond with a good looking American woman, who has the intention of keeping steady company. Address Lock Box 1023, Binghamton, N. Y. THE REFUGE, 64 Fairview avenue, temporary home tor unfortunate girls.

Careful attention and thorough domestic training. Employment secured. Orders taken for maids, shirt walal traasea. aprona. etc POULTRV AND SUPPLIES.

Young strain. White Leghorn, chicks, 7 cents each. Tyler. It. F.

I), 3. city. FOR SALE One hundred White Leghorn yearling hens; must sell; come and make me an offer. Call after 6. T.

G. Shaw, Dlment StL Lestershlre. FOR SALE Buff 3 months old, Owen farms strain 1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 c-ach. 27 College SL FOR SALE Your choice of some fine Single Comb White Leghorn yearling hens at 12 James St. FOR-SALE Hens, chickens and eggs.

C. S. Williams, Green St, Old 'phone 1092L. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Child's light coat.

Owner can have by paying for this ad. 60 Mozart Sr. LOST Eagle charm, monogram J. B. on hack.

Return to James F. Brodie, 77 Robinson. LOST Brown folding purse, with money. Tuesday evening; reward. Return to LOST Sum of money, bills In roll, W.

J. Press. L' iST- Large black eat, except white on tail. Return 16 Duane rd. LOST Diamond stick pin, on Chenango St.

between store and Mrs. (Turn's, Chenangu Bridtre; reward. J. M. McXama ra, care McNamara Harding.

LOST Solitaire diamond ring; liberal reward for return to Press office. HOARDERS WANTED. WANTED-tickets $1.00 ir.gton. boarders, 0 meal 1 meals, $3.50. 72 FIRE INSURANCE.

Are vou fully Insured against loss by fire? If not. let us write you a policy. We represent several first class companies. STEWART REALTY DEVELOPING CO. 8C2-30S Security Mutual Bldg.

FOR SA 1.1C My wait paper stuck this season is larpcr and mo'e complete than ever oru'i'- ale lower Item the lowest. We .1 liver. New 'phone be h-d, Cltntoa ek i Edison ia 'ii I el el-: i i a -I luctf i-'i i i i tour i ilo.v I wood Klrili Ifc i)uf KOods biuok tor menisci ami our many satisfied customers will v. i lly our claims. You can lie one of those pleas- ed customers If vnu will make tho vi- for Ch AJ-t E.

SMI I'll CO. D. cearand wood" in large and small quantities, at lowest prices. Staub, successor to Wall and Henry streets. New ehune i jji-w, jrieii id.j-w FOR SALE A hicych! "in good "condition.

Call at The Excelsior Cloth-ing jTo. FOli STALE coaster brake. $6. 16 Thorpe. FOR liuckwhT'Tit" of Charles Hull, Chenango Forks, Tilli LLECTR1C PHIXTIXO CO.

7S COURT ST. ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING AND WEDDING INVITATIONS, POWER PRESSES. 43W. Fo'it SALE "Ten thousand celery plants.also few cabliages. 1 Slui's-'J.

Diamonds bought and sold. Money advanced on same. A. V. IS Chenango St.

I.eST Wednesday, small red cover dentist appointment book. Return 3nS Bingliamton Savings Bank Bldg. Ue- ceise reward. FOR SALE Cheap; one largo size Palace Queen furnace; one large Bengal furnace'; nearly new; O. K.

for large house or store; must he sold at once. Fair Store. FOU SALE Quantity of dining room chairs. 109 Chenango. COMPLETE "LAUNDRY OUTFIT FOR SALE.

Hull. Grummond manufacturers of the Flor de Franklin and Judge Day cigars, having acquired tho J. Brown laundry property on Washington street, Binghamton, N. to be used in conjunction with their Water street factory, offer tho complete laundry equipment for sale after July 1st, at a sacrifice. This is a rare chance for some one to engage in the laundry business.

All machines are in first-class condition. Address all inquiries to Hull, Grummond Binghamton, N. Y. FOR SALE 30 pound Dayton scale, almost new; safe, two top delivery wagons, two horses, and one platform wagon. Hand Farnsworth, 155 Court St.

FOR SALE Motorcycle In good running order, $75. 31 Riverside St. FOR- A LEGrani te nion cut at bargain. Crossett Concrete Co. FOR SALEtwo mowers and one 10 foot rake.

Glen wood Cemetery. FOR SALE Cherries. F. C. Moxley, 21 Baldwin St.

New 'phone 1.579X; Nine-week old pigs for sale. T. J. Cline. Binghamton, N.

Y. R.F. D. No. 1.

ONE AT A VERY LOW PRICE A slightly used automatic lift, ball-bearing drop head. Fully guaranteed. White Agency. 130 State St. New 'phone.

Professional snare drums, violins, guitars, banjos, mandolins strings and trimmings: cheap at Quick's Violin Shop, 136 Washington St. FOR SALE Several good secondhand ranges, both with reservoir and water fronts. Carver Brown, 112 Washington St. FOR SALE Porch rockers, $1.25 value at 9Sc; $2.25 value at $1.98. Gately's, 93 State St.

We have new and second-hand 1. bee hives for sale. Honey comb foundation only, 50o per lb. Italian queens, $1.00 each. C.

W. Phelps Son, 3 Wilcox Bing hamton. N. Y. Bell 782W.

Binghamton Typewriter Exchange, O'Neil Bldg. FOR SALE Second-hand rolled top desk. Clerk, Lewis House. FOR SALE! One 2 h. p.

phase alter, motor, nearly new; one 7 h. p. gas engine; large stock split steel and wood pulleys, hangers, shafting, belting. A. Winkler, 14S State St.

FOR SALE Top buggy and 25 perch of stone, cheap. Eoardman Rug Works, 22 Mather. Piano Bargain, for this week. A few slightly used Upright Pianos at $70, $110 to $150 each. Your own terms.

Store open evenings. Flory-Willlamson Piano 124-126 State Binghamton, N. Y. Call at Boardmans Rug Works to get prices and information about rugs made from old carpets. We make the best.

We also do carpet cleaning. Both 'phones. 22 Mather. -landlords, tho cheap est pis-1 bTty-JwHpaper is Sam's Wallpaper Store, 89 Clinton St. Cash paid for old gold and silver, exchange for new jewelry.

Aah Jewelers and opticians, Lestershlre. NJf Fishing time ls coming, my line of tackle is complete; cheapest in city; wholesale and retail. J. T. Parsons, 200 Clinton St.

Remember we buy, sell and exchange second-hand and new furniture, and ranges. Binghamton House Fur- ntsh in 123 State St. Big dividends declared oiT'every pair shoet; sold at the big SSc and shoo ptore. Just across the viaduct. an3 straw.

A. D. Lloyd, 6 Wilson St. FOR SALE Watches; 20-year case, Elgin or Waltham movements, $5.50. Guaranteed D.

Rings. $8.50 up. Lars line or jewelry at hargam prices. We loan money. MUTUAL LOAN fi3 Chenango St.

RUGS MADE FROM old carpets. Rug and carpet cleaning. Binghamton Rug Works. 160 Park Ave. Both 'phones.

We have a full line of bicycles and sundries and make bicycle repairing a special feature. J5I-cycles with coaJter brakes from $22.00 up. Turners. 138 State street. TO KiJN'l' STORES AND FICKS.

TO RENT Two floors, well lighted, suitable- for any light manufacturing, on State St. near Court. Inquire Mrs. Hickey, 2 Pennsylvania Ave. TO RENT APARTMENTS.

FOR RENT Apartment, Lincoln Ave-. Inquire Mrs. Lucey. 1 0S Leroy. "5 rooms, ail in the "l'ines," $27.50.

iieil 'phone 7a5W. TO RENT Two 7 room apartments No. 54 Hawley steam heat, gas ranges, electric light, laundry, janitor service, best and latest plumbing, hardwood floors, not water entire year, few rods from Court House. See them and the elegant big porches. All large light rooms.

Inquire on premises, Chad. A. Boughton or comer bt. APARTMENTS TO LET. Most modern and spaous steam heated apartments In the city of Bing hamton.

up-io-aaie piuniuiiiE, jiaiu wood floors, combination gas and electric lights, gas ranges, Janitor service, rents reasonable. Newly rebuilt Dwight Block Front St. Inquire of owner. W. G.

Faatz, Roonl 232 O'Neil between the hours of 3 to 12 a. m. 1 to 5 p. or your owiwreal estate broker. FOR SALE LIVE STOCK.

Fresh, young Holstein cow. Slsson. pper rone L-io-vit A Wolsrpin heif ers" for sale. B. S.

Loughiin, Binghamton. R. D. 3. BARN TO RENT.

Barn for rent, 7 Fairview Ave. Inquire on premises. 111 ilav sale New ir ork allii Imiv's fa 11 to tuiiii' r. ''w tl.e to up oh! and give them tho h.ii'.lw.,,.. ff does it: daily demonstration.

New 't riune 632W. St. JOB PRINTING OFivir.T "dESCRI? TION. A. E.


WE RKPRODICCE PERFECT TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS IN SMALL OR LARGE QUANTITIES FOR SALE A 3-hurner gas and oven. Inquire Ss Leroy St. plate Leds, mattresses, own price. 7t Lewi springs, at your FOR SALE A ts'fool standiiTg desk: doctor operating chair, in good con- union, a walnut comiiinntiou roll top desk and book case; 1 Andes combination coal and gas range and about 20 old style bureaus fur packing purposes. James II.

Carver, Washington tst. FOR SALE surrey nd light road wagon. II. W. Parsons, 10 Loekwood.

We sell men'sa mriad 1 eVlo thfngoh credit Akk about our easy terms. Ofctely's, 93 State St. Ranges aterswanted; will buy sp orjrade. 93 Hawley St. FOR SALE Suit" cases, lfo'6-up; trunks, J3.00 up; bags, "5o up; ladies' hand bags.

up. luirgiac 11a In tlio city. Clv us a call. MUTUAL LOAN CO- henango at, Good seoond-hand upright piano, almost new, for $100. Also one for $125.

Harlow Piano Furniture Store. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. Nicely furnished, pleasant room, for light housekeeping, gas and bath. 37 Warren St. Nicely furnished roonl ail conven-iences.

Call evenings after 6 p. m. Centenary St. Furnished rooms, all conveniences. 123 Hawley near Carroll.

Suite, 4 furnished light housekeeping rooms, $4.00 per week. 130 Washington St. Furnished rooms, housekeeping. 19 Exchange St. FOR RENT 5 furnished rooms, nicely located, no children.

Apply this week, 120 Robinson St. Furnished front rooms, housekeeping, gas, hatl), ice. Corner Susquehanna, 26 Exchange. Four furnished rooms, housekeeping conveniences. 2ii Arthur.

Call evenin gs. Light housekeeping rooms. also single rooms, one large front room, all modern, table board. 201 Front St. Furnished room, gas and bath; good location.

Press. Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Apply Mrs. Dillon, 6 Henry St. or Ifi Mvrtle Ave.

Furnished rooms, all conveniences, first flight. 100 Washington street. FOR HEM UNFURNISHED ROOMS. TO RENT Suite rooms, first floor, 15 Fayette. William Hanlon, Crandall House.

FOR RENT. A desirable rooming house. William H. Smith. 562 O'Nell Bldg.

ti rooms, all steam heat, near depots, $22; 6 rooms, central, $15; steam heat flat. West Side, $16; elegant home. North Side, hot water heat, $25. any part of citv. MUTUAL REALTY CO.

714 Press Bldg. New 'Phone 7D. FOR RENT, Ogden a rooms, first floor, all improvements. 1 7. Lincoln second floor.

5 rooms, improvements, $20. Inquire C. L. YAOER CO. Tin.

Press Klrlg. Rooms for rent, 32 Thorpe. Steam heated flat, modern $20. 13 Robinson. New 'phone 1249X.

Ft Til RICNT East Sid 3. 5 room suites, $9 and $10; 7 rooms, near depots, Sl-1; i) rooms, central, $15; 0 rooms, Pine IS. 7 room house, till North Side, $16. X. C.

Stillfon Realty 915 Kilmer Bldg. FOR HUNT HOUSES, UNFURNISHED EXT House! room's and bath, $16. N'i. 2 5S Robinson St. Apply to Dr.


P. SELLECK. 18 and 19 McNamara Bl'v-te. Cor. Court and Collier Sts.

CARPET CLEANING. RUBBER BEATER CARPET CLEANING CO. Caipets dyed, cleaned, titted, sewed and laid. Fluff ruus made rorn old carpets. Office, 32 Tuiupttins street.

Both 'phoneo. Caipet cleaning at the old Vosbury place. Henry Stharch. manager. Car- fiets cleaned, sewed, refitted, dyed ani aid.

leathers renovated. Rugj mad from old carpets. Sotu 'pbone. Butternut St A XT ED I SCfCI.L A EO S. WANTED Guinea pigs; must be strong and healthy.

Address Dr. J. F. Roe, 2i Main St. TWO-FAMILY HOUSE WANTED.

We have a cash buyer for a 2-famlly house, or one tha can easily be made into a 2-family house, at a cost not to exceed $5,500. in section between Carroll and Liberty streets. F. A. O'Neil 667-66S O'Neil Eldg.

New 'phone 1512 W. Bicycles bought, sold, and repaired. Also four vacant lots to exchange for a 5-passenger automobile, er 57 Baldwin l.opters'iire JHH1 'phone f.U. buy' al'fkrniisi'of house furnishings. Ilurwitz, 12 aiifor.L To "boii'i'W $500.00 on chatteii mortgage: good security; no agents.

care Press. vVAXTlcTo To huj- 5'i') geese feather beds, this week; drop postal. I will call. R. R.

Corey. General P-divery. in field or cut on shares, mixed hav; must he good quality. Logan's Certified Diary. 205 Riverside Drive.

We buv all k'ind' of "house furnishings. Carver Brown. 112 Wasning- ton St. I know where to buy anything -you want. Write me.

umnne, i nwi, i. Your building and repairing. Have vou loose doors or windows that dust i.r water beat in? If so telephone. Clark. Bell 106SL.

New 1266L. WANTED To buy second-hand cook toves and heating stoves, tsoin pnones. Carver Brown, 142 Washington St. ANTED To buy second-hand house furnishings- Both 'phones, carver Brown. 142 JWa.shlngioribt.

all kinds tor construction supplied on short notice by Candreva, 123 Henry i. We purchase accounts, note. Judg ments of every cre Press. i'AVTph General cartlnsr. freight and express work.

'Paon W6y's Express. COLLECTIONS. Accounts of every "escrlptlon collected on percentage basis. Our system, hrtnira in the money for you. Prefs iMorcaaUla sncjTi.

70S Pxe Bid. 8j Wanted Young lady who has I- i.IKl is ill-Hi ninnitiiK i a u.nli 'i Apt and I'fpt. i iiiu iN'Tllii 'anl. l-l V. ANTE In vi.rk mi in --L'L'L.

Al r.tail WA.TEI-- 'mi in. i les -uiul te i-are Pri ss. Kmidoyment wants ook 'jit of town in tho morning. D'S WANTED for ceneral house- in Ml family With children' ncnl nut he 'horiiiiclilv exrjt-riencfil. hut must Iih N.

A. care Press. WANTEDTwo uTilii winder's! Hist wages. Steady employment. Apply Julius Kaysi-r Sidney, N.

Y. ANTED Stripper, "nud girls To makt; quick roll cigars. C. A. Smith 11 .0 Slate St.

a 1 1 1 inlddle-uged lad for IjKhMiouseWork Apply109 Mygatt St. WANTED" strong Slovak rl, iur g-eiieral work. Inquire, lit; licna ngo. M'AXTED Young lady to work in (I. rurtraem.

Ih.ll'a Candy Store, Court. A Tic I i Ke'nen. i at Bennett Ave. VI I jictoiit I'liuk, family of two, miKcs ao. AddrenK B.

care IM'CNS. WANTED Competent "woman-for gvnerul housework; no washings; good Jiiy-. nornings. Tt; Leroy St. WANTELi Woman for geuJral housework.

Millspaugh, Electric i-hop, 1st Washington St. WANTED Two young lady wait" resses; Rood wages; no Sunday work. Hall's, Ti Court. WANTED Woman to wash dishes; no Sunday work. Hall's, 3:1 Court.

WANTED Girl" for" general 10 to 2 p. m. 407 Phelps Mrs. A. Dewitt Experienced waitress wanted for the months of July and August.

At Hotel DeCunibfr, Sidney, N. Y. A ANTED Girl for work. Call 92 Leroy. general house- WANTEDTwo Lewis House.

dining room girls. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN OPERATORS; STEADY WORK; HIGHEST WAGES. JAMES S. CARY 4S-50 COMMERCIAL AVE. Competent giri, general housework, family of two.

Box 30, care Press. SITUATION WANTKD FEMALE. Experienced New York dressmaker, located in city for Summer months, will mak a. fpw Pnfffltromtnla nuf Kt, AHmi-cp 'W U'i VTP11 -iii i i i.e ituiiuci, first class work done, from 10c upwards. in rear.

uy siciiwgidynri, expeil- enced in legal and commercial work, outside work to do in office where em- pmveu. care i-ress. DKKSSMik'ixr. 1'Vlilrtrpn'a specialty. 2S Pearl Ave.

Bell "phona idu vv, WWTrn Plain csnini. one-piece dresses. 47 Warren' St. Ev vounEr IhcIv 3. keeper.

R. A. care Press. Comnetent woman wants work th day; also single washings. 53 Mur- upstairs.

WANTED Bv two first class ladv cooks, positions at Summer resort, one meat cook and other pastry; also position for waitress. Address S. A. care Press. Competent stenographer desires position at once; must be permanent, am also experienced in bookkeeping.

Address 100S. care Press. Experienced nurse, wishes to care for Invalid, aged lady, child, infant preferred, good references. Address S. care Press.

AGENTS WANTED. Great opportunity to make money "to fast, selling "Great Leaders and National Issues of 1U12," discussed by Roosevelt. Wilson. Taft, Clark and other leaders of all parties. Lives of all candidates.

100 colored and other illustrations. Only $1.00. Very best terms. Outfit free. Universal House, 1010 Arch Philadelphia.

AGENTS wanted, in every town and city to sell high grade household spe cialty, no talking needed, sells on sight, write today for free particulars. The L. G. Fake Spec. Cobloskill, N.

Y. AI7TOMOIIILES. Pope motorcycle of 4 h. weight 1R0; price $165; Nassau double bar bicycles $30, worth $37; new Imperials, Elks and Carletons. Plenty of secondhand bicycles.

E. E. Ayres, 116 Washington St. FOR SALE Two runabouts. 2 tour-jnp: cars, 1 Steam car.

A. B. Knickerbocker. 26-30 Hawley St. Will trade for real estate or horse.

For Hire touring car. Sundays and evenings, $2.00 per hour. New 'phone 213X. Some bargains in used cars: 1 Mar-mon demonstrator, fully equipped: 1 1911 Cadillac, fully equipped; 1 1910 Pope-Hartford, fully equipped; 1 1911 Stoddard-Dayton fully equipped, 1 1911 Pullman, fully equipped: Km Overland, fullv equipped; 1 1911 Maxwell, fully equipped; 1 Stoddard touring car. good repair.

Be sure and see these cars. Lowell, Hammond Wor-den. State and Henry Sts. Bell 'phone 1891. FOR SALE One 1912" c'halroer car.

fully equipped and in A No. condition. $1,190. The Binghamton Cadillac l4-190WaterSt. FORT'S ALE OR EXCHANGE 5 -passenger car for a pair of horses or a vacant lot.

R. Blodgett, 561 Neil Bldg. Electric runabout, new batteries, new tires, armature, new wiring. E. J.

Patterson, 14 4 Washington. FT Edwards, automobile livery. First class service, reasonable rates. 'Phone, Bell 1592J. New 991D.

FOR SALE 5-passenger touring car, used onlv about 2 months; also runabout practically new. We are agents for the Paiire Detroit, Hudson, Cole and Rambler cars, also Ajax tires, the only tire with a 5.000 mile guarantee. Xew York 23 Washington St; wnue'etVamVr" car. fully equipped, Al shape, for sale cheap. 7 xc an LSj-.

FOR" HIRE touring car. Bell 'phone 1388W. T. H. Taber.

FOR SALE Oil EXCHANGE. Tel exchange for a house nearer town a valuable income property in the Bennett location. A. care of Press. vaeant lot to trade for 2-lamiiy hous'e.

Cash for the difference. On North or West Side. I. C. Ganow.

Phelps Jlldg. Good 112 acre farm at East Maine, lies fine, well watered, Al timber. Keyes. 2 Stuart St. LODGE ROOM.

FOR RENT Iirge lisht lodsre rooms. Mrs. Hickey, 3 Pennsylvania Ave. FATKNTS. James F.

Pettll. registered patent attorney (No. 1096). Searches a specialty Reliable associate attorney at Savings. Bank Bldg.

FN. GILBERT. Lawyer. Registered Patent Attorney. Patents and patented specialties bought and sola.

Searchoj and trade-mark, a specialty. 8- Court street STEAM-HEATED AFARTM EN i S. rntted aDart- tKjii steam ihVat ele-triVitv. everything up to date. Neon WAdsVorth Alexander.

Poelp. 1 Building. Unit SALE room, concrete Mock hath. I'lMii i 'e, laraa lot. Hi I pi inn, i in, fur-ice I i.i 1 1 1 Ul I .0.

I i Ice one worth nit of: faKtooc. ia f. to, i.i i e. II I'M I'Cirl A $::: Klbll-r Bel A I'., rn.

Vestal I i i 'I ta il.ilvill. Real i'Ni il A home on corner Eldrn and Emmett Sts. HtiiKtiaaitoii, rooms, be-sidi 1 ci i i oom ti nd halls, l.ns 1 ic pro VMnents, pavement ami Hewer connec tion, can he houuut at a luugaln. Real E-iate, i.estershlre. 7 ROOM IIOI SIC NORTH SIPK.

ALL IMPS. Ill FURNACE, FA I II LOT. house in fink repair throughout --TERMS REASONABLE. SltlKle uiul 1 houses l'o. in all parts of the city.

11. A. IIIN.MAV SON, 303 Savings mk St. Rolillisim 8 room notice corner lot, worth will take b-ss to set-tin estate. Mueller room house.

$2,600. Brick house, near Chenango, $3,500. Bungalow, near Chenango, $2,500. Cottage, near Old Ladles' Home. koo.I lot, St.

nronertv. fine for furnish. ed rooms, good investment. 410-417 Phelps UMpt. Kftiil Kstatf! anil Kirn ln.Hrancfl.

On yu(h Side, 8 room Iuhmp, nil modern, cm re to ririvo nnd RiiraKP, shrubbery and fruit. Inquire Kront. A MONEY MAKER 2 lots and an room house, facing on two streets, for only $2,000. $800.00 cesh. THE HUB AGENCY 664-565 O'Neil Bldg, SUBURBAN HOME.

Comfortable house, barn and about 20 acres of land on Riverside Drive. Abundance of various kinds of fruit. Rent reasonable to right party. A good fl room house, centrally lo cated, 5 minutes, Court House, $1,750. A nice slate roof house, one minute from car line, $1,550.

A good farm. 8 miles out, 49 acres, fine soil, $2,000. down. W. H.

WILLIAMS, Bell 1168W. 554 O'Neil Bldg. How Is this for New house Just completed, seven rooms and enameled bath, satin walnut and cypress nnisn, poiisncei narawoon noora throughout, furnace, gas, electricity, sewer, cement walks, lot 60x133. Call. write or telephone, K.


CAN BE BOUGHT AT A BARGAIN IF SOLD AT ONCE. EASY TERMS. ALSO A GOOD 7 BOOM HOUSE ON MILES STREET, DOWNSVILLE, for $1,800, 1'art casn, CALL OR 'PHONH O'NEILL BLDG, GIT CH ELL HOLCOMB. Three of the properties mentioned In our last ad have been sold. This estab- lishes the fact that when we advertise we advertise bargains.

We herewith orrer three more: Four-family house, very centrally lo. cated, In good section of city, extra large lot. Needs repairing, painting and papering to make it tenantablo and" represents an Investment or about Will be sold to close an estate for $3,100. Now rents for $31. With $400 repair will rent for $50.

We offer bungalow on North Side, near car line, built of cement blocks, good lot, good location. Must be sold at sacrifice, all offers considered. Four-story block, renting for $480 per year, $4,400. Homes In all parts of the city, reasonable terms. C.

L. YAGER CO. 70S Press Bldg. Lestershlro Is booming, but you can buy this place for half what it cost, and double your money, because the own er has got sick of renting It. Call, write or nhone, llotch-kiN, 71 Court, if you want to sea it.

FOR SALE New house, 8 rooms and bath, all painted and papered, pollah-ed floors, corner Margaret and Division inquire or J. W. Ballard. FOR SALE To close an estate; one double house, 21 Roberson all im provements. Inquire M.

Lyons. Exc 183 Conklln or U. C. Lyons, Press Bldg. House for sale, 351 Court 65 feet wide and 149 feet deep, with 7 rooms, all Improvements, will sell cheap.

In quire 3a court. CRANDALlTST. NEAR MAIN! St. house, 7 rooms, finished on th wood, all Imps. $3,500.

SCHUBERT ST. House rooms, all finished on the wood, steam heat. $1,000, DOUBLE HOUSE NEAR GRAND BOULEVARD AND MAIN ST rented for $32.00 per month, (lino In vestment). $3,500. BIRCH ST.

New house, rooms, polished floors, on first floor, gas and electric light fixtures. (Inspection invited). $5,700. NORTH ST. NEAR MAIN ST.

House, 8 rooms, all modern polished floors, lire place, gas and electric, lights, large barn with concrete lloor. etc. $2,500, PEARL AVE. House, 8 rooms, all nicely decorated. $2,500, MoELLEit ST.

House, 8 rooms, all newly painted and papered; with cliickery. $2,500, MARGARET ST. House, rooms, all polished floors, large lot. IF YOU WANT A GENTTNE BARGAIN IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE AT ONCE. 1 1 SELLECK, 18 AND 19 McNAM-AR UI.IC, COR.

COURT AND COL LIER STS. DEALERS IN SECOND-HAND GOODS. Mrs. F. Uarber, moved from 125 to 117 Water.

Best prices for all secondhand clothing. Linens exchanged. Drop postal. A'fier June 5, Mrs. Ginsburg's place will be closed for four weeks.

M. Citlen, buys and sells household goods of all kinds, and pays the best prices. New location, 74 Clinton St. MHSIlH SHAPIRO. 6 Susquehanna street, pays cash for all kinds of second-hand clothing and ladies' dresses: also exchanges for the finest imported Tlj.ll a.linn "IZW.

linen. Bell phona M. Shulman. new and second-hand clothes and shoes bought and sold, also exchanged for linen. 8 Hawley St.

M. Hurevltch, 81-63 Clinton buys and sells second-hand furniture and 1 household goods. Highest price, paid. mm USE THE TELEPHONE YOl.Il iij ur.i 11, i' gAME ACCURATR ATTENTION lF YOU CALL IN PERSON. iH.D 'I'HONK so liVV 'I'HONB PRESS WAKT RATES k.n Ilors.

3 tlm-fts for ..35 fbrer line. 2 times iniiciucuia mar iico IJDO (ill or will be daubln U( 4 ri waM taru. Advertleenieata ordered publlabed uu- tU forbid are accepted with ilie under- iiinillDL- tbot they nill be pubilaued gatll a written uotlce to atop la received it Ttaa freaa office. UELF ANTED MALE. WANTED Two neat appearing men take ordera.


WANTED Carpenters and mill rights. Apply at ones Dunn-Mc- fartliy. Few more agents wanted. Call be- nwn 5-8. Harrigan, 5 Myrtle Ave.

WANTED 100 men to take hot or toid shower hatha, Everything furnish- ei 25o per bath. Steam Sulphur Bath Booms, iiiu washing ton at. WANTED At once; a bench mould- tr; state experience. Beach Mfg. Montrose, Pa.

WANTED Ambitious young men to Secerns traveling salesmen and earn shlle they learnt Write for particu lars. Bradstreet System, Rochester, Y. WANTED Teamsters vto drive on tate road. B. D.

Baker, 77 Broome. Boy wanted. Arlington Barber Shop. First class barber wanted. Capable looking after barber shop and pool nrst class wages paid.

29 Vvasn- etnn WANTED Compositor. Commercial iv-lope Box apply at office. WANTED Practical man to run sulder and double surfacer. Lester-ire Lumber t- Box Lestershlre. WANTED A first class pressmaffi.

ill at office Commercial Envelope Robinson St. Smr salesmen, latest office applies, stood profits. Call 522 Security Jtual Bldg. Edwards-Nelson Co. Wanted for ii.

s. army a hie. -4Wd unmarried men between ages of 35: citizens of United States, of raid character and temperate habits, tho can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply i Recruiting officer, so court street. inghamton.

SITUATION WANTED MALE. Position wanted as salesman, fore- an, collector or any other Intelligent pcnitig, by sober man with a family support. Address F. rare Press. a out ul aours.

x. caio ul Sober, Industrious, married man. nnts work of any kind; is used to orsi-s. Call S3 Gaylord, or new phone Between 7 and 8. WANTED Steady work of any kind tiiat will pay wages enough to meet expenses of moderate lamily.

Across Business, care Press. WANTED Position as foreman. rk. collector, or shipping clerk, or "O'Jld take half interest in business tere books will show results. Ad-irfss Clerk, care Press.

Would like a position as bartender JBlnchamton or near town, 15 years' trperience; best reference. Address A chauffeur, first class in every way ill consider situation with good peo- box jsingnamton ress. WANTED Position to run elevator. in private family as Janitor. R.

oare Press. WANTED Position as chauffeur in IJivate family or garage. Preferences. care Press. Druegist.

12 years experience, de- 'rfs t' rhane-A noRitinn: nresent loca- 'inn rongenial; best of references 2. Hustler, u. u. care tress. WANTED Position: man about 40: strictly pober.

wants employment; fore man, manaffpr. rlerk. collector, or anv 'ihfr intelligent position. Frank, care WiVTfn XX'rtlr V.T." an oTt arnnnrl 'feksmith, after July would do noor work. Address J.

an is. indsot N. x. We ar rejjdv for vntir outside rtaint 'ad now; also inside work: do papering painting. Call new -phone Weidman.

39 Mill St. WANTED Position as barber, union A. Peterson, 2S2 Clinton at. Posltinn aa HrK-Ar nr teamster bV Slddla-aged man. strictly temperate Sircilahle.

w. H. Palmer, Bi way si. WANTED A position as grocery have best of references. Ad- Grocery Clerk, care Press.

Jtachlnist, first class on machine and work, wishes position. A. Suhner, iQrnnr! or store, best references. Geo. M.

Experienced bookkeeper and office a change. Box 92, Press. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION Arithmetic. Alirebra. Geometry, Analytical Geometry, and Integral Calcuius.

M. NORTH. B. M. 41 Orton Einchamtmi N.

Y. J.OARD AND ROOM WANTED. dJPeetable man wishes room and with private family, on West A. c. care Press.

FINANCIAL. "loiif.y t0 ioan on first mortgage. Keegan, Press Bldg BOUGHT AND SOLD, snn.i and second real estate and per--JSMoatis. 304 B. S.

B. Bldg. jKent. Inquire U. Blodgett.

561 ONeU 1IELP ANTED. wants 'postoffTce clerks. v.r!;;-rs- Binghamton examinations -oacniner tree, ranKim iu- Kept. Rochester, N. Y- ill" REXT- HOCSES FURNISHED.

evil 1 f'd house to rent foTJu ly and tek at 138 Murray St H. B. Kol- FOR SALE. Mary St. 3-famlly house, laTga lot, llllof.

ci.apit, st. 12 room nous, all Imps- i. II I HAM GOLDSMITH, lCxchanco Bldg. 6a Court Bt liutb Phones. LEST RSIIIR BARGAINS 4r i-family block, for only Vi $3,000.

7 mom cottHge, $1,500. 8-room cottage, $1,550. 1 vacant loti ni'iir Main cheap. WALLACE THOMSON, 34i; O'Neil N. Y.

BARGAIN SALE. OF REAL ESTATE. 2-famllv houses from II Soft tn 000; coitages $1,000 to $1,000: farms $1,000 to ila.OOO. Investment nrnnur. ties that rent for 10 and 12 per cent, on rue amount Invested.

Building lots in Endlcott. Lestershlrn. Syracuse. Buffalo. and Rochester to exchange for Blng- oaiinon reai estate.

ir there la anything anywhere that you want to buy, exchange, sell or rent, c.ill. write on 'P 1 1 i rrfs, 40 9 Press Bldg. SOME BARGAINS. 7 room limiHP nil Imnrnvement' North Side. J2.2O0, $200 cash.

llonso of 7 rooms, nil nlcn b.t, fruit, South Side. $2,500, will ii. ioc iwo-iunniy uotise. 8 rooms, cltv water, closet, tan. plumbed for bath, lot 49x200, fruit, East End, $1,800.

Party leaving city offers, Al property of 17 rooms, household furniture iinil everything Included. West Side, 10 minutes' to Court St. $2,500 down, balance 5 per cent. ROSS MOSHER, 824Securlty Bldg; $100 down, balance e'anv. arnts new house, North Side, 2-famlly house and good barn, central, $3,600.

--lainiiy nouse, I.estershlre, 2-family house, West Side, $4,000. Modern West Side, near Main, $5,700. Cottage, I.estershlre, $1,800, central. 2-famlly, South Side, bargain, $3,000. 43 acre8' tools and crops, If vou wnnt in 11 nll.

rVie TCWOT SYSTEM gets RESULTS. MUTUAL, REALTY CO. 714 Tress Bid g. New 'phone 7D. 2-famlly house.

Maraaret In crood repair, near car line, rents for $22 per month, largo lot. Price only 2-fnmlly house, Lawton can give Immediate possession. Trice $3,300. Good terms. New house, Schiller St.

(only one left), 8 rooms, bath, furnRce, gas and all Improvements, polished floor, and ioi reet. rnoo is.soo. HOME REAL ESTATE CO. PeiryJBldg. FOR SALE One miun iTI Conklln to close an In quire of L.

M. Lyons, 183 Conklin or U. C. Lyons, Presa Bldg. FOli SALE 6ne corner hoiiMie "tsrf Conklln to close an estate, in quire or L.

M. Lyons. 183 Conklln JPressMJdg. FOR SALDll-room nouse, ail moo ern Improvements; aiao barn, good ah4 and Icehouse on same large, double lot. aituated In growing town; In abort, a splendid home Winter or Summer; will be-aold at a great sacrifice.

Terms ault purchaeer. For partlculara addraau Park8t1Blnbanitot r. FOR SALE 2-famlly House, all lat. est cost $9,000 to build, will for $5,000, K. Blogett, 661 O'Neil.

BUIIIXF.M OPPORTUNITY If you know of any CITY, Village or Farm bargains, tell us about them and wa will divide our commission with you. Money to loan. Rlnghsmton Real Estate Agency, 304 B. S. B.

Collier St. FOR SALE An excel-lent pool room, located in tills city, four table. 'and nil equipment will be very reasonably or ownei will trade for vacant loi well situated. HIRAM 304 Phelps Bldg. Money making general store, country town, on railroad and macadam.

Over $10,000 a year ALL CASH BUSINESS. Better than 25 per cent, profit. Rent only $10, a month. Stock and fixtures, $3,000, with $1,000 down. Balnneo secured.

Monthly payments II desired. Would trade for good Incdme Binghamton property or farm nearby, Owner going South-. Chance seldom of. fcred. See us TODAY.

REAL F.3TATH BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 407 Bing. Sav. Bank Collier St. ff you good business cheap, call 304 B. 8.

'Minor St. A ohnnoo to invest $1,200 in a profitable business. Inquire of Bldg. Five cent theater Man with nnd services, secures half of entire interests, 250 theater seats, everything new, owner out of town, 105 Bast MHrket Corning. N.

Y. MILK ROUTE. For good reasons thi. city miik route must be sold by July 1st. One of the best paying propositions of this kind in the.

city. Doing a olean cash business for several years. Call immediately In person at our offlco for particulars. HIRAM MINTZ. 304 Phelps Bldg; FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Good grocery business, will sell at inventory, town of 1,700, great bargain.

BINGHAMTON FARM AGENCY, 606 Press Bldg. FOR SALE Mortgages $1,600 an 4 $2,300. 706 Press C. 1 Yager CO. BUSINESS CHANCE.

An excellent chance for a person acquainted with the collection business. Over 2,000 accounts; stationery, furniture, everything ready for business. Owner has other business that require, his attention. Must be sold at once. For further Information address Lock Drawer 715, Binghamton, N.

Y. Ten thousand buys a block right In the center, renting for 12 per cent, or take part down, balance at 5 per so It would net you over 10 per cent. Call, write or 'phone. Hotch- kiN, 71 Court. WANTED Partner with in lunch, business, one that can cook.

Grocery well located, cheap rent, $550. Fruit and confectionery store, $150. Grocery and building, $2,700, trade for farm. One-half interest In good paying business $1,200. Printing plant, $1,000.

One-half interest In business, $2,500. 3 general stores In good country towns, trade for city property. Big restaurant, central, trade for farm. Lunch room, $300. Drug store, Restaurant at Summer resort, $1,500.

Gent's furnishing store. If you want to sell or get a partner call MUTUAL REALTY CO. 714 Press Bldg. Best paying five-chair Barber Shop in central New York for sale. Address care Press.

FOR RENT Hotel, all furnished. good license, doing good business, party leaving town account poor health. K. Blogett. 561 O'Neil.

MATERNITY HOSPITAL. Mrs. C. L. Howev has removed from 17 Kress St.

to 44 Belden St. Pleasant home, excellent care. DETECT I VS. Detective agency of Qec. H.

Herman. 12 Congdon place. Blnanamton. N. X.


Press and Sun-Bulletin from Binghamton, New York (2024)
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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.