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KILL THE QUEEN -· LL THE QUEEN KILL THE QUEEN KILL THE QUEEN KILL THE QUEEN KILL THE QUEEN KILL ... and finally a fight with a monster possessing - [PDF Document] (1)


An Adventure for The Roleplaying Game of Transhuman Conspiracy and Horror

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3KILL THE QUEENIn a black lab hidden in the Zhongguancun district of Olympus something has gone horribly wrong and it is up to a group of local Firewall sentinels to investig-ate. The sentinels will face a five way struggle at the gates of the space elevator, a search through a black lab, and finally a fight with a monster possessing powers far beyond transhuman understanding.

SERIES OVERVIEWThe From Blinding Heights series of adventure scen-arios for Eclipse Phase casts the player characters as Firewall sentinels operating in the martian city of Olympus. Kill the Queen is the third adventure in the series and is meant to be played after or concurrently with the second adventure in the series, Dance with the Devil, though it can also be played as a stan-dalone adventure or before Dance with the Devil with some modification.

In addition to the Eclipse Phase rulebook, this ad-venture uses the information and rules presented inthe Sunward and Panopticon source books, both ofwhich can be downloaded for free under the creativecommons license.

SCENARIO SYNOPSISThis scenario is roughly divided into two parts. The first part involves acquiring and reading a secure data chip and the second part involves destroying a black lab that has been taken over by an exsurgent.

THE SECURE DATA CHIPChiara Capirossi, a Prosperity Group accountant, has stolen a secure data chip containing information on the companies black labs. She plans on giving this chip to an Oversight auditor that she is meeting in a restaurant called Oeufcoque located in Diantimen.

Unfortunately for Chiara and Oversight, a member of the Lost named Shinobu Urashima (see Dance with the Devil) learned of their plan and sold news of their meeting and the data chip online. Urashima did this in order to draw out his enemy, Lilium Cares-baei, who is looking for forks of herself who are be-ing held in a Prosperity Group black lab.

In addition to attracting Lilium, Urashima's inform-ation also attracted other interested parties. Cognite, Firewall, Lilium, Prosperity Group, and Oversight all want the data chip and are sending agents to get it.

The characters become involved in this scenario as agents of either Firewall or Lilium tasked with acquir-ing the data chip, when they are hired by Urashima to track Lilium back to her hideout, or when their in-vestigation into the Prosperity Group uncovers the in-formation Urashima sold and they decide to get the secure data chip for themselves.

THE PROSPERITY GROUP'S BLACK LABThe Prosperity Group had two black labs in Olym-pus. One was destroyed by Lilium Caresbaei and the other taken over by an exsurgent named Dr. Kalirai. The data chip has the location of both black labs on it, though characters who fail to retrieve the data from the chip may be able to find the destroyed black lab using social networking or from an XP made for Lilium Caresbaei. Clues found in the destroyed black lab may then be used to find the other black lab.

Note that the task of investigating the black labs and stopping Dr. Kalirai is not assigned directly and depending on the players, characters may need addi-tional motivation to look into the labs. Gamemasters should feel free to come up with such motivation as appropriate to their game and characters.

TIMELINEThe following is a brief timeline of events leading up this scenario:

AF 7 – The Prosperity Group creates the Macad-amia Nut Research Lab in Olympus in order to devel-op Psi-opener drugs in support of the PC's plan to take over the outer system: Project Savior. A sample of the exsurgent virus, the precursor virus, is located at the lab so they can produce experimental psi drugs. AF 8 – Lilium Caresbaei, a member of the Lost, is killed and her stack captured during a black ops raid on an Argonaut habitat by Cognite. Cognite is later forced to hand Lilium's ego over to Prosperity Group as part of a settlement. Prosperity Group instantiates forks of Lilium as neotenics at the Macadamia Nut Research Lab for use as research subjects.

AF 8 – Lilium Caresbaei is restored from off-site backups and begins investigating her death. Her in-vestigations eventually lead her to the Prosperity Group and Olympus.

AF 9 – Prosperity Group is contracted by ComEx (barely winning out over Cognite) to perform re-search on Zaizan Bosshard, one of ComEx's inden-tured employees. ComEx want a method to replicate Zaizan's amazing abilities with a system that ComEx is developing called SKULD. A copy of Zaizan is in-stantiated at the Macadamia Nut Research Lab.

AF 9 – Prosperity Group creates another black lab in Olympus, the Hazelnut Research Lab, and trans-fers personal and resources from the Macadamia Nut Research Lab to the new lab. This includes Zaizan Bosshard, copies of the precursor virus, and the Mac-adamia Nuts Lab's old head, Dr. Alexandria Serif. The new head of the Macadamia Nut Research Lab is Dr. Sandra Kaye.

AF 9 – Dr. Vasundhara Kalirai, a researcher at the Macadamia Nut Research Lab uses a dose of Sublim-inal Psi-opener to prevent Dr. Kaye from instituting a

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massively unethical research policy regarding the forks of Lilium. Several days later, Dr. Kalirai uses another dose of Subliminal Psi-opener from a second batch to cover up her theft from the first batch. The second batch interacts with the remnants of the first batch still in her system to create a mostly functional version of the exsurgent virus. Fortunately for every-one, the virus is still not contagious.

AF 9, Vrishika – The Hazelnut Research Lab cre-ates a batch of drugs that give the user the correct mental abilities to use SKULD to its fullest, though the drugs have horrible side effects. They name the new drug Hyper-Drive and begin working on mitigat-ing or eliminating the side effects. Doses of the drug are transferred to the Macadamia Nut Research Lab for analysis by that lab's superior equipment. Lilium learns of the Hazelnut Research Lab from an Prosper-ity Group insider she has influenced.

AF 10, March 1 – During the New Year's celebra-tions, a group of mercenaries hired by Lilium destroy the Hazelnut Research Lab. Zaizan Bosshard man-ages to escape during the attack, taking with him all the Hyper-Drive currently at the lab.

AF 10, March 3 – Dr. Kalirai, now firmly in the grip of the exsurgent virus and in partial control of the Macadamia Nut Research Lab, begins perpetuat-ing fraud by pretending that the Hazelnut Research Lab is still operational.

AF 10, November – Shinobu Urashima learns that Lilium is in Olympus and begins hunting her. Zaizan Bosshard, using the ID of Guo Eckener, sends a mes-sage to Lilium warning her about Urashima. Dr. Kalirai stages a coup and takes total control of the Macadamia Nut Research Lab.

AF 10, Simha – Chiara Capirossi, an accountant at Prosperity Group, realizes that something is wrong with the accounts for the black labs. However, her superiors ignore her suspicions. Disgusted, she de-cides to go to Oversight with her information. Chiara steals a secure data chip that contains records on the black lab for delivery to Oversight.

AF 10, X-2 days – An undercover Oversight agent eats at a restaurant in Olympus named Oeufcoque. As he does so he casually asks questions about the restaurant and its private dining room. However, he is not casual enough and the waitstaff become suspi-cious. They tell the head chef (and co-owner of the restaurant) and the sous chef, Daniel, overhears. Thinking this may have something to do with him (he moonlights as a knife wielding assassin) he gets his boyfriend, Shinobu Urashima, to investigate.

AF 10, X-1 day – Urashima's investigation reveals that Oversight is receiving a secure data chip from Prosperity Group whistleblower named Chiara Ca-pirossi at the restaurant, which is why they were checking it out. Urashima knows that this informa-tion will be irresistible to Lilium Caresbaei and plans to use it to lure her out of hiding so that he can even-tually kill her permanently.

AF 10, X day – Day of the meeting between Chiara and Oversight. Urashima begins selling information about Chiara Capirossi and the secure data chip.

PEOPLE AND PLOTSThe following is a brief list of NPCs and Plots im-portant to this scenario:● Proxy 21 – Firewall proxy in charge of the

safety of the space elevator and Olympus.● Chiara Capirossi – Prosperity Group account-

ant and whistleblower. Giving data chip containing black lab details to Oversight.

● Daniel Cuesta Montalvo – Assassin and sous chef at Oeufcoque. Urashima's boyfriend.

● Shinobu Urashima – Lost freelance interrog-ator. Hates other Lost. Using Chiara Ca-pirossi as bait to draw out Lilium Caresbaei.

● Lilium Caresbaei – Lost. Hunting for forks of her that are being held by the Prosperity Group in Olympus.

● Faris Al-Mutadee – Auditor for Oversight. Meeting Chiara Capirossi at Oeufcoque.

● Sofiya Golovina – Deniable asset hired by Urashima to follow Lilium Caresbaei back to her base of operations.

● Lucas Morganthau – Deniable asset hired by Cognite to acquire the data chip.

● Mystic X – Hacker hired by the Prosperity Group to destroy the data chip.

● SCSI – Data retrieval expert hired by Proxy 21. Waiting at the Olympus Mt. Temple.

● Somchai – Priest at Olympus Mt. Temple. Worried about the Five Deadly Poisons.

● Five Deadly Poisons – Synthmorph rights activists and assassins. Have something ter-rible planned for Olympus.

● Angel Conrad – Professional decoy hired by Lilium to swap places with her.

● Project Savior – Project to take over Locus using charismatic leaders.

● Hazelnut Research Lab – Prosperity Group black lab. Created Hyper-Drive. Destroyed by mercenaries hired by Lilium.

● Alexandria Serif – Head of Hazelnut Re-search Lab. Former head of Macadamia Nut Research Lab.

● Zaizan Bosshard – Async. Can see the future using a machine called SKULD. Former pris-oner at Hazelnut Research Lab.

● Hyper-Drive – Drug created from exsurgent virus. Gives mental powers equivalent to Zaizan and lets others use SKULD.

● Macadamia Nut Research Lab – Prosperity Group black lab working on psi-drugs for Project Savior. Taken over by Dr. Kalirai.

● Sandra Kaye – Former head of Macadamia Nut Research Lab. Imprisoned by Dr. Kalirai.

● Vasundhara Kalirai – Exsurgent. Formerly a scientist at Macadamia Nut Research Lab.

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MISSION HOOKThis section has four hooks to bring the characters into the scenario: assignment by Proxy 21, a task for Shinobu Urashima, a job offer from Lilium Caresbaei, and stumbling upon the scenario while researching the Prosperity Group. The gamemaster can use one or more of these hooks as appropriate.

Whatever method is used to get the characters into the scenario, the characters should receive the inform-ation regarding the data chip around noon, giving them just three hours to prepare for Chiara's arrival.

PROXY 21If the characters retrieved samples of Hyper-Drive from Mike's Custom Morphs (Chain Reaction) or Zaizan's Hideout (Dance with the Devil) and in-formed Proxy 21, she will be on the lookout for in-formation regarding new drugs and black labs in Olympus. Thus when Urashima leaks the information about the Chiara Capirossi and the data chip, Proxy 21 learns about it. Proxy 21 will then assign the char-acters to retrieve the data chip and take it to a data recovery specialist named SCSI at the Olympus Mou-ntain Temple in Deshengmen.

As usual, Proxy 21 contacts the characters through a steganographically hidden message in a routine communication from the MARG game, Thousand Heavens. This time, Proxy 21 will ask the characters to go to an observation deck on the top of the Jeffer-son Building, one of the skyscrapers in Central.

Characters who go to the skyscraper's observation deck will have an excellent view of the space elevator. Following their natural inclination to look up, char-acters using the Thousand Heavens AR overlay see a small white and red object descending from the heav-ens. The object will quickly resolve into a androgyn-ous red winged angle in a luminescent white robe with a golden triangle on the chest. The angle des-cends majestically, wings outstretched as if to slow it, and settles on the roof. It opens it mouth and speaks:

Greetings, O Seekers of Light. I, the Angel of Ends, require your aid: a servant of evil has stolen a Book of Secrets from the Demons of Avarice. The brazen thief seeks to meet with a group of demons, Those Who Watch From Above, at the very Gates of Heaven. To aid me, you must inter-cept the thief and retrieve the Book. Once you have it, you must take it to the Temple on the Mountain of Heaven. There it will be read and the secrets inside become secrets no longer; and thus the evil of the Book ended forever.

After a bit of thought the characters or their muses should translate this message as: an employee of Prosperity Group has stolen valuable data and is go-ing to give it to Oversight at Diantimen. The data is on physical media and the characters are to steal it and take it to the Olympus Mountain Temple for de-structive analysis.

Proxy 21 also transmits the data she has on the em-ployee and the name of the data retrieval specialist, SCSI (pronounced 'Scuzzy'), to the characters.

The data on the employee includes:

Her name, Chiara Capirossi;

Her occupation and employment record: she is an unexceptional Prosperity Group accountant;

Biometric data and images on her morph, a common ruster; and

Her itinerary: Chiara is scheduled to arrive at Rail Eos Public Station in Diantimen at 15:00 and she will be leaving on the space elevator at 17:00.

Proxy 21 has not had time to prepare a new set of Fake Ego IDs for the characters.

SHINOBU URASHIMAIf the characters agreed to perform two tasks for Shinobu Urashima in Dance with the Devil, they will receive a message from him regarding the second task. The message has the following information:

At approximately 15:00 today, a woman named Chiara Capirossi will arrive on a maglev train at the Rail Eos Public Station in Diantimen. Biomet-rics and images of her morph are included.

Chiara has a data chip. Somewhere between the station and the elevator security checkpoint anoth-er woman, this one named Lily or Lilium, will ap-proach Chiara. Lily will be using a fake ID.

Lily will attempt to retrieve the data chip from Chiara. She will likely do this by persuading Chiara to give it to her. While persuading her Lily will be making physical contact with Chiara, that is how the characters will be able to identify Lily.

The characters task is to follow or track Lily (see Stage 3) to wherever she is staying and report that location, as well as any other information they have on Lily, back to Urashima.

LILIUM CARESBAEIIf the characters delivered Urashima's stack to the dead drop in Dance with the Devil, they will be sent another anonymous message.

This message will have a link for a yes/no reply and will offer the characters 30,000 crypto-cred for inter-cepting a courier. If the characters reply 'yes' they will be sent additional details:

The name of the courier is Chiara Capirossi and she is sleeved in a ruster morph (images and bio-metrics are provided);

Characters are to retrieve a secure data chip from Chiara;

Chiara will arrive at the Rail Eos Public Station in Diantimen at 15:00; and

Once they have the chip, the characters are to bring it to the apartment of Sally Young in the Olympus View Housing Complex (see Stage 4).


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RESEARCHING PROSPERITY GROUPCharacters may also begin this scenario by research-ing the Prosperity Group. A simple Online Research Test (30 minutes) reveals:

All the public information about Prosperity Group (see p. 73, EP).

Success: Prosperity Group, despite being a phar-maceutical company, was one of the major backers of the ban on nootropics and combat drugs. They claimed that the addictive nature of these drugs turned their users into either violent muggers (combat drugs) or evil scheming masterminds (nootropics) and both types of drugs should be re-stricted for the greater good of society.

Critical Success: Prosperity Group has at least one black lab in Olympus and that something ma-jor is going to go down between Prosperity Group and Oversight in the near future.

SOCIAL NETWORKINGIf the characters get a critical success on their Online Research Test (or use a point of moxie to make their success a critical) they may then use their social net-works to determine what is going on between Over-sight and the Prosperity Group. Alternately, the char-acters may use their social networking to find general information about the Prosperity Group's illicit activ-ities in the Olympus area.

g-rep (Level 3, 1 hour): After making a general inquiry into any illegal activity by the Prosperity Group, the characters are contacted by a chemist using the pseudonym 'Solvation'. For 500 crypto-cred, Solvation reveals that, based on their chemic-al analysis, some of the illegal nootropics sold by the Big Circle Gang were almost certainly nanofab-ricated in one of the Prosperity Group's orbital labs and then smuggled down the space elevator.

c-rep, r-rep, and g-rep (Level 4, special): If the characters inquire specifically about the trouble between the Prosperity Group and Oversight, a man named Carl Stone will contact them at noon. For 5,000 crypto-cred, Carl tells the characters that Chiara Capirossi, a Prosperity Group employ-ee, is planning to give confidential data to an Oversight auditor she is meeting in Diantimen this afternoon. Carl has Chiara's arrival time at the Rail Eos Public Station (15:00) and pictures and biometrics of her morph. He does not know what is on the data chip. If the characters ask, Carl is willing to reveal his source (Shinobu Urashima) for an additional 10,000 crypto-cred. Carl will also warn the characters that he (Carl) has sold this in-formation to multiple parties.

c-rep (Level 5, 3 days): While making a general inquiry into Prosperity Group's illegal activities in the Olympus area, the characters get in contact with an anonymous person claiming to be a Prosperity Group insider. For 20,000 crypt-cred, the insider will reveal the location of one of the Prosperity Group's black labs (see Stage 5).

STAGE 1: DIANTIMENCharacters will need to travel to Diantimen to re-trieve the data chip from Chiara Capirossi.

CHIARA CAPIROSSIChiara Capirossi is a Prosperity Group accountant who stumbled upon potential malfeasance by the cor-poration's Olympus branch. After her concerns about the accounting irregularities were ignored by her su-pervisors, Chiara decided to sell the information to Oversight and managed to obtain a secure data chip containing the accounting data for Prosperity Group's Olympus black labs.

Chiara routinely passes through Diantimen when her work takes her into space. She therefore has set up a meeting with Oversight at a restaurant in Dianti-men that she was planning on visiting anyways.

Chiara's plan is as follows:

She plans to arrive at the Rail Eos Public Sta-tion on a maglev train at 15:00.

After she arrives, she plans to leave the terminal and wander the souks of Diantimen, seemingly killing time by window shopping.

Eventually, Chiara plans to 'wander' close to Oeufcoque. There she plans to feign surprise at seeing the name of her old friend, Rashad Al-Dwairan, on the reservation schedule for the private dining room and ask the hostess to see if he would like her company.

In the private dining room, she plans to meet with an Oversight agent who had arrived earlier and negotiate her whistleblower reward.

Once the negotiations are complete, she plans to travel to the space elevator terminal as normal.

RESEARCHING CHIARA CAPIROSSICharacters may wish to learn more about Chiara Ca-pirossi. Chiara does keep a rather detailed lifelog, but it is mostly boring everyday material that no one cares about. Sorting through it takes a successful Re-search Test with a 30 minute timeframe and reveals the following pertinent information:

Chiara's is an accountant at the Prosperity Group. Her work regularly takes her into orbit and she almost always rides the space elevator.

Whenever she travels to the space elevator she always follows the same basic routine: she arrives early on the Rail Eos maglev train, shops in Dianti-men for a while, and stops into a restaurant to eat before traveling to the elevator terminal (the prices on the space elevator are notoriously expensive). Chiara never seems to visit the same place twice and has stopped into a different restaurant each time she has traveled through Diantimen.

MoS 30+: The characters have enough informa-tion that they can make an Investigation Test to guess what restaurant she might go to. A success reveals that the restaurant she is most likely to stop into is a French restaurant named Oeufcoque.

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NO PLAN SURVIVESUnfortunately for Chiara, Shinobu Urashima found out about her plans and decided to use her and the data chip to lure out Lilium Caresbaei. To that end, Urashima sold the information about her deal with Oversight to several parties, some of which are in-volved in information brokerage.

By default five groups have heard of the deal, though the gamemaster may add or remove some based on the particulars of the scenario. The five groups interested in obtaining the data chip are: Fire-wall, Oversight, Cognite, the Prosperity Group, and Lilium Caresbaei. Additionally, Urashima will send an agent or agents to track Lilium to her hideout (he won't go himself because he is worried that Lilium, as a fellow async, will be able to detect him).

Each of these groups has their own plans, as de-tailed in the further parts of Stage 1. These plans, quite naturally, overlap and intersect with each other. Ultimately what happens is determined by the actions of the characters. However, as a guide for the game-master, here is a short summary of how things might go down if the characters don't get involved at all:

The Oversight auditor Chiara is going to meet, Faris Al-Mutadee, arrives at Oeufcoque.

Chiara arrives at the train station and Uras-hima's agent, Sofiya Golovina, begins tailing her.

Lucas Morganthau, a deniable asset hired by Cognite, enters Oeufcoque pretending to be Chiara and subdues Faris with a surprise attack.

Lilium Caresbaei bumps into Chiara and they begin to talk. After about a minute of conversation in which Lilium has constant physical contact with Chiara, Sofiya is sure that Lilium is her target and she begins to move closer in order to plant a mi-crobug on Lilium.

Mystic X, an agent of the Prosperity Group, makes his move using hacked worker pods and synths. Sofiya is blocked by a synth, two more synths shove Lilium away, and two worker pods grab Chiara.

Through his drones, Mystic X frisks Chiara and finds the chip. He then smashes it beneath the heal of a synth, rendering it unreadable.

OIA Police officers arrive, weapons drawn, and yell for everybody to freeze. Mystic X abandons the morphs he was remote controlling while Lilium fades into the crowd. Sofia attempts to follow Lili-um but is detained by the OIA Police who are rounding up all the other synths for questioning. Chiara is also detained.

Chiara manages to talk her way free, but by the time she does so, she has to hurry to catch the space elevator and can't stop at the restaurant.

Sofiya is let go after the OIA Police review the spime footage and realized that she was not hacked. At this point she has lost Lilium.

Lucas realizes that Chiara isn't coming and leaves the restaurant.

DIANTIMENFor security purposes the Rail Eos spur running through Central stops before it reaches the space elevator terminal proper. Diantimen consists of the street leading from the space elevator to the Rail Eos Public Station (as opposed to the freight station) and the street leading from the space el-evator to the Olympus public transportation sys-tem's purple (zi) line terminal.

As almost everyone traveling to or from the el-evator who is not traveling as freight must walk through Diantimen, it sees an incredible amount of traffic. To capitalize on this, the street is set up as a large souk with permanent shops and res-taurants built into the sides of the street. The street is three stories high and has walkways lin-ing the edges of the second and third stories with the occasional passover so that it somewhat re-sembles an old earth mall. The roof of the street is arched and transparent, though little light enters the street because of the skyscrapers of Central on one end and the immediately adjacent space elevator at the other.

As can be expected from a location so close to the space elevator, security is tight. Surveillance spimes cover every square meter of the street and OIA foot patrol officers in their highly visible safety yellow and black uniforms seem to be everywhere. With the recent problems in Olym-pus, the OIA Police in Diantimen have upgraded their armament, though no explosions have yet taken place here.

SECURE DATA CHIPThe data chip is an old 8 pin DIP style chip. It is usually kept in a protective plastic casing to pre-vent the pins from getting bent. Of the eight pins: one is the voltage pin and another is the ground pin. There is also a clock pin and an out-put pin. The clock signal is sent in on the clock pin and the voltage on the output pin varies in response. The other four pins are not address pins as would be expected, but rather security pins. If the wrong voltages are on these pins when the clock signal goes low, then the chip self destructs.

Without address pins there is no way to access the data on the chip except sequentially. This is by design. The frequency of the clock signal is also limited. To read the entire chip therefore takes about ten minutes and the data on the chip is encrypted such that almost the entire chip must be read before the data is usable. Furthermore, the chip is designed so that regular analytical nanodisassemble, which would work on an optic-al disk or other storage media, will not be able to read the chip.

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OVERSIGHT: FARIS AL-MUTADEEOversight, like the OIA, is currently focused on the 'suicide bombings' in Olympus. However, Oversight must continue its mission of investigating financial ir-regularities, at least nominally. Therefore, Oversight has dispatched an auditor, Faris Al-Mutadee, to meet with Chiara.

Faris plans to leaves his office in Central at 14:30 and travel to a spime blind spot. There he plans to switch his ego ID to a fake (Rashad Al-Dwairan, an old acquaintance of Chiara). This is so that, if anyone checks up on Chiara's move-ments, she is never logged as being in the same res-taurant as an Oversight auditor.

Faris then plans to take the purple line to Dian-timen and walk directly to the restaurant where he is meeting Chiara, Oeufcoque. He has previously made reservations to use the private dining room using Rashad's name.

Once at the restaurant, Faris plans to wait for Chiara while eating in the private dining room. Once Chiara arrives and asks to use the private dining room, he will pretend to be shocked at meeting his old friend and invite her to join him.

Once Chiara has joined him, Faris plans to ne-gotiate with her for the data chip. His goal is to get her to accept a small upfront reward for informa-tion about the financial irregularities, with a prom-ise of more money once Oversight can examine the contents of the chip.

After the meeting he plans to return to the Oversight office in Central.

COGNITE: LUCAS MORGENTHAUCognite is extremely interested in nootropics and asyncs and knows that Prosperity Group has a black lab working on advanced psi drugs in Olympus. To learn what that black lab has been up to, Cognite has hired a deniable asset to retrieve the data chip for them. Lucas Morgenthau, a master of impersonation, is that deniable asset.

After being hired, Lucas researched Chiara, determ-ined that she would likely eat at Oeufcoque, and checked Oeufcoque's systems to see if the private din-ing room would be in use during the time Chiara would be in Diantimen. It was and so Lucas deduced (correctly) that she would be meeting her Oversight contact there and he formulated the following plan:

First he plans to hack the spimes covering the access alley of Oeufcoque as well as those leading to the private dining room and set up backdoors to allow him to access them.

Lucas then plans to shift into a duplicate of Chiara Capirossi and travel to Diantimen via a hidden back route, such that he can access the ac-cess alley door of Oeufcoque without being seen or recorded.

There he plans to monitor the spimes in the res-taurants until he notices Faris Al-Mutadee (using

the ID of Rashad Al-Dwairan) entering the private dining room.

He then plans to enter the restaurant through the access alley and enter the private dining room.

Then Lucas plans to impersonate Chiara long enough to get a surprise attack upon Faris, dis-abling him with an unarmed attack enhanced with eelware. Lucas then plans to restrains Faris using zip-ties, a prisoner mask, and cuffbands and put him into a sack that works like a chameleon cloak.

He then plans to transports Faris out of the res-taurant through the access alley door and hide him behind some bins in the access alley.

Then he plans to start shifting into a copy of Faris, using mundane disguise elements to enhance the disguise. His goal is to not look like Chiara when the real Chiara arrives.

When Chiara arrives. Lucas plans to disable her with a surprise attack and search her for the chip.

Finally, Lucas plans to exit the same way he came in, leaving the disabled Chiara in the dining room. Once he is safely away he also intends to anonymous alert the OIA Police of Faris's location.

SIDEBAR: OEUFCOQUEOeufcoque is a four star French restaurant loc-ated in Diantimen. It is owned by two brothers: Tibout and Milos Erler. Tibout is also the head chef and has won several culinary awards. Oeufcoque, in addition to the usual high quality makers, uses fresh fruits, grains, cheeses, veget-ables, and high grade vat grown meat. Con-sequently, the average meal costs between 50 and 100 credits. As Olympus has a large number of Alpiners, business at the restaurant is good.

The dining area and kitchen of Oeufcoque are covered by public, visual only surveillance spimes so that guests can see how crowded it is before coming and watch their food being prepared once they are there. The later is somewhat popu-lar as one of the sous chefs, Daniel, has incredible knife skills and likes to put on a show. The rest of the restaurant, excepting the private dining room and the lavatories, are covered by private audio and visual surveillance spimes.

The restaurant also offers a private dining room for guests who want to do confidential business while waiting for the nearby space elevator. The private dining room is wirelessly shielded and has two bug zappers: one at the door and one built into a large chandelier hanging over the dinning table. Several nanodetectors are located in the room and set to trigger the chandelier bug zap-per if any swarm is detected. Finally, the staff sweep the room for bugs before any guests use it. The private dining room costs between 250 and 500 credits per hour, depending on the schedule of the elevator.

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LILIUM CARESBAEILilium Caresbaei wants the data chip Chiara is carry-ing because she believes it will help her find the black lab where her forks are being held. However, Lilium suspects the chip may also be a trap and would like to use agents if possible. Thus if the characters retrieved Shinobu Urashima's stack for her in Dance with the Devil, Lilium will offer them the task of acquiring the data chip for a 30,000 credits. If the characters did not retrieve Urashima's stack in Dance with the Devil or turn down her job offer, she will go herself (using a fake ego ID, Elektra Volaju) despite the danger.

Lilium's plan is to find Chiara Capirossi and then use her psi sleights to convince Chiara to give her the chip. Lilium is aware that freely giving away a valu-able chip to a stranger is a difficult suggestion to im-plement and will therefore use a three step strategy:

First she will 'accidentally' bump into Chiara and use her subliminal psi sleight to implant the suggestion that Chiara stand and talk with her.

Lilium will then apologize profusely to Chiara about bumping into her. During the apology, Lili-um will causally lay a hand on Chiara's arm. Lili-um will then use this contact to implant a sugges-tion to not care that Lilium is touching her and to let her continue to do so.

Finally, Lilium will distract Chiara by talking about random things (shopping, the elevator, the city, etc.) while she implants a suggestion to give the data chip to Lilium. Lilium will take extra time (p. 117, EP) to implant this suggestion in order to overcome the resistance from making Chiara op-pose her motivations. Lilium will go for the full bonus which means implanting the suggestion will take 6 full minutes.

Lilium arrives and exits Diantimen on the purple line. Further information about her route is provided in Stage 3.

PROSPERITY GROUP: MYSTIC XProsperity Group has learned that one of their secure data chips is about to fall into the hands of Oversight.They don't know which chip it is or how Chiara got it, but they want the chip destroyed and have hired a hacker, Mystic X, to do the job. Mystic X plans to conduct the operation from the lobby of the hotel he is staying at, the Blackstone Hotel in Central.

Prior to Chiara's arrival, Mystic X will use the spimes in Diantimen to locate the nine toughest, meanest looking synthmorphs or pods in the area (this might include the characters). He then determ-ines their mesh IDs and hacks into them using the fol-lowing general sequence:

He first bypasses the firewall using probing (15 minutes, +10 to InfoSec) which gives him an effect-ive skill of 100 (capped at 98).

Once in the system, Mystic X hacks into the cy-berbrain, again using probing (30 minutes +40 In-foSec) for an effective skill of 100 (capped at 98).

Mystic X then inserts an administrator level backdoor (p. 260, EP) into the mesh inserts taking extra time (4 minutes for +40 Programming and 2 minutes for +20 InfoSec) to give himself an effect-ive skill of 100 (capped at 98) on both tests.

Finally, Mystic X inserts an administrator level backdoor into the cyberbrain, again taking extra time (6 minutes for +60 Programming and 5 minutes for +50 InfoSec) on both tests to give him-self an effective skill of 90 for Programming and 100 (capped at 98) for InfoSec.

The entire sequence takes from 21.6 to 63 minutes depending on how well Mystic X rolls. Because of his high skill, the gamemaster should assume that Mystic X automatically succeeds against NPCs.

Once Mystic X has finished hacking, he intends to destroy the chip by implementing the following plan:

First, Mystic X plans to locate Chiara using the public surveillance spimes. He then plans to use six AIs on ectos and his multi-tasking implant to activ-ate the backdoors he installed in the nine morphs.

After taking control of the morphs by locking out the muse and ego and activating the puppet sock, he and the AIs plan to upload scripts to de-lete any trace of their presence and restore the ego to control of the morph.

Mystic X then plans to have the morphs excuse themselves from any companions (using Imperson-ation) and converge on Chiara.

Then, Mystic X plans to have three of the AI controlled morphs assault an nearby OIA officer in order to create a distraction.

Next, Mystic X plans to use the three morphs he is direct controlling to subdue Chiara while the three remaining AI controlled morphs keep the crowd at bay.

Once he has subdued Chiara, Mystic X plans to search her for the chip (a Scrounging Test at -30).

When he finds the chip, he plans to smash it (a complex action) and then log out.

SHINOBU URASHIMA: SOFIYA GOLOVINAOnce Lilium is out in the open, Urashima needs to track her back to her base. If the characters owe him a task he will have them do it. Otherwise he will use his friend Daniel's new apprentice, Sofiya Golovina.

Sofiya's plan is fairly simple:

She plans to arrive in Diantimen at 14:30 and wait for Chiara to arrive.

Once Chiara arrives, Sofiya plans to shadow Chiara until Lily attempts to make contact.

Once she has identified Lily, Sofiya plans to dis-cretely approach using Infiltration and place a mi-crobug on Lily using Palming.

Once the bug is in place, Sofiya plans to use it to help her shadow Lilium to her hideout (the bug gives a +30 bonus to her tests).

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STAGE 2: OLYMPUS MOUNTAIN TEMPLEAfter the characters retrieve the data chip they will need to take it their contact, SCSI, for analysis. SCSI is waiting for the characters at the Olympus Moun-tain Temple in Deshengmen.

Once the characters arrive at the temple they will have to locate SCSI. SCSI is currently on the covered walkway talking to the temple's priest, Somchai, about the nature of luck and karma. SCSI is operating in private mode (because he is trying to avoid his ex-girlfriend) and the characters won't immediately be able to tell it is him.

However, it should be simple for the characters to find SCSI as there are only two people currently in the temple besides the characters: Somchai and SCSI, and Somchai is not in private mode.

SOMCHAISomchai is the sole remaining priest of the Olympus Mountain Temple. He is sleeved in an old industrial case morph and usually enjoys a fairly quite existence at the temple.

Recently though, Somchai was approached by a group of fellow Neo-Buddhists, the Five Deadly Pois-ons (named after the Kleshas of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition), who are also synthmorph rights activists (see So Divine for details on the Five Deadly Poisons). The Five Deadly Poisons wanted Somchai, as a synthmorph and a Neo-Buddhist priest, to sup-port their synthmorphs rights crusade. However, Somchai sensed something sinister about the group and declined.

Somchai then debated with himself about warning the authorities about the Five Deadly Poisons. He was reluctant to do so in case the Five Deadly Poisons were actually a perfectly ordinary group of fellow Buddhists and they just came across as creepy. Som-chai eventually decided to hire a private investigator, Sam Gently, to look into the group so he could better decide what to do. A day ago Sam Gently disap-peared and Somchai is now wondering if Gently's dis-appearance had to do with the Five Deadly Poisons and what he should do about it. To distract himself from his troubles, Somchai is talking to SCSI, a young man who rented the lecture hall for the day and is waiting for his friends to arrive, about the nature of karma.

SCSI SCSI is an expert in data retrieval from physical me-dia. Proxy 21 (using one of her numerous fake IDs) has hired him to assist the characters in retrieving any pertinent data from Chiara's data chip.

SCSI lives in the same dome as the Olympus Mt. Temple and has chosen to meet the characters there rather than his house because he doesn't want to be interrupted by his ex-girlfriend, who is stalking him. SCSI has rented out the lecture hall for the entire day under a generic name (Johnson and Party), and is not broadcasting his mesh ID.

When the characters approach SCSI he will send them a confirmation code that Proxy 21 has given him (a message encoded with Proxy 21's private key). Upon receiving the correct response he will take the characters to the lecture hall where he has set up his equipment and ask them for the data chip which he will then examine using his custom sensor box (which is really a cylinder).

Using the sensor box, SCSI will be able to tell that the chip is not a standard optical-electronic chip but an older type which stores data as electrical charges. SCSI will then explain that because of this, he cannot simply analytically disassemble the chip but he has to peel it apart layer by layer and carefully probe for the electrical charges after the removal of each layer (which is a Hardware: Electronics Test at -30). SCSI will then give the characters a choice: he can try to quickly extract the data from the chip or he can perform the extraction slowly and methodically. The quick extraction takes one hour and SCSI has an ef-fective skill of 65. Methodically extracting the in-formation takes two and a half hours and gives him an effective skill of 95. Examining the chip once star-ted is a delicate process and he will need to protected from any distractions or interruptions. SCSI will insist on performing the analysis at the temple: he has ter-rible luck and the characters may try to do something horrible to him once they are in a secluded place, es-pecially if the data on the chip is valuable. The side-bar on page 9 lists some events that may occur while SCSI is trying to extract information from the data chip and possibly interrupt his analysis.

OLYMPUS MOUNTAIN TEMPLEThe Olympus Mountain Temple is a Buddhist and Neo-Buddhist temple. The temple is located in a small terraced dome on the outskirts of Desheng-men and has the distinction of being the oldest temple on Mars. The Olympus Mountain Temple is built to resemble a traditional Japanese temple and is located on the top terrace of the dome such that the top of the entrance hall extends above the ground level.

Prior to the Fall, the Olympus Mountain Temple was one of the most important temples on Mars. However, during the Fall the temple lost many members to the deportations and with the con-struction of the much more impressive Red Mountain Temple in Central, the Olympus Moun-tain Temple is now just a shadow of its former glory. The Olympus Mountain Temple is currently watched over by a single priest, Somchai.

The entire temple (except portions of the bath-rooms) and the surrounding area is covered by public surveillance spimes. Though the priest has codes that will disable the spimes inside the temple proper. Additionally, the temple is set up to serve as an emergency shelter should the need arise.

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OLYMPUS MOUNTAIN TEMPLE MAP KEY1. ENTRANCE HALLThe entrance hall of the temple appears to be two stories tall from the outside and is made of false wood. Because the temple is at the top level of the dome, the roof of the entrance hall actually extends above the ground level. The doors to the entrance hall have 15 Armor, 100 DUR, 25 WT, and can be se-cured with electronic locks that take wireless codes. They are usually left open and unlocked.

Inside, the hall has a single level with a very high ceiling. It is very sparsely furnished with minimal dec-orations. In an emergency, the entrance hall can serve as a fully functional, if inefficient, airlock thanks to machinery built beneath the flooring.

2. COVERED WALKWAYIn front of the temple is a walkway covered with an elaborate, pillar supported, fake-wood roof. The edge of the roof extends past the edge of the walkway. The walkway is built to be accessed from the entrance

hall, but nothing prevents people from just hopping onto or off it. All the doors on the walkway serve as interior airlock doors (15 Armor, 100 DUR, 25 WT) and have electronic locks, though the doors are usu-ally left open and unlocked.

3. BATHROOMSThis room is divided into public bathrooms and a shower/bath and laundry area for the temples staff, back when the temple had staff.

Towards the back of the room is the temple's waste and water recycling systems, supplies for maintaining and repairing the temple, and a limited air recycling system for emergency use.

4. ACCESS CORRIDORSThese access corridors connect the various rooms of the temple. Their doors (15 Armor, 100 DUR, 25 WT) are normally left open but close automatically in response to an emergency signal. The doors can be se-cured with built-in electronic locks, though their de-fault state is unlocked. In an emergency the corridors can serve as full airlocks.

5. LIVING QUARTERSThis is where the priest and temple staff lived and worked. This room is subdivided into sleeping spaces, a break room, and a kitchen. Currently, the living quarters are unused as Somchai, the sole remaining staff member of the temple, is a synthmorph and has no need of the amenities here. Somchai does, however, keep the living quarters in excellent condi-tion. The living quarters also contains a large cache of emergency supplies (both food and medical), several vacsuits, and a heavy duty air recycling system inten-ded for long term use in an emergency.

6. MAIN HALLThis is the main hall of the temple. It is normally one large room lined with golden statues, but fabric parti-tions may be extended from the walls in order to di-vided the room into smaller areas. In addition to the partitions there is also an air recycling system for emergency use built discretely into the walls.

7. MEDITATION HALLThis hall is mostly empty, though it can be divided in the same manner as the main hall, and used to prac-tice meditation. Like the other halls of the temple there is an air recycling system for emergency use built discretely into the walls.

8. LECTURE HALLThis hall is large and mostly empty. When the temple was more popular, the priests used to give lectures here, but now it is mostly unused. Lately, Somchai has begun renting it out to generate extra income to keep the temple afloat. Like the main and meditation halls, the lecture hall can be partitioned into smaller areas and has an emergency air recycling system.

SCSI'S BAD LUCKSCSI has enormously bad luck, and though the Olympus Mountain Temple is usually very quiet, receiving only a couple of visitors a day, the one day that SCSI decides to do a delicate analysis at the temple is the day it inexplicably gets busy. To see what threatens to interrupt SCSI's work, roll a 1d10 for every hour that passes and consult the table below:

Roll Encounter 0 Roll twice more 1 No one attempts to bug SCSI 2 A group of four 'tourists' from Fresh Kills

want to talk to SCSI about some dam-aged spaceships

3 A group of people is touring historic buildings in Olympus and want to look at the lecture hall

4 A secret society totally meant to reserve the lecture hall and they really, really want to use it

5 Inspectors from the OIA arrive to inspect the building

6 A pair of OIA Police officers on the lookout for terrorists show up and want to look around the lecture hall

7 SCSI's stalker ex-girlfriend, Sarah, has managed to track him down and will stop at nothing to see him

8 A group of exterminators looking for adeadly spider-frog that got loose want to search the temple for it

9 Anger, one of the Five Deadly Poisons (see So Divine), arrives at the temple and attempts to assassinate Somchai

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WHAT IS ON THE DATA CHIPThe data chip contains the accounting records for the Prosperity Group's black labs in the Olympus area. The records are written for accounting professionals and those already familiar with the black lab's opera-tions and do not contain helpful things like executive summaries and bullet point overviews. Worse, most records are written in a code related to food products (Prosperity Group's primary business). Making sense of the records therefore requires an Investigation Test (30 minutes). Those with Profession: Accounting may used it as a complementary skill on this test. A suc-cessful Investigation Test reveals the following:

The Prosperity Group has two black labs oper-ating in Olympus. One is researching 'macadamia nuts' and the other 'hazelnuts'.

MoS 30+: Both 'macadamia nuts' and 'hazel-nuts' are codewords for pharmaceutical research.

The Red Sands Courier Company (see p. 16) delivered to both labs, and the invoices from the company contain the street address of the labs.

Based on the dates in the records, the Hazelnut Research Lab was established in AF 9 and the Macadamia Nut Research Lab in AF 7.

Based on the amount of materials transferred, the Macadamia Nut Research Lab is larger than the Hazelnut Research Lab.

Both labs are currently in operation as of the date the chip was made, Simha 17.

Critical: The data for the Hazelnut Research Lab after March is procedurally generated. It is likely either that the lab is no longer operating and someone is embezzling funds or the lab has 'gone off the reservation' and is pursuing some goal that the Prosperity Group is not aware of.

The Hazelnut Research Lab suffered some kind of problem at the beginning of the year and its books for march include unusual expenditures for things like 'shakers' and 'sweepers'.

MoS 30+: 'sweepers' is probably some sort of clean up team and 'shakers' is a search team. Ap-parently someone or something escaped the Hazel-nut Research Lab.

MoS 30+: The records mention 'tree grafts' which are most likely custom neotenic morphs as they have the correct mass and density and were purchased from a subsidiary of Skineasthesia.

MoS 60+: Some of the records mention the ac-quisition of 'huskers' and 'dehuskers' by both labs. These are most likely high end synthmorphs, such as steels.

MoS 30+: The 'splitting wedges' and 'groove cutters' transferred to the labs are most likely weapon systems.

MoS 60+: Based on delivery invoices, the weapons are probably things like shredders and SMGs, not seekers or plasma rifles.

STAGE 3: FOLLOWING LILIUMThe secure data chip is a trap for Lilium. She knows this and has taken precautions to prevent being fol-lowed from Diantimen back to her apartments at the Olympus View Housing Complex. To prevent elec-tronic tracing, Lilium operates in private mode (p. 252, EP) and has several fake IDs and an anonymous account. To evade any physical tracking, Lilium has hired a professional decoy to swap places with her in a strip club called Vorhaul located in HLS (see Chain Reaction).

Lilium's default route home from Diantimen is:

From Diantimen, Lilium gets on the purple line and rides it for three stops until it reaches the cent-ral purple/blue/green/red line junction station. At this time of day the junction station is still excep-tionally crowded, even with the recent bombings.

At the junction station, Lilium gets off the purple line and waits for the blue line. Lilium does her best to blend into the crowd: following her physically requires a variable opposed Infiltration Test with Perception as a complimentary skill. If the characters succeed they keep track of Lilium and if Lilium succeeds she spots the characters.

Following Lilium using surveillance spimes in real time requires an opposed Perception Test (at -30 due to the crowded station) versus her Infiltra-tion (at -30 due to the nature of the spimes). Fol-lowing her using recorded data is the same as fol-lowing her in real time, except that it is a task ac-tion with a 30 minute timeframe. Note that when following her using spimes, it is quite possible for the characters to miss getting on the train with her, especially if they are using recorded data.

If Lilium detects the characters at the junction station, she will approach one of the OIA Foot Patrol officers guarding the station and convince them to help her (using her charisma and sublimin-al psi sleights). The OIA officer will then contact the other officers in the station and together they will attempt to detain and question the characters (note that the OIA officers will subject the charac-ters to weapons scans and sniff for explosives as is standard procedure). Meanwhile, Lilium will get on her train and leave the station.

As Lilium gets on the blue line train, she signals a professional decoy named Angel Conrad using her anonymous account. Angel, using the ego ID of Sally Young, then goes into a strip club called Vorhaul in HLS (see Chain Reaction) and rents a private room (which includes a bug zapper). Once in the private room, Angel begins shifting into a copy of Lilium's morph.

Meanwhile, Lilium rides the blue line until it reaches HLS. While she is riding she performs a full bug scan of her person (using Interfacing). She will destroy any bugs she finds.

At HLS, Lilium gets off the blue line and walks to Vorhaul, attempting to blend in with the crowd

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leaving the station. At Vorhaul, Lilium goes to the private room Angel rented. There, she and Angel swap clothes and all other gear. Lilium then activ-ates her skinflex system to shift into Sally Young while Angle, now using the Elektra Volaju ID, exits Vorhaul through the side entrance (which is visible to anyone watching the front).

Angel then wanders through HLS for the next four hours, after which she rents another private room and switches to another fake ego ID while disguising herself with her skinflex system.

Meanwhile, Lilium, after her appearance altera-tion is completed, switches her ego ID to the Sally Young ID and travels back to the blue line station.

She then rides the blue line to a green/blue junc-tion station where she transfers to the green line.

She then rides the green line to the Olympus View Housing Complex (Stage 4) in Deshengmen.

At the Olympus View Housing Complex, Lili-um goes to the apartment of Sally Young. Once in the apartment, Lilium removes all her clothing and takes a quick shower (which removes and destroys any micro- or nanomachines on her). She then uses a secret door in Sally Young's apartment to travel to her real apartment, rented under the name Elisa Celonias, two stories above.

RESEARCHING SALLY YOUNGCharacters who are not fooled by the decoy or who otherwise manage to track Lilium to the apartment of Sally Young may want to do research on Sally. On-line research (10 minute timeframe) reveals the fol-lowing information:

Sally Young is an ex-indentured data analyst. She was resleeved shortly after the Fall and is in a martian alpiner morph.

Immediately after her indenture ended, Sally was fired and replaced with another indenture.

She then did a bunch of small, freelance jobs for cheap, eventually winding up in Olympus. She managed to find a job in Olympus working for ComEx, but it didn't last long as the company quickly found an indenture to replace her.

Critical Success: all of the above has been faked. Sally Young appears to be a fictitious identity.

She is currently living in a third floor apartment at the Olympus View Housing Complex.

The spimes covering her apartment show that Sally is a bit of a recluse, which is not unusual for a data analyst capable of working online. Charac-ter who check the spimes for tampering (which is an InfoSec Task Action that takes 10 minutes) find that they have not been tampered with.

Critical Success with a MoS 60+: Sally Young's movements are oddly coordinated with the move-ments of the person living two floors directly above her, Elisa Celonias. They are never both gone at the same time.

STAGE 4: OLYMPUS VIEW HOUSINGThe Olympus View Housing Complex is located in Deshengmen and has room for thousands of morphs, though it currently houses only around five hundred. The buildings of the complex have extensive surveil-lance spime coverage of all the public areas. The spimes are monitored by a indentured security guard, but the complex has no security force. If alerted, the OIA Police can respond to a problem at the complex in ten to twenty minutes.

Lilium Caresbaei operates out of the Olympus View Housing Complex. In the complex, Lilium has two apartments, one registered under the ID of Sally Young and the other under the ID of Elisa Celonias. By using a secret passage between the two apartments and her skinflex system, Lilium is making it look like she is two separate people living in two separate apartments.

MEETING LILIUM After the characters have retrieved the data chip for her, Lilium will have them go to the apartment of Sally Young on the third floor of the Olympus View Housing Complex.

In the apartment, Lilium, using the ID of Sally Young, will meet the characters and ask for the chip. She has a reader for the secure data chips and knows the code to access the chip as she has obtained a list of codes for all of the Prosperity Group's secure data chips and can tell which code goes with which chip based on a serial number found on the top the chip.

Once Lilium has verified that the chip is genuine, she transfers payment to the characters. She then be-gins analyzing the data (using multi-tasking) and asks the characters if they would be interested in another job, this one for 50,000 crypto-cred. If the characters agree to the job, Lilium explains her situation (leaving out any mention of being Lost):

Lilium was an Argonaut working at a research habitat in the belt that was developing multitask-ing bioware. She was truly happy there and she no-ticeably tears up when talking about it.

Then Cognite raided the lab, stole the data, and kidnapped the scientists.

Fortunately, Lilium had an off-site backup. After being re-instantiated, she began investigating what happened to her and the other scientists.

After years of effort, Lilium has been able to find and free all of the staff save one, herself.

Finally she discovered that she had been trans-ferred to the Prosperity Group for us as a research subject and that she was being held at a black lab in Olympus.

After traveling to Olympus, she managed to bribe the location of a black lab out of a Prosperity Group insider. She then hired mercenaries to raid the lab. The mercenaries were successful, however, it was not the lab she was looking for.

The chip the characters retrieved has the loca-

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tions of all the Prosperity Group black labs in Olympus. With the chip, she now knows where her kidnapped fork is being held.

Lilium wants the characters to raid the black lab (Stage 6), free her forks (alive if possible), and then destroy the black lab. The characters don't have to worry about any off-site backups of her, as she has already had them corrupted.

She doesn't know what kind of research is being done in the black lab (the data refers to it as re-search into “macadamia nuts”) but as it is the Prosperity Group, Lilium suspects the research is pharmacological in nature.

Lilium will give the characters the location of the Macadamia Nut Research Lab (Stage 6) and XP of the mercenaries raid on the first black lab (see Stage 5) so that they can see how it was defen-ded and how the mercenaries attacked it.

Finally, Lilium tells the characters that they need to act fast as once Prosperity Group realizes that their lab's location has been compromised, they may evacuate or move it. She also gives them a series of security questions so they can positivity identify any forks of her.

OLYMPUS VIEW APARTMENT (SALLY) MAP KEY The apartment rented under the Sally Young ID is on the third floor of the Olympus View Housing Com-plex, next to an elevator.

1. ENTRANCEThis is the door to the apartment. It works as an in-terior airlock door (15 armor, 100 DUR, 25 WT) and is secured with an electronic lock that takes a wireless or keypad entered code. The building manager also has an override code to the lock for emergencies. The door lock is set to send an alert to Lilium whenever it is opened.

2. DINING ROOMThe dining room is an open area with a dining table and chairs. There is a slight layer of dust on the table.

In the ceiling of this room are hidden surveillance cameras (-30 on tests to spot). The cameras look straight down and are arranged so that they will spot anyone entering the apartment. Monitoring the sur-veillance cameras at all time is a security AI. The AI is hooked to a wireless radio which is normally turned off. However, if the AI detects any one entering the apartment (including Lilium), it turns on the wireless radio, connects to the mesh, and sends an alert to Lilium.

Additionally, a nanodetector linked to a single use guardian nanoswarm sprayer (with no hive) is hidden under the table. If any nanomachines trigger the de-tector, it sends an alert to Lilium and activates the guardian nanoswarm sprayer. The nanodetector and sprayer can be found with an easy (+20) Scrounging Test.

3. SECRET DOORThis is a secret door leading into the adjacent elevator shaft. Inside the shaft there is just enough room between the wall and the nearest elevator rail for a person to carefully climb up (or down). This requires a Climb Task Action with a critical failure on the task action indicating that the character has being struck by the elevator (which inflicts 4d10 + 25 damage).

The secret door is set to open when it receives a simple radio code. If opened or forced open without sending the signal, the door sends out a radio alarm signal. The door doesn't understand wireless proto-cols and cannot be hacked. The door has 5 Armor, 50 DUR, 10 WT and thus cannot be detected with t-rays. Detecting the door with x-rays requires a Per-ception Test at -10.

The door can also be found by looking specifically for secret doors and hidden compartments. This re-quires a Scrounging Test with a -20 modifier (-10 if using x-rays) and a 30 minute timeframe (5 minutes if just searching the living room). The door is concealed from the inside of the elevator shaft as well.

4. LIVING ROOMThe living room, in spite of the name of the complex, has no exterior windows and thus no view. There are two couches and a coffee table here, all with a slight layer of dust. The coffee table houses an old style hologram projector that only projects two dimension-al images.

A perception test at -10 reveals that the dust has been disturbed around one corner of the room (near the secret door).

5. BEDROOMThis bedroom has a made bed and an empty chest of drawers. The bed hasn't been slept in for a long time and has a thick layer of dust on the blankets. The rest of the room is likewise dusty.

6. CLOSETThis small closet contains several sets of ordinary clothing. The clothes are not dusty.

7. BATHROOMThis is an ordinary bathroom with a toilet, a sink, cabinets, and a shower. There is a towel and soap but no other hygiene items and the cabinets are empty.

8. LAUNDRY ROOMThis room contains a combination washer/drier. It takes about 30 minutes for it to do a load of laundry. Characters who bother to check can automatically determine that the washer/drier has been used re-cently (if it is not still running).

9. KITCHENThis small kitchen has a maker, a stove, and a refri-gerator. The kitchen has a thick layer of dust and ob-viously hasn’t been used to prepare food in a long time. The refrigerator is empty.

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OLYMPUS VIEW APARTMENT (ELISA) MAP KEYThe apartment rented under the Elisa ID is on the fifth floor and has an identical layout to the third floor apartment. The two apartments are connected via a secret passage in the elevator shaft.

1. ENTRANCEThe door to the fifth floor apartment is the same as the door to the third floor apartment (15 armor, 100 DUR, 25 WT) and has an identical electronic lock.

2. DINING ROOMThis is a small dining room with a table and chairs. On the table are a seven disposable ectos and a setup for computer diagnostics. Five of the ectos are still sealed in their original packaging, one is sitting on the table, and one is partially dissembled and hooked to the diagnostic equipment.

Examining the ecto on the table reveals that it has never been used and the wireless radio and operating system are not configured.

Examining the ecto attached to diagnostic equip-ment requires an Interfacing Test. Success reveals that though the ecto has never been used and the wireless system is not configured, there is a message on it. The message reads:

Lilium, Thank you. Though you did not intend it, your actions helped free me from the clutches of the Prosperity Group and ComEx. In repayment, I offer this information: there is a fellow Lost in Olympus who knows you are here. The name of this Lost is Shinobu Urashima and he believes that the Lost are inherently evil. He will do every-thing in his power to destroy you. -Guo Eckener

The purposes of the diagnostic equipment is to try and find out how the message was placed on the ecto without the wireless radio being on. Guo Eckener (see Dance with the Devil) is a fake ID used by Zaizan Bosshard and the message was placed on the ecto while it was still in the store: Zaizan predicted which ecto Lilium was going to buy using SKULD.

3. SECRET DOORThis secret door is identical too the one on the third floor. Like the third floor secret door, the fifth floor secret door is concealed from both sides and finding it requires a Scrounging Test at -20 (-10 when using an x-ray system to search).

4. LIVING ROOMThis living room, like the one on the third floor, has no windows. There are two couches and a table with an old style hologram projector built in. Unlike the third floor apartment, the living room in this apart-ment is dust free.

5. BEDROOMThis bedroom has a bed and a chest of drawers. The bed has been recently slept in. Inside the chest of drawers is ordinary clothing. Searching through the

clothing reveals a disposable ecto. Examining the con-tents of the ecto requires an Interfacing check. A suc-cess reveals two things of interest: a list and an XP. The list contains serial numbers and codes for secure data chips used by the Prosperity Group. The XP is of a raid on one of the Prosperity Group's Olympus black labs by a group of mercenaries (see p. 15).

6. CLOSETThis small closet contains several sets of ordinary clothing along with several sets of smart vac clothing.

7. BATHROOMThis is an ordinary bathroom with a toilet, a sink, cabinets, and a shower. There are ordinary bathroom supplies in the cabinets and the shower along with a bunch of headache remedies.

8. LAUNDRY ROOMThis room contains a combination washer/drier.

9. KITCHENThis small kitchen has a maker, a stove, and a refri-gerator. The kitchen is fairly clean and has been used recently. The refrigerator is fully stocked.

STAGE 5: HAZELNUT RESEARCHOne of the Prosperity Group's two Olympus area black labs, the Hazelnut Research Lab was destroyed on March 1 when mercenaries hired by Lilium Cares-baei attacked it. Prosperity Group does not yet realize that the lab has been destroyed as Dr. Kalirai, under the influence of the exsurgent virus, has covered it up.

The lab is carved out the rock of the volcano and located 20 meters below a building in the abandoned section of Zhongguancun. A hidden elevator used to lead down to the lab, but the elevator was exposed and disabled during the mercenaries assault.

The lab itself has Earth normal pressure, but lacks oxygen and is very cold. In the lab there is no mesh accesses or functioning surveillance spimes.

RESEARCHThis lab was working on a research commission from ComEx: a method to duplicate the mental abilities of a ComEx indenture named Zaizan Bosshard. ComEx desired this so others could use a system called SKULD (see Dance with the Devil) in the same way Zaizan could. The lab was given a limited version of SKULD by ComEx for experimental purposes.

By scanning Zaizan's brain while using SKULD, performing numerous vivisection of Zaizan forks, and subjecting involuntary test subjects to engineered variants of the exsurgent virus stored in the lab (the precursor virus) the researchers were able to develop a chemical that did indeed give the user the abilities of Zaizan, though with horrible side effects. They named this drug Hyper-Drive and sent samples of it to the other black lab for analysis using that labs su-perior equipment. They then began researching ways to mitigate or eliminate the side effects.


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HAZELNUT RESEARCH LAB MAP KEY1. ELEVATORIn order to access the lab, the Prosperity Group in-stalled a hidden elevator in the building above it. As the elevator was an addition to the existing building it was built as a hydraulic lift style elevator in order to minimize the structural alterations required. Cur-rently the elevator is no longer hidden as door to the elevator/elevator shaft has been melted open with a plasma rifle.

The elevator shaft is 20 meters high and lined with martian concrete. The sides are sheer and have no holds (-30 to Climb Tests, falling all 20 meters inflicts DV 3d10). At the top of the shaft are remnants of a downward looking camera.

The elevator itself is constructed as an open plat-form with a waist high railing and a control panel. Currently, the platform is at the bottom of the shaft and nonoperational as a plasma rifle has been fired through the platform in such a manner that it nicked the hydraulic shaft, causing a loss of fluid pressure.

Below the elevator is an elevator pit that contains a shallow pool of frozen hydraulic fluid and a pump that used to operate the hydraulic elevator shaft.

2. SHOOTING GALLERYThere is no cover in this room. At one end of the room is a destroyed security door and in the room are twenty dead bodies, ten in a pile and ten scattered around. The bodies have all been horribly burned and are wearing the remnants of combat armor.

A hard (-30) Investigation Test (with Profession: Forensics as a complementary skill) reveals that the bodies all died at the same time, late Vrishika or early March, and that they were killed with ranged weapons, had their stacks cut out, and were then torched by some sort of incendiary weapon.

A Profession: Forensics or similar knowledge skill test reveals that the ten scattered bodies were likely ambushed and killed in the shooting gallery while the bodies in the pile were killed elsewhere and brought here, likely to avoid notice.

Examining the security door reveals that it has been melted through with a plasma rifle and that the it used function as a self healing barrier/lockbot and had six shredders embedded in it.

3. SECURITY STATIONPast the security door is a short corridor with lined with destroyed weapon scanners and a ruined bug zapper. At the end of the corridor is another door, which has also been melted open with plasma fire.

Off to one side of the corridor is a small room that is visible through a transparent metal door that has a large hole in. Everything inside the room has been burnt with an incendiary weapon.

Examining the contents of the room reveals that there are three dead synthmorphs inside that have been destroyed by intense heat, a ruined weapons locker, and a melted control panel that probably con-

trol the doors and accessed the spimes from the build-ing above. The weapons locker contents (shredder ammo, shredders, and rail SMGs) are all melted and useless.

4. JUNCTIONA short tunnel leads from the security station to the junction. From the junction five corridors lead to the various rooms of the facility. At the junction were multiple surveillance spimes, a bug zapper, and five portal denial systems (one for each corridor), all of which have been destroyed by an explosive blast.

5. STAFF ROOMOutside the door to this room is a dead steel morph that has had its head completely destroyed with a particle beam bolter. The morph has a damaged, ID locked rail assault rifle with a full magazine. The steel's stack has been destroyed. The door itself has been burnt through with plasma.

Inside the staff room are couches, a table, a small kitchenette, three dead male menton morphs (two huddled together in a corner and one laying on a couch) with wounds to their heads from a kinetic pis-tol, a door leading to an empty bathroom, and a door to a bedroom. In the bedroom is a bed with a hole from a beam bolter through it. Checking under the bed reveals a dead female menton with a beam bolter hole through her head.

The dead mentons are well preserved because of the cold and lack of oxygen. A challenging (-20) Investig-ation Test (with Medicine: Pathology as a comple-mentary skill) reveals that all the mentons died around the beginning of the year and that the weapon wounds were inflicted postmortem. Performing a full autopsy on the mentons reveals that they died from the use of implanted suicide glands. The menton's stacks are present but burnt out by dead switches.

6. MEDICALThe door to this room is intact and acts as an interior airlock door (15 WT, 100 DUR, 25 WT). Inside is a conjoined medical/pharmaceutical lab which has been almost completely destroyed by incendiaries and shredder fire.

On the far wall of the medical portion of the lab are a series of five stasis pods for morph storage. All the pods have been hit with shredder fire and the preser-vation fluid has leaked out. Inside three of the pods are dead neotenic morphs. Examining the neotenic morphs requires a hard (-30) Medicine: Biosculpting Test and reveals that the neotenics have been modi-fied for martian operations and have deliberately de-fective metabolisms: requiring special nutritional sup-plements to avoid coma and death. The morphs ge-netics have signatures from Skineasthesia but they have no nanotat IDs. The stasis pods all have promin-ent ID numbers on them.

Finally, a series of large drawers takes up an entire wall. Most of the drawers have been opened and the contents, which were neotenic bodies and body parts, destroyed with an incendiary weapon. However, a

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successful Scrounging Test locates a single preserved brain that has avoided destruction. Examining the brain requires an appropriate Medicine skill (such as Medicine: Pathology), the correct tools, and a task ac-tion with a 1 hour timeframe. Success reveals that many neural structures are warped or missing and many of the neurons have been severely mutated. Characters who have experienced someone die of Hy-per-Drive withdrawal, have examined the medical re-cords from Mike's Custom Morphs (see Chain Reac-tion), or have successfully analyzed Hyper-Drive (see p. 21) can conclude that Hyper-Drive withdrawal is what damaged the brain.

7. PHARMACEUTICAL LABThe door to this room has been melted open. Inside is a conjoined medical/pharmaceutical lab has been des-troyed with incendiary weapons and shredder fire.

In the pharmaceutical lab is destroyed standard lab-ware and a sealed transparent metal enclosure which currently contains only ash, silicon, and melted metal.

8. TEST SUBJECT ROOMThe door to this room has been melted open. Inside are destroyed surveillance spimes and five empty cells, each with a bunk and a toilet. The doors to the cells are made of transparent metal (30 Armor, 200 DUR, 50 WT) and all but one are closed and locked with electronic locks (biometrics only). Examining the lock on the open door with InfoSec (10 minute timeframe) reveals that it has been brute force hacked.

Inside, the open cell looks the same as the other cells. However, exposing it to ultraviolet light or per-forming a very detailed inspection (such as through the use of smart dust), reveals a message written on one of the walls in an invisible fluid. The message reads:


The location given in the message is the location of the Macadamia Nut Research Lab (see Stage 6).

9. COMPUTER ROOMThis room contains racks of computer servers that have been completely obliterated with explosives and shredder rounds. It also has a neotenic sized throne with restraints for the arms and legs. The throne has had many shredder rounds put through it.

The throne is a version of SKULD (see Dance with the Devil) supplied by ComEx to aid the Prosperity Group's research efforts. This version of SKULD was built as a black box system and limited to working with a subset of prerecorded data. Further, to prevent intellectual property theft, ComEx equipped SKULD with a scrappers gel based self destruct system hooked to a weak AI. When the AI detected the facil-ities alarms going off, it activate the self destruct mechanism, destroying itself and the internals of the SKULD system.

THE RAIDWhen the mercenaries Lilium hired attacked the lab, one of them created a XP to give to her:

The XP is audiovisual only and seems to be missing some of the entropic displays.

The XP begins inside a rover. The recorder ap-pears to be wearing heavy combat armor and is armed with a particle beam bolter.

Four other people are in the rover with the re-corder: an bulky synth with a flamer and a shred-der, a cheap case with a plasma rifle, and two cases with industrial armor, pistols, and shields. All four have green 'friendly' outlines.

The rover stops and everyone files out, weapons ready. Outside another rover is unloading more people. Both rovers have active chameleon skins.

Disembarking from the other rover are three more cases with armor and shields and a female biomorph only visible by her green 'friend' outline. The female biomorph is Chimera (from Chain Re-action) and can be recognized with a hard (-30) Kinesics Test.

Immediately after disembarking the rover, the two groups storm a nearby building. As they move in, the recorder looks around, sweeping for threats, and the characters can make an effortless (+30) Navigation Test to determine the location of the building, which is in Zhongguancun.

The team sweeps through the building eventu-ally stopping at a blank wall. There is a brilliant flash as the plasma rifle fires, destroying the wall and revealing a room with a rail around the sides and a metal floor. The case with the plasma rifle steps forward, carefully aims and shoots the metal floor which begins to receded. Characters can make a Hardware: Industrial Test to recognize the room is a hydraulic lift type elevator and that the plasma beam has nicked the shaft, causing the hy-draulic fluid to leak and the elevator to descend.

Everyone waits at the top for the elevator to reach the bottom. Then the Chimera steps up and starts unloading a seeker rifle into the shaft. The second Chimera empties the rifle, every else jumps down the shaft into a blanket of obscuring smoke.

The recorder hits the floor of the elevator and there is a brief flash as an electrogravitics net activ-ates. Then the recorder is moving and firing their beam bolter at some unseen target while shredder and pistol fire echo through the room.

The recorder stops and the whole area lights up from the luminescence of a plasma beam being dif-fused through the smoke.

Then the recorder is moving and firing again. Suddenly they are through the smoke and in a mantrap with a transparent side door. The synth with the flamer is sending burning death through a hole melted into the side door and the case with the plasma rifle is burning through the mantraps other door while the other cases shield it.


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The instant there is a hole in the door, Chimera starts firing more seekers. Then everyone is moving forward again.

The corridor splits into five and the recorder immediately takes the first passage on the left along with two of the shield cases.

At the end of the hall is a damaged steel morph fumbling with an assault rifle. The recorder shoots the steel before it can fire, destroying its head.

There is a flash as the plasma rifle goes off again, barely missing the recorder and melting through the door at the end of the corridor.

Inside the melted door is a break room with two doors leading off it and three dead male menton morphs: one laying on a couch and the other two huddled together in a corner. One of the cases bends over the menton on the couch and checks its vitals. It looks up and shakes its head.

The recorder heads to the first door, which isn't locked, and pulls it open to reveal an empty bath-room. The recorder then begins to move to the second door. Shots ring out behind him and the re-corder looks back to see the shield cases firing their weapons into the dead mentons heads.

Inside the second room is a small bed. The re-corder speaks with a synthetic male voice “Are you Lilium? We are here to rescue Lilium.” The record-er waits a momentum for a reply, sighs, then points their beam bolter at the bed and fires.

The recorder walks back to the junction where the case with the beam rifle is waiting. After a couple of seconds the other assault team members return from the other directions: the synth with the flamer from the second tunnel to the left and Chi-mera from the tunnel directly opposite the tunnel the recorder took.

The group heads back towards the elevator. At the elevator the smoke has cleared somewhat and ropes leading down from the upper level can be seen. The XP then cuts out.

The XP starts up again. The recorder is looking at the building that they previously raided through the scope on a particle beam bolter. Two ten per-son teams dressed in black heavy combat armor are approaching the building. One of the teams takes defensive positions around the building while the other enters.

The recorder lines up a shot for a long second. Finally, they fire, blasting a hole in their target. They then shift targets and fire again, killing that morph as well. They then switch targets again only to find the new target already dead.

The recorder sweeps the scope to all the mem-bers of the ten man team that was guarding the building. They are all dead. From the inside of the building comes several of the shield case morphs. The cases grab the dead morphs and begin drag-ging them inside and the XP ends.

THE NEOTENIC MORPHSInvestigating the neotenics in the medical lab may re-veal that they were made by Skineasthesia. Using this information it is possible for the characters to find location of the Macadamia Nut Research Lab.

If the characters have the serial numbers for the stasis pods or the gene sequences for the neotenics, they can use a level 3 c-rep favor (1 hour) to get the records associated with the serial numbers or gene sequences. These records indicate that the morphs were commissioned by a numbered cus-tomer who paid in crypto-cred and the morphs were picked up by the Red Sands Courier Com-pany. The records have an internal inventory num-ber for the Red Sands listed on them.

Characters can also obtain the records by hack-ing into Skineasthesia's mesh accessible shipping and delivery systems. These systems are actively monitored by indentured infomorphs with an ef-fective InfoSec of 80.

RED SANDS COURIER COMPANYThe Red Sands Courier Company specializes in dis-crete deliveries and characters cannot use social net-working, online tracking, or spimes to find any useful information. They can however hack into the Red Sands' computer networks:

The Red Sands' couriers communicate over a virtual private network that cannot be hacked in any reasonable length of time.

The Red Sands has a public mesh site, where deliveries can be arranged (but not tracked).

The website is actively defended by a security AI (effective InfoSec of 70). The public site does not have any delivery or customer records. It does have an encrypted connection to a second server that contains this information.

The second server has three system monitors guarding it at all times (together they have an ef-fective InfoSec Skill of 100). Upon detecting an in-truder, the system monitors first action is to sever the connection between the two servers. They then switch to a backup system until they can perform a full scan on the compromised system.

On the second server are delivery and customer records. Characters can use the internal inventory number from Skineasthesia to find the relevant re-cords and then use the customer number from those records to get all related deliveries. These de-liveries include the address of both black labs.

If the characters think to compare the records from the company to those from the data chip, they can easily determine that the records do not match: the records from the data chip indicate that the Hazelnut Research Lab deliveries continued while the ones from Red Sands indicate that the deliveries stopped at the start of the year.

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STAGE 6: MACADAMIA NUT RESEARCHThe Macadamia Nut Research Lab was the Prosper-ity Group's main black lab in Olympus. The lab is still operational, but no longer under the Prosperity Group's control as one of the researchers, Dr. Vasundhara Kalirai, has become an exsurgent and secretly taken over the lab.

The Macadamia Nut Research Lab is located below an abandoned building in Zhongguancun. Inside the building is a hidden elevator that descends 25 meters to reach the lab. Most of the building is covered by surveillance spimes hardwired to the security stations in the black lab (which are currently unmanned).

The lab itself is carved out of solid rock and has a self contained life support system that keeps it at Earth standard conditions. Currently, there are also two encrypted meshes active in the lab: one for the re-searchers and one for the caretakers of the research subjects. There also used to be a third encrypted mesh for the security guards, however all the guards are dead and their mesh is no longer active.

RESEARCHThe Macadamia Nut Research Lab was working on research related to Project Savior. Specifically, they were developing new Psi-opener drugs for the Cha-risma and Subliminal psi sleights, with the ultimate goal of creating drug glands to produce these psi drugs. The lab was also working on skillsofts and training methods for the Control Skill, attempting to find out what went wrong with the Lost (and if people using the psi drugs would have similar prob-lems), and testing a method of rehabilitating the Lost.

This lab also worked briefly on a commission from ComEx until a separate black lab, the Hazelnut Re-search Lab, was constructed for that project.

THE LAB RESIDENTSThe Macadamia Nut Research Lab originally had five groups of residents: the researchers, the caretakers, the research subjects, the lockbots, and the security guards. Currently, the lab has been taken over by Dr. Kalirai, the security guards have all been killed on her orders, the caretakers and research subjects have been isolated in Section B of the lab, and the researchers are either controlled by Dr. Kalirai or imprisoned in vats in the medical lab.

DR. VASUNDHARA KALIRAIDr. Kalirai was one of the kindest researchers at the lab and was a strong opponent of performing inhu-mane research on the forks of Lilium.

Eventually however, the leadership of the Macad-amia Nut Research Lab changed when Dr. Serif left to head the Hazelnut Research Lab. The new head of the lab, Dr. Kaye, felt that results were more import-ant than morals and refused to listen to Dr. Kalirai's pleas for compassion.

In desperation, Dr. Kalirai used some of the Sublim-inal Psi-opener that the lab had developed to change

Dr. Kaye's mind. She then later took doses from a second batch to cover up her theft from the first batch. The exsurgent virus from the second batch of the Psi-opener interacted with the remnants of the vir-us from the first batch still in Dr. Kalirai's system and together they created a fairly complete copy of the ex-surgent virus, though the virus is still not contagious.

Dr. Kalirai was then slowly warped by the virus and began to subtly take over the lab. Eventually she staged a coup, killing the security guards (who were synthmorphs and immune to her psi-sleights), isolat-ing the research subjects and their caretakers, and im-prisoning the researchers with enough willpower to oppose her in healing vats in the medical lab.

Dr. Kalirai is now obviously an exsurgent: she has multiple chitinous arms erupting from her back. She also has access to four psi-epsilon sleights (see the sidebar) and is quite dangerous. However, she prefers to send her controlled researchers out to fight for her and will stay in her office (in Staff C) unless all the re-searchers have been killed or the characters disturb her personally.

THE RESEARCHERSThere were originally fifteen researchers sleeved in mentons at the Macadamia Nut Research Lab. Four were transferred to the Hazelnut Research Lab. Of the remaining eleven, one was Dr. Kalirai who be-came an exsurgent with powerful async abilities. Dr. Kalirai was then able to use her async abilities to as-sume complete control over six of the other research-ers. The controlled researchers are now her devoted slaves and they will do anything for her. However, because of their loss of independent thought and will, their ability to perform research has been crippled and they no longer behave in a normal manner (Kin-esics Test to tell they are controlled are at +30).

Because their modified behavior is fairly obvious, Dr. Kalirai has instructed the researchers to stay out of Chemlab 3 (where Yoko Suzuki is, see p. 18) and to avoid passing frequently through Junction A where the lockbots can see them. The researchers also do not enter Section B of the lab as it has been sealed by Dr. Kalirai. The researchers have their own encrypted mesh and can access the spimes in sections A and C, but not the Spimes in the elevator/elevator shaft or the building above them.

The researchers have armed themselves with shred-ders and rail SMGs from the security stations, though they are not skilled in their use. If alerted to intruders, Dr. Kalirai will have the researchers confront the in-truders while she stays in her office. All six research-ers will then move to a location on the characters projected path of travel (while not crossing Junction A) and set themselves up behind cover and wait. When they spot the characters, the researchers open fire with long automatic bursts (using +30 to hit) un-til all the characters are dead.

THE IMPRISONED RESEARCHERSThe remaining four researchers (including Dr. Kaye) were able to resist Dr. Kalirai's long term influence.

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At the start of her coup, Dr. Kalirai 'convinced' them to go to medical for slight body alterations. Once the researchers were in the healing vats, Dr. Kalirai sealed them inside after deactivating their suicide glands. Since then the imprisoned researchers have been altered in weird and disturbing ways and now they barely appear human.

None of the researchers are still sane. Two babble mindlessly and one is catatonic. However, the last re-searcher, Dr. Kaye, is still lucid enough to warn the characters about Dr. Kalirai. Dr. Kaye knows that Dr. Kalirai is an exsurgent and can control the mind of any biomorph she touches.

Even if freed from the tanks, the altered researchers aren't in any shape to fight. All of the researchers stacks have been burnt out by dead switches.

THE CARETAKERSThe caretakers are in charge of the Lilium forks used by the lab as research subjects. The caretakers are all sleeved in masked steel morphs that look like splicers. This is to give the Liliums humans to relate to while providing the caretakers immunity from the Liliums' mind altering psi sleights. The caretakers have their own encrypted mesh and access to the security spimes covering Section B of the lab.

Currently, the caretakers are sealed in Section B (ever since the operator at the Security Station B was killed) and are trying to find a way out. Presently they are planning to try to tunnel from the dorms to the nearby storage A1, though they are making no pro-gress as they have no tools and there are meters of solid rock in the way.

If the caretakers encounter the characters, they will demand to know what is going on. If they encounter Dr. Kalirai, they will attack her as she is obviously an exsurgent. The caretakers can be convinced to aid the characters against the researchers if the characters present evidence that they are being controlled by an exsurgent.

THE RESEARCH SUBJECTSThe research subjects of the lab are all forks of Lilium Caresbaei and are sleeved as neotenics. The lab hoped that the neotenics would easier to control and man-age (both psychologically and physically), the neoten-ics superior brain plasticity would aid in the research, and that the neotenics resemblance to children would prevent inhumane experimentation from being per-formed on them.

The Lilium's want to escape. If they spot a bio-morph that is not one of the caretakers (except an ob-vious exsurgent such as Dr. Kalirai), the Lilium's will approach, pretending to be children, and attempt to influence them using their social skills and psi-sleights.

THE LOCKBOTSFour infomorphs are in charge of four lockbots. Three of the lockbots are constructed as security doors and the fourth as a safe. All four of the lock-bots have no external communication ability.

The three infomorphs controlling the security doors are Leon Reinke, Jackson Levesque, and Callista Har-ris. Leon guards the entrance to the lab (the Shooting Gallery) and has no idea anything is wrong in the lab. He will fire on any intruders. Jackson and Callista, located on either side of Junction A, have noticed that something has gone wrong in the lab, and the menton researchers are acting strangely. They don't know that Dr. Kalirai is an exsurgent. Jackson and Callista can see each other and have figured out a way to communicate using subtle movements of their shred-ders. Additionally, they can use their shredders to fire in Morse code in order to communicate with the characters. If the characters convince them that they are here to help, Jackson and Callista may be allow the characters through Junction A unharmed. If any of the three infomorphs sees Dr. Kalirai they will open fire on her as she is clearly an exsurgent.

The last infomorph, Yoko Suzuki, is in a lockbot that contains a sample of the exsurgent virus used to research Psi-opener drugs (the precursor virus). Yoko Suzuki has orders to destroy the virus if she detects anything suspicious, including unusual behavior by the lab staff. The destruction of the safe activates her emergency farcaster allowing her to escape and then inform the Prosperity Group why she activated the self destruct.

DR. KALIRAI'S PSI SLEIGHTSIn addition to standard psi-chi and psi-gamma sleights, Dr. Kalirai has four psi-epsilon sleights: ● Finger Gun – creates powerful directed en-

ergy blasts. These blasts are targeted with the Psi-Assault skill, have AP -8, DV 3d10 + 20, and do double damage on a critical. Fir-ing a finger gun blast is a physical action.

● Force Field – protects from harm as if stand-ing safely behind a wall with infinite durab-ility and armor. The force field cannot pro-tect against sustained pressure (such as from grappling or a hydraulic press) or mental at-tacks and it can only stop 12 attacks per ac-tion phase (with full automatic fire and con-centrated beam fire both counting as two attacks). The force field created by this sleight is visible when stopping attacks and its brightness is proportional to the number of attacks it can still deflect. Force field has a continuous duration.

● Mind Control – gives permanent control of up to ten biomorphs with a touch. Mind control has an instant duration and its effect lasts until the biomorph is killed. However, targets of this sleight always get a resistance roll and a critical success on the resistance roll grants permanent immunity.

● Flight – allows flight at a speed of 8/40 with a constant duration.

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MACADAMIA NUT RESEARCH LAB MAP KEY1. ELEVATORThis is a hydraulic lift elevator. The elevator itself has no walls, but rather a waste high safety rail (provides no cover). On the railing near the doors is a control panel with a built in audio/video surveillance system, a keycard reader, and two buttons for operating the elevator (up/down and stop). Operating the elevator requires inserting a keycard into the control panel, passing a facial recognition scan (the monitoring AI has an effective skill of 40 for opposing Disguise Tests), and then pressing the up/down button. At-tempting to use the elevator without the keycard or failing the facial recognition scan triggers an alert at Security A. Hardware: Industrial or Hardware: Elec-trical may be used to bypass the control panel. The elevator shaft is martian concrete lined, 25 meters high, and sheer (-30 to Climb Tests, falling the entire shaft inflicts 3d10 + 2 DV). At the top of the shaft is a surveillance camera looking down that is capable of seeing anyone using the elevator. Also at the top of the shaft are slots for the railing and con-trol panel as the elevator is designed so that it can

crush anyone riding it against the ceiling of the shaft. Activating this feature requires access to the controls in Security A and inflicts 3d10 + 20 DV per round to anyone being crushed. Kinetic armor reduces this damage by half its value. Under the elevator is a shallow elevator pit which has the pumps and hydraulic fluid reservoirs for the elevator. In the pit are several spimes monitoring the pump. On the floor of the elevator is a trapdoor so the elevator pit can be accessed for maintenance/re-pair when the elevator is fully descended. The trap-door is secured with an electronic lock that takes a keypad entered code.

2. SHOOTING GALLERYThis room tapers into a security door. When the elev-ator is descended, there is no cover in this room (when the elevator is up, the shallow elevator pit is exposed and can be used as cover by crouching down or laying prone).

The security door (see p. 30) is equipped with six high capacity shredders in armored mounts and con-trolled by Leon (p. 30). If Leon detects an unauthor-ized person attempting to use the elevator, he hoses the room down with suppressive fire (p. 204, EP) from all six shredders, most likely killing everyone.

3. SECURITY APast the security door of the shooting gallery is a short hallway equipped with weapons scanners and a bug zapper. The other end of the hallway is a rein-forced door (30 Armor, 200 DUR, 30 WT) that acts as a self healing barrier and is controlled by a hard-wired connection to an adjacent security station that is visible through a transparent metal door (30 Ar-mor, 200 DUR, 30 WT) on one side of the hallway. The door to the security station is secured with an electronic lock that takes a keycard, biometrics, and a keypad entered code and has firing ports allowing the people in the station to fire into the hallway. The security station is currently unmanned and con-tains a control panel as well as a weapons locker. The control panel contains: surveillance spimes feeds from the elevator and the building above, controls to active the trap in the elevator, and controls to open the rein-forced door (only Leon can open the security door). A remote control rig has been attached to the controls so that the reinforced door can be opened remotely.

The weapons locker is secured by an electronic lock that accepts wireless or keypad entered codes and contains boxes and boxes of shredder ammo (10,000 rounds total) and several boxes of standard rail SMG ammo (300 rounds). There is also space for several shredders and SMGs, though none are present (as the researchers have them).

4. JUNCTION AThis is a junction of several short tunnels that lead to other parts of the lab. The junction is monitored by several surveillance spimes. This junction can be seen by two security doors (p. 30), one leading to Security B the other to Security C. Both security doors are

STOPPING DR. KALIRAIDr. Kalirai is a frightening foe, but she is not in-vincible. Some strategies that may be successful against her are:● High volume fire – if the characters can hit

Dr. Kalirai with more than twelve attacks a phase they can take her down fairly easily. A variant of this strategy is luring her to Junc-tion A where the two security doors will be able to tear her apart with their shredders.

● Grappling – characters can use subdual com-bat to grab Dr. Kalirai and crush the life out of her. This strategy is recommended only for synthmorphs as Dr. Kalirai automatically touches anyone subduing her. Alternately, characters may convince the caretakers to attack Dr. Kalirai using this strategy.

● Crushing her – characters can also attempt to collapse a portion of the lab on top of Dr. Kalirai or lure her to the elevator and crush her against the ceiling of the elevator shaft (crushing her below the elevator won't work because of the elevator pit). Col-lapsing a portion of the lab requires demoli-tion charges and a hard (-30) Demolitions test with a 10 minute timeframe.

Characters may also decide to retreat and call in reinforcements from Firewall. However, Proxy 21 will take some time (eight hours or longer) to as-semble a team to help them as her resources are stretched very thin. Meanwhile, she instructs the characters to do everything in their power to con-tain or destroy Dr. Kalirai.

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controlled by an infomorph operator (Callista for Se-curity B and Jackson for Security C, see p. 30) and equipped with six shredders each. Because the junc-tion is between the two security doors they cannot fire indiscriminately like Leon can. Instead Jackson and Callista fire in short bursts (+1d10 damage).

There is a bug zapper built into the junction and each tunnel has a portal denial system (p. 292, EP) set to lethal mode. The portal denial systems are set to automatically deactivate if they senses the proxim-ity of one of the labs keycards.

All the doors at the end of the tunnels leading off this junction, except the doors to security, have 15 Armor, 100 DUR, 25 WT, function as interior airlock doors, and take a combination of a wireless code, biometrics, and a keycard to open.

5. SECURITY BSecurity B is similar to Security A, except it doesn't have the surveillance spime feeds from the building above, elevator control, or a remote control rig (meaning nobody on the Junction B side can leave). Additionally, the weapon locker in Security B con-tains four stunners, two laser pulsers, and a mi-crowave agonizer in addition to the shredder ammo. All the weapons are ID locked.

6. JUNCTION BThis is another junction of tunnels. Like the Junction A, Junction B is covered by surveillance spimes and equipped with a bug zapper and a portal denial sys-tem for every tunnel. Unlike the Junction A the portal denial systems are set to non-lethal mode.

All the doors in the tunnels leading off this junction, except the door to Security B, are the same. They have 15 Armor, 100 DUR, 25 WT, function as interi-or airlock doors, and take a combination of a wireless code, biometrics, and a keycard to open.

7. STAFF ROOM BStaff Room B is for the caretakers. It has food prepar-ation areas, recreation areas, beds for sleeping, and a small bathroom. As all of the caretakers are masked steel morphs, the food prep area and bathroom are mostly unused.

8. SIMULSPACE RECThis room contains pods for accessing a recreational simulspace. It was meant to keep the research subjects entertained and to serve as a positive reinforcement. However, Lilium had a strong aversion to being placed back in simulspace and this room is mostly un-used, though when Zaizan was at the Macadamia Nut Research Lab it served as his room.

9. CLASSROOMThis room was a lab for testing the effects of psi sleights that was converted into a 'classroom' for the Lilium forks as part of a rehabilitation strategy. It has desks, chairs, arts and crafts supplies (but no scissors or sharp objects), AR boards, and other classroom equipment. Additionally, there is a large amount of

brain monitoring equipment hidden in cabinets. The classroom has a door that leads to the adjoin-

ing playroom which acts as interior airlock door (15 Armor, 100 DUR, 15 WT) and has a simple mechan-ical lock.

10. PLAYROOMThe playroom room is a recreational area for the Lili-um forks. It contains toys and climbing/exercise equipment of a size suitable for neotenic morphs. The walls of this room are video screens set to give a sense of space and open air.

The playroom is separated from the neotenic dorm by a half wall and from the classroom by door with a simple mechanical lock.

11. NEOTENIC DORMThis is where the forks of Lilium being used as re-search subjects live. There are currently 7 forks living here. The room contains beds, wardrobes and vanit-ies, a small kitchen area with makers and a refrigerat-or, and a bathroom. The neotenic dorm is separated from the playroom by a half wall and the forks can travel between the two rooms freely.

12. STORAGE A1Storage A1 contains shelves with ordinary supplies for the lab. Towards the back of the room there is a small refrigerator that contains 30 doses of Hy-per-Drive. The Hyper-Drive was transferred from the Hazelnut Research Lab for analysis by the Macad-amia Nut Research Lab's superior equipment. After the analysis was completed the remaining samples were placed here and forgotten about after the coup.

13. STORAGE A2Storage A2 contains shelves and cabinets with chem-istry and pharmaceutical reagents and supplies. Stor-age A2 has a door to Chemlab 1 that has 15 Armor, 100 DUR, 15 WT, acts as an interior airlock door, and is secured with an electronic lock that requires a wireless code, biometrics, and a keycard to open.

SOURCES OF STRESSThe following can inflict stress damage:● Realizing that the lab was creating drugs

from strains of the exsurgent virus requires a WIL x 3 Test to avoid 1d10 ÷ 2 SV.

● Seeing the researchers that have been im-prisoned in medical requires a WIL x 3 Test to avoid 1d10 + 2 SV.

● Encountering Dr. Kalirai requires a WIL x 3 Test to avoid taking 1d10 + 3 SV.

● Witnessing one of Dr. Kalirai's psi-epsilon sleights requires a WIL x 3 Test to avoid tak-ing 1d10 + 2 SV. Each of her four sleights re-quires a separate test.

● Being controlled by Dr. Kalirai requires a WIL x 3 to avoid taking 2d10 + 2 SV. Charac-ters cannot voluntarily fail this test.

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14. CHEMLAB 1Chemlab 1 is a organic synthesis laboratory. It con-tains mostly ordinary labware though there are three state of the art pharmaceutical fabbers and several powerful computers with software for organic mo-lecule synthesis simulation. There are always several beakers of chemicals reacting here and all the fabbers are continuously working.

The synthesis reactions take some time and fabbing takes even longer, so Chemlab 1 is empty the major-ity of the time as the researchers wait for the mo-lecules to be assembled and the reactions to complete.

Chemlab 1 contains doors to Junction C, Chemlab 2, and Storage A2. All three doors are similar: they act as interior airlock doors (15 Armor, 100 DUR, 15 WT) and are secured with an electronic lock that re-quires a wireless code, biometrics, and a keycard to open.

15. CHEMLAB 2Chemlab 2 is a bio-analytic chemistry laboratory. It contains mostly basic labware and high quality in-

strumentation such as holographic, laser, and electron microscopes; analytical disassemblers; centrifuges; NMR and mass spectroscopes; microfluidics lab-on-a-chips; etc. It also has limited facility for autopsies (and vivisection) in one corner, though no samples are stored.

Two to four researchers are usually working in this lab, analyzing the results of the latest synthesis at-tempts.

Chemlab 2 contains exits to Chemlabs 1 and 3 and to Junction C. The doors to all three of these rooms are the same: they act as interior airlock doors (15 Armor, 100 DUR, 15 WT) and are secured with an electronic lock that requires a wireless code, biomet-rics, and a keycard to open.

16. CHEMLAB 3Chemlab 3 is a viral replication and engineering laboratory. This room has ordinary bioengineering equipment and labware. It also has a large airtight box constructed of transparent metal in the center.

The box can be accessed through a port in the side

RESEARCHING HYPER-DRIVECharacters who retrieve samples of Hyper-Drive may decide to research it themselves rather than turning it over to Firewall. Research requires suc-cessive skill tests:● The first skill test required to analyze Hyper-

Drive is a Profession: Lab Technician Test with a 1 day timeframe. This test requires at least a mobile lab and uses 1 dose of Hyper-Drive. Success reveals that Hyper-Drive is a mixture of a saline solution, an antifreeze, and extremely complex organic molecules. The organic molecules are complex enough that they cannot be replicated using any known nanofabrication or chemical reaction technique.

● The second skill test is a hard (-30) Academ-ics: Chemistry Test with a 1 week timeframe. It requires a full chemistry lab and 1d10 + 1 doses of Hyper-Drive. Success reveals that the organic molecules are all the same and have three states: a stable state which oc-curs at temperatures below 273 K, an un-stable state that occurs between 273 and 310 K and that eventually results in the mo-lecule degrading into simple (and toxic) or-ganic compounds with a sort of self-catalyz-ing reaction (the solution also turns a sickly yellow), and a third state that occurs when the cold molecule is rapidly brought up to around 310 K causing the chemical to break apart and reform into twenty-seven differ-ent kinds of viruses, all of which last only for a short period outside a host cell. Characters can recognize this as the exsurgent virus and must make a WIL x 3 Test or take 1d10 ÷ 2 SV or 2d10 SV if they have used Hyper-Drive.

● Next a hard (-30) Academics: Virology Test (1 year timeframe) that requires a full virology lab, experimentation using cultures, and 2d10 doses of Hyper-Drive. Success reveals that the viruses are actually subviral agents as they do not replicate themselves. Instead they interact with each other and the host cells to create an even more complex second generation of subviral agents which in turn work with themselves and the first genera-tion to create a third generation and so on. However, this version is crippled as there are obvious flaws with the molecule that cause some agents to be formed improperly which prevents, possibly among other things, the transmission of the virus to other hosts.

● Finally, an extremely hard (-60) Academics: Neurobiology Test (10 year timeframe) that requires a full lab, 2d100 doses of Hy-per-Drive, and experiments on living people will reveal that the subviral agents create an extremely complex system that enables the exsurgent virus to make precise modifica-tions to the brain. These modifications in-clude creating a sort of secondary neural net regulated in part by the subviral agents themselves. However as this version of the virus is crippled, the regulatory system cre-ated by the subviral agents eventually col-lapses, causing the altered neurons of the second neural network to go out of control and potentially kill the host. Worse the backup and resleeving process treats the altered neurons as regular brain neurons, and a similar destructive process occurs in any restored brain.

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which is just big enough to accept small test tubes or a standard large egg. The port is designed to sterilize all sample exchanges. Inside the box is an incubator, robotic arms equipped with drills and needles, centri-fuges and chemicals for performing differential and gradient centrifugation, a powerful self destruct sys-tem, and a lockbot in the form of a safe.

Inside the lockbot is a modified version of the ex-surgent virus known as the precursor virus. This virus is used to research exsurgent based psi drugs such as Psi-opener. The precursor virus has been modified so that when it infects a host (or is injected into an egg) it replicates itself in two forms, one of which is nor-mal and the other which is attenuated and can no longer correctly replicate itself. The attenuated ver-sion of the virus is then separated from the normal version of the virus and used as the basis for psi-drugs.

The infomorph for the lockbot is Yoko Suzuki (p. 30). If any unauthorized person enters the room, if anyone attempts to access the robotic arms or the safe without the correct codes, or if anything makes her uncomfortable in any way, Suzuki has instructions to activate the self destruct system, destroying the pre-cursor virus and transmitting her back to the Prosper-ity Group to tell them that something is wrong.

Because Suzuki might detect the modified behavior of the researchers, Dr. Kalirai has forbidden them from entering this room. She has also told Suzuki that the project has moved on to the next stage of research (finding methods to synthesize the Psi-opener drug without relying on the precursor virus) and that they won't be needing to access the precursor virus for the foreseeable future.

17. JUNCTION CThis is another junction of tunnels. Like Junction A, Junction C is covered by surveillance spimes and equipped with a bug zapper and a portal denial sys-tem for every tunnel. Unlike the Junction A the portal denial systems are set to non-lethal mode.

All the doors in the tunnels leading off this junction, except the door to security, are the same. They have 15 Armor, 100 DUR, 25 WT, function as interior air-lock doors, and take a combination of a wireless code, biometrics, and a keycard to open.

18. SECURITY CSecurity C is very similar to Security B except that the weapons locker contains only shredder ammo as the weapons stored here were taken by the researchers doing the coup.

19. MEDICALThis medical bay contains all the standard equipment usually found in medical bays including a pair of standard healing vats, a fabber capable of creating standard pharmaceuticals and medical supplies, two ego bridges, and a bunch of prefabricated supplies for emergencies (including nanobandages). Additionally, five more healing vats have been added. One is empty. The other four contain the researchers that

were able to resist Dr. Kalirai's long term control. The researchers have been subjected to horrific body modifications by the healing vats, to the point of viewing them may cause stress damage (see the side-bar on p. 20). The modifications have been done without any regard to the subjects mental health and the combination of being trapped in a vat and the in-discriminate brain alterations have caused all four of the researchers to go irrevocably insane.

Two of the researchers just gibber mindlessly at the characters. One is catatonic. The last researcher is Dr. Kaye. Dr. Kaye is still lucid enough to beg for death. Dr. Kaye can explain about the coup and that Dr. Kalirai has taken control of the lab. She knows that Dr. Kalirai is an exsurgent that can control minds with a touch. She can also explain that the psi drugs the lab was producing were likely the cause of Dr. Kalirai's infection. If asked about Hyper-Drive, Dr. Kaye knows that it was produced in the other black lab and samples of it were transferred here for analys-is by Dr. Tabitha (the catatonic researcher).

Off to the side of the medical lab is a bathroom.

20. STAFF CThis room contains living and recreation areas for the researchers of the lab. It has a lounge area, a recre-ation area with a table tennis table, a kitchen area with several decent quality makers, four hot bunks for the researchers (who have circadian regulation so don't need that much sleeping space). Off to the side of the main room is a small bathroom (the room closest to Staff A) and several private offices for the more important members of the lab. Dr. Kalirai's of-fice is here (it is the one furthest from Staff A), though the sign on the door identifies it as the office of Dr. Kaye.

The researchers not busy elsewhere are usually in Staff C and Dr. Kalirai herself is usually in her office. Dr. Kalirai is content to send her researchers out to deal with any problems that might arise. Only if the researchers are killed or the characters barge into her office will she confront them directly.

Staff C has two exits, one to Junction C and the other to the Staff A. Both doors are the same: they have 15 Armor, 100 DUR, 25 WT, function as interi-or airlock doors, and take a combination of a wireless code, biometrics, and a keycard to open.

21. STAFF AThis room was for the security guards. It contains mostly recreational equipment and some simulspace games (mostly shooting games so the guards could train and relax at the same time). There are also cots and couches were the guards could take naps if they wanted.

Currently all the security guards are dead, killed in Dr. Kalirai's coup as they were all steel synthmorphs and Dr. Kalirai couldn't control them. An easy (+10) Perception Test reveals that weapons were fired in this room, including shredders and a plasma rifle (ac-tually Dr. Kalirai's finger gun psi-sleight).

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DEBRIEFINGAFTERMATHURASHIMA AND LILIUMIf Urashima learns where Lilium is living, he will hire a group to stake it out and report back to him. Even-tually, he will be able to determine that Lilium has an emergency farcaster. He will then hire someone (which may be the characters) to poison her with a nanotoxin that disables emergency farcasters and kid-nap her. However, if Lilium learns her apartment(s) are compromised, she will relocate ASAP and Urashi-ma will be stymied, though Urashima will eventually be able to find her again unless she leaves Olympus.

If Lilium gets the data chip, she will hire mercenar-ies (which may include the characters) to break into the lab and free her forks. If the mercenaries succeed, she and her forks will then flee to an Argonaut habit-at in the outer system.

DR. KALIRAIIf not stopped, Dr. Kalirai will simply continue her research and deception as long as she can. Once she perfects the Psi-openers, she intends to take over Pro-ject Savior from the inside and using the technology developed by Project Savior, take over the entire sys-tem. If she is attacked but not killed, she will aban-don the Macadamia Nut Research Lab and go into hiding in f*ckingmen. There she will start scheming to take over the system some other way.

COMEX AND HYPER-DRIVEComEx has contracted with Prosperity Group to pro-duce a chemical to duplicate Zaizan mental abilities and they expect results. If the characters do not stop Dr. Kalirai, eventually she will discover the Hy-per-Drive samples stored in the Macadamia Nut Re-search Lab and send them to ComEx in order to per-petuate her fraud. This will allow ComEx to use SKULD to predict the future.

REZ AND REP AWARDSDepending on the how they did during the mission, the characters may gain Rez points and Reputation rewards as described in the table below.

FOLLOWUPDepending on what the characters discovered during the mission they may have several things to follow up on, leading them to the other adventures in the From Blinding Heights series:

RIGHT ROUNDThe fourth From Blinding Heights adventure: Right Round covers Doctor Revolution and his plan to in-cite a war between Locus and the Planetary consorti-um using the terrorist group, Plague of Locus.

SO DIVINEThe fifth From Blinding Heights adventure: So Di-vine covers the Five Deadly Poisons and ComEx's at-tempt to obtain control of the space elevator.

Characters successfully retrieved the data chip for Lilium +5 c-rep, +5 r-rep


Characters failed to retrieve the data chip for Lilium -5 c-rep, -5 r-rep

Characters successfully retrieved the data chip for Firewall +5 i-rep

Characters failed to retrieve the data chip for Firewall -5 i-rep

Characters stopped the Five Deadly Poisons from killing Somchai 1 RP

Characters learned the locations of the blacks labs 1 RP

Characters successfully tracked Lilium back to her apartments for Urashima +5 c-rep, +5 g-rep

Characters failed to track Lilium back to her apartments for Urashima -10 c-rep, -10 g-rep

Characters freed the forks of Lilium from the Macadamia Nut Research Lab for Lilium +5 c-rep, +5 r-rep

Characters blew their cover -15 c-rep, -15 i-rep

Characters killed Dr. Kalirai 2 RP, +15 i-rep

Character participated in the mission 1 RP

Character contributed to achieving success in a significant way 1 RP

Character achieved a motivational goal 1 RP

Player engaged in good roleplaying 1 RP

Player significantly contributed to the session's drama, humor or fun with roleplaying 1 RP


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CHARACTERSThis section describes NPCs in order of appearance.

PROXY 21Firewall ProxyMorph: SynthMotivations: +Anonymity, +Firewall, +Capitalism

Traits: Allies (OIA), First Impression, Social Stigma (Clanking Masses), Uncanny Valley

Active Skills: Deception 70, Fray 50, Freerunning 60, Hardware: Electronics 65, InfoSec 70, Interfacing 65 (Forgery 75), Kinesics 65, Networking: Auto-nomists 60, Networking: Criminals 60, Network-ing: Hypercorps 60, Networking: Firewall 60, Persuasion 60, Programming 60, Protocol 60 (Firewall 70), Research 80

Knowledge Skills: Academics: Computer Science 50, Art: Acting 30, Interest: Decepticons 40, Interest: Firewall Resources 70, Interest: Inner System Law 50, Interest: Martian Politics 70, Interest: Mesh Black Markets 50, Language: English 90, Lan-guage: Mandarin 80, Profession: Forgery 70, Pro-fession: Security Ops 50

Rep: @-rep 40, c-rep 65, g-rep 65, i-rep 70Augmentations: Access Jacks, Basic Mesh Inserts,

Cortical Stack, Dead Switch, Eidetic Memory, Hyper Linguist, Math Boost, Mnemonic Aug-mentation, Multitasking, Skin Link,

Gear: Quantum Computer, Anonymous Account (5), Fake Ego ID (Many), Software (AR Illusion, Ex-ploit, Sniffer, Spoof, Tracking, Kinesics)

Armor: 6/6 (synth armor)Roleplaying: Proxy 21 is a newly minted Firewall

router. Her codename reflects her original task of forging fake IDs for the organization. Now her primary task is to ensure the safety of Olympus and the space elevator. To that end she has se-cured allies within the OIA. Proxy 21 has a quirk that when communicating through AR games, she tries to stay in character.

CHIARA CAPIROSSIProsperity Group AccountantMorph: Female RusterMotivations: +Wealth +Duty +Personal Career

Traits: Planned ObsolescenceActive Skills: Deception 40, Freerunning 45, Free Fall

40, InfoSec 45, Interfacing 45, Intimidation 40, Investigation 60, Kinesics 40, Networking: Hy-percorp 60, Perception 40, Persuasion 60, Pilot: Groundcraft 40, Protocol 60, Research 65

Knowledge Skills: Academics: Mathematics 40, Aca-demics: Inner System Law 50, Interest: Fine Din-ing 50, Language: Arabic 60, Language: English 60, Language: Italian 80, Language: Mandarin 60, Profession: Accounting 70

Rep: c-rep 40Implants: Basic Biomods, Basic Mesh Inserts, Cortical

Stack, Enhanced Respiration, Temperature Toler-ance

Gear: Secure Data ChipArmor: 2/4 (smart vac clothing)Roleplaying: Chiara is an accountant for the Prosper-

ity Group. She is responsible for making sure that other accountants are doing the books correctly in case Oversight should care enough to actually look. However, Prosperity Group is a major shareholder in the PC and so random inspections from Oversight are not likely. That is why, when Chiara pointed out a problem in the books of the Prosperity Groups Olympus branch, she was ig-nored. Out of spite she obtained a secure data chip detailing the black lab operations in Olym-pus and arranged to sell it to Oversight. She gets money from Oversights whistleblower program and the chance to say 'told you so' to her bosses when Oversight performs an audit. Of course, if Prosperity Group caught her giving the secure data chip to Oversight, she would be in big trouble, so she has arranged to talk to the Over-sight auditor assigned to her case in a restaurant she planned to stop into anyway.

Tactics: Chiara attempts to run away while using full defense (substituting Freerunning for Fray).

































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FARIS AL-MUTADEE Oversight AuditorMorph: Male AlpinerMotivations: -Corruption, +Personal Career, +PC

Traits: Fast Metabolism, Planned ObsolescenceActive Skills: Beam Weapons 45, Disguise 45, Fray 55

Free Fall 45, Freerunning 45, Impersonation 50, Infiltration 65, InfoSec 40, Interfacing 35, Intim-idation 40, Investigation 40, Kinesics 50, Net-working: Criminals 45, Networking: Hypercorp 60, Networking: Media 55, Networking: Scient-ists 60, Perception 55, Persuasion 60, Pilot: Air-craft 35, Pilot: Groundcraft 30, Protocol 30, Re-search 30, Unarmed Combat 40

Knowledge Skills: Art: Painting 55, Interests: Corpor-ate Schemes 55, Interests: Inner System Law 55, Interests: Political Corruption 55, Interests: Stress Reduction Techniques 55, Language: Arabic 85, Language: English 45, Language: Mandarin 45, Profession: Account Auditing 45, Profession: So-cial Engineering 45

Rep: c-rep 60, f-rep 45, g-rep 25, r-rep 30Implants: Basic Biomods, Basic Mesh Inserts, Cortical

Stack, Direction Sense, Grip Pads, Low Pressure Tolerance, Oxygen Reserve, Respirocytes, Tem-perature Tolerance (Improved Cold)

Gear: Ecto, Fake Ego ID (Rashad Al-Dwairan)Armor: 3/4 (armor clothing)

Unarmed Strike 40 (DV 1d10 + 2)Stunner 55 (DV (1d10 ÷ 2) + shock, Mode

SA, Ammo 200, Smartlink modifier already in-cluded)

Roleplaying: Faris Al-Mutadee is an Oversight audit-or. He joined Oversight in AF 6 full of youthful ideals. Over the years though the job has gotten to him, and now he is constantly angry. In his latest effort to relieve stress he has taken up thera-peutic painting and he is actually quite good at it, even receiving praise from a notable critic. He is currently considering the possibly of retiring to pursue life as a starving artist.

Tactics: If he can he will request backup. Faris then draws his stunner and attempts to stun any bio-morphs while moving out of danger. He doesn't concentrate fire against biomorphs, relying on the stun effect. Against synthmorphs he either con-centrates fire with his stunner to try and hurt them, or uses unarmed strikes.

LUCAS MORGENTHAUDeniable AssetMorph: ShaperMotivations: -Introspection, +Thrill-seeking, +Wealth

Traits: Brave, First Impression, Hyper Linguist, Ed-ited Memories

Active Skills: Deception 70 (100 with dampeners), Disguise 70, Fray 40, Free Fall 40, Freerunning 40, Hardware: Electronics 40, Hardware: Indus-trial 40, Impersonation 70 (100 with dampeners), Infiltration 70, InfoSec 40, Interfacing 40, Invest-igation 40, Kinesics 50, Persuasion 50 (40 with dampeners), Protocol 50 (40 with dampeners), Research 40, Unarmed Combat 60 (Surprise At-tacks 70)

Knowledge Skills: Academics: Psychology 40, In-terest: Habitat Layout 45 (Hidden Routes 55), Language: Arabic 65, Language: Cantonese 65, Language: English 65, Language: German 65, Language: Hindi 65, Language: Mandarin 65, Language: Portuguese 90, Language: Urdu 65, Language: Wu 65, Profession: Con Schemes 50, Profession: Criminal Ops 50

Rep: c-rep 50, f-rep 40, g-rep 50,Implants: Basic Biomods, Basic Mesh Inserts,

Chameleon Skin, Clean Metabolism, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Direction Sense, Eelware, Emotional Dampers, Gait Masking, Low Pressure Tolerance, Mnemonic Augmentation, Multi-Task-ing, Muscle Augmentation, Nanotat ID Flux, Oxygen Reserve, Respirocytes, Puppet Sock, Sex Switch, Skillware, Skinflex, Temperature Toler-ance (Improved Cold)

Gear: Disposable Ecto, Cuffband (2), Prisoner Mask, Chameleon Cloth Sack

Armor: 2/4 (smart vac clothing) Shock Touch 90 (DV + shock, Touch only bo-nus already included) Unarmed Strike 60 (DV 1d10 + 3 + shock)

Roleplaying: Lucas Morgenthau can't remember his past and doesn't like to think about it. He can be anyone he wants to be, from a scum drug dealer to a hyper-elite tycoon, why should he worry about who he was? Lucas is a deniable asset, a spy for hire, who focuses on short term cons and spot impersonations. In Olympus he gets most of his work from ComEx and the OIA, though occa-sionally others will hire him, such as Cognite. Lu-cas doesn't like to do assassinations and tries not to kill. Lucas is a professional and uses a dispos-able ecto for mesh communications and to pre-vent hacking.

Tactics: Lucas attempts to surprise his opponents so he can use his specialty. He then tries to punch his opponent hard enough to stun or disable them. He might also lead in with a handshake or a 'Vul-can nerve pinch'.





































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MYSTIC XHackerMorph: Neutral MentonMotivations: +Fame +Subverting Technology +Thrill-


Traits: Edited MemoriesActive Skills: Deception 65, Demolitions 40, Fray 30,

Freerunning 30, Free Fall 30, Hardware: Electron-ics 50, Hardware: Industrial 50, Hardware: Ro-botics 50, Impersonation 50, Infiltration 40, In-foSec 80 (Probing 90), Interfacing 70, Intimida-tion 55, Kinesics 55, Networking: Autonomists 45, Networking: Criminals 45, Networking: Hy-percorps 45, Perception 65, Pilot: Aircraft 40, Pi-lot: Groundcraft 40, Pilot: Walkers 40, Program-ming 80 (Backdoors 90). Research 60, Unarmed Combat 50 (Subdual 60)

Knowledge Skills: Academics: Computer Science 70, Academics: Cryptography 70, Academics: Engin-eering 50, Interests: Morph Specs 50, Language: Afrikaans 65, Language: English 65, Language: Mandarin 40, Language: Xhosa 90, Profession: Criminal Ops 65, Profession: Security Ops 65

Implants: Basic Biomods, Basic Mesh Inserts, Cortical Stack, Eidetic Memory, Enhanced Respiration, Hyper Linguist, Math Boost, Multi-Tasking, Temperature Tolerance

Gear: Disposable Ecto (6), Fake Ego ID (Tehpoe Gueye), Software (AR Illusion, Exploit, Sniffer, Spoof, Tactical Network, Tracking)

Armor: 7/7 (standard smartfabric vacsuit) Direct Control Subdual 50 Direct Control Unarmed Strike 40 (DV 1d10 + 1 if Mystic X is controlling a worker pod or DV 1d10 + 3 if Mystic X is controlling a synthmorph)

Roleplaying: Mystic X is an extremely skilled hacker who was hired by Prosperity Group to destroy a data chip being transported by a courier. Technic-ally, Mystic X probably could destroy it and the courier with a well placed explosive, but Mystic X doesn't like killing and so instead he has chosen to ambush the courier with multiple morphs he has hacked.

Tactics: In his menton, Mystic X runs away while us-ing full defense. If he doesn't have any drones to control, he uses his extra mental actions to com-bat hack (brute force hack and then rush the job for -60, see p. 121, EP) as his skill is high enough that he can complete a hack in five to eight turns. When direct controlling a drone he may attempt to subdue or to strike with unarmed combat. He uses Unarmed Combat skill for melee defense in-stead of Fray.

MYSTIC X'S BOT AI (6)Operator AIMorph: Infomorph

Active Skills: Hardware: Electronics 20, Impersona-tion 40, Intimidation 40, InfoSec 20, Interfacing 40, Perception 40, Pilot: Walkers 40, Research 20, Unarmed Combat 40

Knowledge Skills: Profession: Crowd Control 40Augmentations: Mnemonic Augmentation, Software

(Tactical Network) Direct Control Knockback 30 (Knocks the opp-onent back 1 meter per 10 full points of MoS, on a MoS of 30+ knocks the opponent down as well, on a critical deals DV 1d10 + 1 if the AI is con-trolling a worker pod or DV 1d10 + 3 if the AI is controlling a synthmorph) Direct Control Unarmed Strike 30 (DV 1d10 + 1 if the AI is controlling a worker pod or DV 1d10 + 3 if the AI is controlling a synthmorph)

Roleplaying: Mystic X has created custom bot AIs for his use. These bot AIs are instantiated on ectos as infomorphs. As infomorphs they it must use direct control or jamming to control a bot. The -10 pen-alty for direct control has not been included in the above stats, excepting the combat options.

Tactics: Mystic X's bot AIs have two combat modes, offensive and crowd control. In offensive mode a bot AI attempts to charge and/or attack its target with unarmed combat. In crowd control mode, a bot AI attempts to prevent bystanders from inter-fering with an operation by using its Intimidation skill (with teamwork if more than one bot AI is in crowd control mode) to keep them back. If that fails the bot AI attempts to physically block people from interfering (treat as a delayed knock-back attack).





































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OIA FOOT PATROL OFFICERCorporate Police OfficerMorph: Martian Alpiners

Traits: Situational Awareness, Fast Metabolism, Planned Obsolescence

Active Skills: Beam Weapons 50, Climbing 30, Clubs 50, Fray 40, Freerunning 40, Intimidation 40, In-vestigation 35, Kinesics 45, Kinetic Weapons 40 (Medium Pistol 50), Networking: Hypercorps 20, Perception 40, Protocol 40, Unarmed Combat 50, Knowledge Skills: Interest: Criminal Groups 30, Language: English 70, Language: Mandarin 85, Profession: Law Enforcement Ops 40

Rep: c-rep 15Implants: Anti-Glare, Basic Biomods, Basic Mesh In-

serts, Bioweave Armor (light), Cortical Stack, Dir-ection Sense, Enhanced Vision, Enhanced Hear-ing, Enhanced Smell, Grip Pads, Low Pressure Tolerance, Medichines, Mnemonic Augmentation, Oxygen Reserve, Respirocytes, Sense Filter (Vis-ion, Hearing, Smell), Temperature Tolerance (Im-proved Cold), T-ray Emitter

Gear: Cuffbands (2), SMG (Extended Magazine, 90 Homing Hollow Point Rounds in 3 Magazines), Medium Kinetic Pistol (Extended Magazine, Smart Magazine, 18 AP Rounds and 18 Zap Rounds divided into 3 Magazines), Prisoner Mask (2), Specs, Software (Tactical Network), Uniform (Black and Safety Yellow)

Armor: 17/17 (armored clothing + armored vest with ablative patches + light bioweave + light helmet) Shock Baton 50 (DV 1d10 + 4 + shock) Unarmed 50 (DV 1d10 + 2)

SMG 60 (DV 3d10 + 3, MODE SA/BF/FA, Ammo 30, smartlink and ammo bonus included)

Medium Pistol 60 (with zap ammo, AP -3, DV 2d10 + 5 - half + shock, Mode SA/BF, Ammo 6, smartlink bonus included)

Medium Pistol 60 (with AP ammo, AP -10, DV 2d10 + 3, Mode SA/BF, Ammo 6, smartlink bonus included)

Roleplaying: These officers patrol heavily trafficked areas, using their enhanced senses to detect trouble (note that their enhanced sense of smell can detect things like gunpowder residue on a suc-cessful test). If interacting with anyone suspicious, they always perform a weapon scan using their T-ray emitters. Because of the recent troubles in Olympus, these officers are carrying heavier weaponry and armor than they otherwise would.

Tactics: OIA officers first call for backup from the other officers in the area. They then ready their SMGs and order their opponents to surrender. If their opponents do not comply, they will attack by firing two short bursts for +1d10 damage. When using their firearms these officers use quick actions to aim if possible.

SOFIYA VLADIMIROVNA GOLOVINA Morph: SynthMotivations: +Being a Ninja +Duty +Wealth

Traits: Innocuous, Situational AwarenessActive Skills: Climbing 85, Deception 40, Disguise

60, Fray 60, Free Fall 60, Freerunning 75, Infiltra-tion 60, InfoSec 20, Kinesics 30, Navigation 50, Networking: Criminals 40, Networking: Hyper-corps 40, Palming 60, Perception 60, Protocol 60, Scrounging 40, Unarmed Combat 45

Knowledge Skills: Academics: Old Earth History 40, Academics: Anatomy 40, Art: Painting 40, Art: Dance 40, Interest: Hiding Places 55, Language: Russian 90, Language: English 60, Language: Ja-panese 60, Language: Mandarin 50, Profession: Security Ops: 60, Profession: Pickpocket: 35

Rep: c-rep 30, g-rep 40Augmentations: 360-Degree Vision, Access Jacks, Ba-

sic Mesh Inserts, Chameleon Skin, Chemical Sniffer, Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Cyberclaws, Dead Switch, Direction Sense, Echolocation, Eel-ware, Eidetic Memory, Electrical Sense, Emotion-al Dampers, Enhanced Hearing, Enhanced Vision, Grip Pads, Math Boost, Medichines, Mnemonic Augmentation, Muscle Augmentation, Pneumatic Limbs, Puppet Sock, Reflex Booster, T-Ray Emit-ter, Wrist-Mounted Tools,

Gear: Microbug (5), Ecto, Software (AR Illusions, Ex-ploit, Sniffer, Spoof, Tracking, Radio Motion De-tector, Security AI, Technician AI)

Armor: 6/6 (synth armor) Cyberclaws 45 (AP -2, DV 2d10 + 7)

Roleplaying: Sofiya wants to be a deniable asset, spe-cifically a ninja assassin. She learned about a mas-ter assassin that uses knives and blades, Daniel (see Dance with the Devil), and offered to be his apprentice. Daniel accepted on the grounds that she complete a mission for his friend, Urashima. Sofiya is sleeved in a mass produced synth morph that she had tricked out. To prevent hacking she uses a disposable ecto loaded with a security AI.

Tactics: Sofiya will retreat if threatened, using full de-fense and substituting freerunning for fray, which gives her a defense of 105(capped at 98) against melee attacks and 68 against ranged attacks. If cornered (and that is very difficult given her excel-lent movement skills) she attacks with her claws.







































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LILIUM CARESBAEILost MindchangerMorph: Female AlpinerMotivations: +Finding Self +Freedom -Hypercorps

Traits: Psi (Lv. 2), Rapid Healer, Fast Metabolism, Enemy (Shinobu Urashima), Mental Disorders (Depression, GAD, ICD), On the Run (Cognite), Planned Obsolescence

Active Skills: Climbing 25 (55 using grip pads), Con-trol 80, Deception 65, Fray 40, Free Fall 40, Im-personation 60, Infiltration 65, InfoSec 60, Inter-facing 50, Investigation 65, Kinesics 60, Palming 40, Perception 60, Persuasion 65, Protocol 55, Research 50, Unarmed Combat 65

Knowledge Skills: Academics: Cryptography 60, Aca-demics: Engineering 60, Academics: Psychology 60, Language: English 90, Language: Spanish 50, Language: Navaho 50, Profession: Lab Tech 50, Profession: Tradecraft 35, Profession: Social En-gineering 60

Psi: Charisma, Cloud Memory, Drive Emotion, Im-plant Memory, Multitasking, Subliminal

Rep: c-rep 50, r-rep 50Implants: Basic Biomods, Basic Mesh Inserts, Cortical

Stack, Direction Sense, Emergency Farcaster, En-docrine Control, Grip Pads, Low Pressure Toler-ance, Medichines, Mnemonic Augmentation, Oxygen Reserve, Respirocytes, Skinflex, Temper-ature Tolerance (Improved Cold)

Gear: Anonymous Account, Disposable Ecto, Fake Ego ID (Elektra Volaju), Fake Ego ID (Elisa Ce-lonias), Fake Ego ID (Sally Young), Touch 95

Roleplaying: Lilium is one of the Lost. After escaping the project she wound up on a small Argonaut run station, suicidally depressed. The Argonauts eventually gave her an endocrine control system to manage her depression and she became a lab technician, working there happily for many years. Her happiness ended when Cognite raided the sta-tion to steal the Argonauts hard work. They found and captured her as well. Fortunately for her. the Argonauts had off-site backups. Since then she has hunted for her lost self. In doing so she has mastered her Async abilities. Eventually she was able to trace the lost fork to Olympus. Looking through Olympus has been slow however, as she has had to avoid not only the hy-percorps but the mad Lost, Shinobu Urashima.If Lilium resleeves she suffers suicidal depression and thus only resleeves as a last resort.

Tactics: Lilium runs away. If their are neutral bio-morphs in the area she runs past one of them, yelling for help, and attempts to touch them as she passes in order to uses her subliminal psi-sleight. She will subliminally command the bio-morph to defend her while she makes an escape.

SOMCHAI Olympus Mountain Temple Priest Morph: CaseMotivations: +Happiness +Temple -Suffering

Traits: Lemon, Social Stigma (Clanking Masses), Brave, Unfit (Level 1),

Active Skills: Animal Handling 60, Freerunning 40, Kinesics 80, Hardware: Industrial 50, InfoSec 60, Perception 60, Persuasion 75, Protocol 60, Net-working: Hypercorp 40, Networking: Autonom-ists 40, Unarmed Combat 30

Knowledge Skills: Academics: Philosophy 60 (Neo-Buddhism 70), Academics: Psychology 60, Aca-demics: Religion 60, Interest: Meditation 45, Lan-guage: English 50, Language: Mandarin 50, Lan-guage: Thai 90

Rep: @-rep 30, c-rep 40Augmentations: Access Jacks, Basic Mesh Inserts,

Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Enhanced Hearing, Industrial Armor, Medichines, Mnemonic Aug-mentation

Gear: Buddhist Priest Clothes, UtilitoolArmor: 14/14 (case armor + industrial armor)Roleplaying: Somchai is the priest of the Olympus

Mountain Temple. He has been the priest for years and has watched the temple decline to its present state. He is now the sole staff member and performs all the duties of the priests and main-tains the temple. In order to prevent the temple from going bankrupt he has begun renting out rooms in the temple for events. He is a friendly guy and will tell the rental schedule, the details of the temple layout, and the like if asked.

Tactics: Though Somchai has the Unarmed Combat skill, he practices it strictly for its health benefits (it helps maintain his COO and SOM) as he is a total pacifist. In combat he will not make any at-tacks, will not dodge any attacks, and will not flee; instead he will hold his hands out to show that he is unarmed and attempt to persuade people to stop fighting though conversation. He will use his moxie for his Persuasion Tests: flip-ping results and upgrading successes to critical successes.


































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SCSIData Recovery ExpertMorph: RusterMotivations: +Recovering Past +Knowledge -Stalkers

Traits: Bad Luck, Enemy (Ex-girlfriend, Sarah), On the Run (Fresh Kills Pirates)

Active Skills: Freerunning 30, Fray 30, Hardware: Electronics 80 (Data Recovery 90), Hardware: In-dustrial 60, Interfacing 70, InfoSec 50, Investiga-tion 80, Networking: Scientist 45, Networking: Hyper-corp 45, Perception 65, Pilot: Spacecraft 45, Programming 60, Research 55, Scrounging 50

Knowledge Skills: Academics: Computer Science 60, Academics: Cryptography 65, Academics: History 55, Academics: Materials Science 60, Interest: Old Earth Media 55, Interest: Antique Electronics 55, Language: English 55, Language: Spanish 95, Pro-fession: Appraisal 60, Profession: Information and Data Recovery 80

Rep: c-rep 50, r-rep 50Implants: Basic Biomods, Basic Mesh Inserts, Cortical

Stack, Electrical Sense, Enhanced Respiration, En-hanced Vision, Math Boost, Mnemonic Augment-ation, Temperature Tolerance, Wrist Mounted Tools

Gear: Electronics Tool Kit, Custom Fabber, Quantum Computer, Custom Sensor Box

Armor: 2/4 (smart vac clothing)Roleplaying: Santiago-Carlos Sandoval Irolo, better

known by his initials SCSI (which are pronounced 'Scuzzy'), is an expert on recovering data from physical media. He also has incredibly bad luck: he had to leave Fresh Kills after accidentally des-troying several pirate ships and the first person he dated on Mars turned out to be a psycho stalker. Because of his bad luck, SCSI is a bit paranoid and he will not move to a non-public location with the characters.

Tactics: SCSI attempts to defend his work by inter-posing himself between it and attempting to talk the other person down (with his impressive 10 in persuasion), however, if he is confronted by armed opponents he will try to escape while using full defense.

ANGEL CONRADProfessional DecoyMorph: Female AlpinerMotivations: +Survival +Thrill-Seeking +Wealth

Traits: First Impression, Fast Metabolism, Edited Memories, Planned Obsolescence

Active Skills: Deception 60, Disguise 55 (85 with skinflex), Fray 40, Impersonation 70, Infiltration 50, InfoSec 50, Intimidation 50, Kinesics 50, Net-working: Criminals 40, Networking Media: 40, Palming 60, Perception 60, Protocol 70, Unarmed Combat 55

Knowledge Skills: Academics: Cryptography 30, Aca-demics: Psychology 60, Interest: Criminal Groups 50, Interest: Who's Who 45, Language: Spanish 50, Language: English 85, Profession: Con Schemes 60, Profession: Double 35, Profession: Identity Theft 60, Profession: Tradecraft 30

Rep: c-rep 30, f-rep 30, g-rep 40Implants: Basic Biomods, Basic Mesh Inserts, Cortical

Stack, Direction Sense, Grip Pads, Low Pressure Tolerance, Oxygen Reserve, Respirocytes, Skin-flex, Temperature Tolerance (Improved Cold)

Gear: Anonymous Account, Fake Ego ID (Sally Young), Fake Ego ID (Fad MacIntire), Ecto Shove 55 (Knocks the target back 1 meter per 10 full points of MoS, on a MoS of 30+ knocks the opponent down as well, on a critical deals DV 1d10 + 1)

Roleplaying: Angel was a con artist and identity thief who stumbled into the life of a professional decoy when she was assassinated by someone gunning for the person who's identity she had stolen. Since then she has renounced her life of crime in favor of life as a professional decoy. Angel prefers to impersonate corporate bigwigs and media stars, but she won't say no to 10,000 credits for an af-ternoon of impersonating someone wandering around HLS and watching the guys at the strip clubs.

Tactics: Angel attempts to escape using full defense. If necessary she will try and shove people out of her way with unarmed combat.


































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Traits: Edited MemoriesActive Skills: Climbing 40, Fray 40, Freerunning 40,

Gunnery 70, Interfacing 40, Kinetic Weapons 40, Perception 60, Pilot: Groundcraft 30, Protocol 40, Spray Weapons 60, Unarmed Combat 60,

Knowledge Skills: Academics: Military Science 40, In-terest: VR Games 60, Language: (German or Eng-lish 90), Language: Mandarin 50, Profession: Se-curity Operations 50

Rep: c-rep 10Augmentations: Mnemonic Augmentation

Suppressing Fire from Six Shredders 70 (at <11 m, AP -10, DV 3d10 + 5, Ammo 1000, range-damage modifier already included) Short Burst Fire from Six Shredders 60 (at <11 m, AP -10, DV 4d10 + 5, Ammo 1000, Smartlink, firing mode, off-hand, and range-damage modifi-ers already included)

Roleplaying: Leon Reinke, Jackson Levesque, and Callista Harris are ex-military re-instantiated who have been assigned to the secure door lockbots.Leon is in sleeved in the first door and has no idea that anything is wrong. Jackson and Callista can see each other across Junction A and they suspect something is wrong in the lab based on the traffic and lack of people manning the security stations. The doors don't have audio outputs or wireless radios but they have worked out a system to com-municate with each other based on subtle shred-der movement and are capable of communicating in code when firing their shredders.

Tactics: All the operators delay their actions if they don't have a target. Leon is at the shooting gallery and just hoses down the area with suppressive fire (p. 204, EP). Jackson and Callista must use more discretion and they fire 12 short burst (+1d10 DV) from their shredders at anything that enters their line of fire. All of the operators will fire on Dr. Kalirai if they see her, as she is clearly an ex-surgent.

SECURITY DOORCombination Lockbot/Self Healing Barrier

Augmentations: Bug Zapper, Echolocation, Enhanced Vision, Neurachem, Reflex Booster, Shredders (6 with 6000 rounds), Weapons Mounts (6 Swivel), X-Ray Emitter

Armor: 30/30 (door armor with lotus coating)Notes: The security doors act as self healing barriers

(p. 292, EP) and their shredders have a much greater ammo capacity than hand held shredders.

YOKO SUZUKIMorph: InfomorphMotivations: +Duty +Honor +Vigilance

Traits: BraveActive Skills: Beam Weapons 60, Clubs 55, Fray 35,

Freerunning 55, Intimidation 60, Investigation 40, Kinesics 80, Networking: Hypercorp 60, Percep-tion 80, Protocol 40, Unarmed Combat 40

Knowledge Skills: Academics: Warrior Codes 60, In-terest: VR Games 50, Language: English 50, Lan-guage: Japanese 90, Profession: Security Ops 70

Rep: c-rep 50Augmentations: Mnemonic AugmentationRoleplaying: Yoko Suzuki is sleeved into the lockbot

protecting the precursor virus and the replication equipment. Unlike the other infomorphs she is not indentured, she is a professional, and she has in-structions to destroy the precursor virus if she sus-pects anything is wrong.

Tactics: If Yoko Suzuki sees anyone that is not sup-posed to be in the lab, notices the odd behavior of any of the controlled researchers, or even thinks something might be wrong, she simultaneously activates the self destruct system of the lockbot and her emergency farcaster, destroying the pre-cursor virus and everything else inside her lockbot and its enclosure.

PRECURSOR VIRUS LOCKBOTCombination Lockbot/Self Healing Barrier

Augmentations: Bug Zapper, Chemical Sniffers, Echolocation, Electrical Sense, Emergency Far-caster, Enhanced Vision, Nanodetectors, Nano-scopic Vision, Safe Containing the Precursor Vir-us, Self Destruct System, Quantum Radar, X-Ray Emitter

Armor: 30/30 (lockbot armor with lotus coating)Notes: The lockbot act as self healing barriers (p.

292, EP) and is equipped with an self destruct system that will destroy everything in it.



































































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CARETAKER (5)Research Subject HandlerMorph: Masked Steel

Traits: Brave, Edited MemoriesActive Skills: Beam Weapons 55, Deception 60,

Freerunning 35, Kinesics 55, Networking: Hyper-corp 45, Networking: Scientist 45, Perception 60, Persuasion 65, Protocol 55, Unarmed Combat 70

Knowledge Skills: Academics: Psychology 60, Lan-guage: (English, Mandarin, Spanish, or Viet-namese) 85, Language: (English or Spanish) 60, Language: Navaho 20, Profession: Security Ops 60, Profession: Care 30, Profession: Rehabilita-tion 50

Rep: c-rep 30, r-rep 20Augmentations: Access Jacks, Basic Mesh Inserts,

Cortical Stack, Cyberbrain, Dead Switch, Eel-ware, Electrical Sense, Eidetic Memory, Medi-chines, Mnemonic Augmentation, Neurachem, Weapon Mount (Concealed, Stunner)

Gear: KeycardArmor: 10/12 (steel armor + smart vac clothing with

lotus coating) Subdual 70 (+ shock) Shock Touch 100 (+ shock) Unarmed Strike 70 (DV 1d10 + 4 + shock)

Stunner 65 (DV (1d10 ÷ 2) + shock, Mode SA, Ammo 200, Smartlink modifier included).

Roleplaying: The caretakers are indentures tasked with the forks of Lilium. They have realized that they are trapped in Section B of the lab and are debating what to do. If they encounter the charac-ters they will try to talk rather than fight. They won't be willing to let the forks of Lilium go, but they will help stop an exsurgent. The names of the caretakers are: Ni Lei, Kui Lu, Casey Madison, Tran Dao, and Crespin Carazo Berastegui.

Tactics: The caretakers attempt to stun at range with their stunner. They never concentrate fire with the stunner. In melee against the neotenics they usu-ally attempt to grab, shock, and subdue. Against other melee targets they either strike or touch and shock. Against Dr. Kalirai their default is to at-tempt to stun her with their stunners, then strike her with their fists, then grab and crush her (which will be able to hurt her).

NEOTENIC LILIUM ALPHA FORK (7)Involuntary Research SubjectsMorph: Female NeotenicsMotivations: +Escape! +Freedom -Hypercorps

Traits: Psi (Lv. 2), Mental Disorders (Depression, GAD, ICD), Small Size

Active Skills: Control 95, Deception 55, Fray 40, Free Fall 45, Impersonation 40, Infiltration 50, InfoSec 40, Interfacing 50, Investigation 60, Kinesics 40, Palming 25, Perception 65, Persuasion 45, Pro-tocol 45, Research 50, Unarmed Combat 25

Knowledge Skills: Art: Arts and Crafts 40, Academ-ics: Cryptography 40, Academics: Engineering 60, Academics: Psychology 60, Language: English 95, Language: Spanish 55, Language: Navaho 50, Profession: Lab Tech 50, Profession: Social Engin-eering 30

Psi: Charisma, Cloud Memory, Drive Emotion, Im-plant Memory, Multitasking, Subliminal

Rep: c-rep 50 r-rep 50Implants: Basic Biomods, Basic Mesh Inserts, Cortical

Stack, Flawed Metabolism, Enhanced Respira-tion, Endocrine Control, Medichines, Temperat-ure Tolerance Touch 55

Roleplaying: Lilium is one of the Lost. After escaping the project she wound up on a small Argonaut run station, suicidally depressed. The Argonauts eventually gave her an endocrine control system to manage her depression and she became a lab technician, working there happily for many years. Her happiness ended when Cognite raided the sta-tion to steal the Argonauts hard work, killed her, and took her stack. These forks of Lilium where created from the data on the stack, which was transferred to Prosperity Group (against Cognite's wishes). They desper-ately want to escape and have made several at-tempts but they have all been thwarted. If Lilium resleeves she suffers suicidal depression from her psi trait and thus she only resleeves as a last resort.

Tactics: The Lilium forks approach any biomorph they see while pretending to be scared children. They then grab onto the biomorphs and use their subliminal sleights to try and influence the bio-morphs into helping them escape. If informed that they are being rescued they don't bother using the psi sleights.

Notes: The neotenic morphs Lilium is sleeved in have deliberate metabolic defects. If they don't get spe-cial nutritional supplements every day they begin to die. Lilium is unaware of this fact.






































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CONTROLLED RESEARCHER (6)Research ScientistMorph: Menton

Traits: Edited MemoriesActive Skills: Hardware: Electronics 55, Investigation

75, Networking: Hypercorp 65, Networking: Sci-entists 65, Perception 70, Programming 70, Re-search 70

Knowledge Skills: Academics: Microbiology 80, Aca-demics: Chemistry 70, Academics: Nanotechno-logy 70, Language: (Arabic, English, Mandarin, or Turkish) 100, Language: (English or Mandar-in) 55, Profession: Lab Tech 70

Rep: c-rep 20, r-rep 50Implants: Basic Biomods, Basic Mesh Inserts, Circadi-

an Regulation, Cortical Stack, Dead Switch, Drug Gland (Suicide co*cktail), Eidetic Memory, En-hanced Respiration, Enhanced Vision, Hyper Lin-guist, Math Boost, Medichines, Temperature Tol-erance, Toxin Filters

Gear: Keycard, Nanodetector, Shredder OR Rail SMG (extended magazine)

Armor: 2/4 (smart vac clothing with lotus coating)Full Auto Shredder 55 (at <11 m, AP -10, DV

3d10 + 5, Ammo 100, Smartlink, full auto, and range-damage modifiers already included) Full Auto Rail SMG 55 (AP -5, DV 2d10 + 5, Ammo 30, Smartlink, full auto, and range-dam-age modifiers already included)

Roleplaying: The researchers are under the control of Dr. Kalirai. They have little initiative and are ob-viously in some sort of trance. The names of the researchers are: Devlet Celik, Lance Coates, Nad-wah Shafaq. Deng Shi-ping, and Nan Yue.

Tactics: The researchers set up an ambush, position-ing themselves behind cover, they then delay until they see an opponent. Once they see their oppon-ent they aim and then open fire with their weapons. The researchers are not trained with their weapons and spray and pray (full auto for +30 to hit) instead of using them effectively.

Notes: The scientists won't use their moxie as they are mind controlled.

VASUNDHARA KALIRAIExsurgentMorph: Infected Menton

Traits: Fast Healer, Psi (Lv. 3), Mental Disorders (BPD, ICD, Megalomania)

Active Skills: Control 85, InfoSec 75, Interfacing 75, Intimidation 50, Investigation 65, Networking: Hypercorp 45, Networking: Scientists 50, Percep-tion 65, Persuasion 40, Programming 65, Protocol 50, Psi Assault 85, Psychosurgery 55, Research 75, Unarmed Combat 45

Knowledge Skills: Academics: Chemistry 80, Academ-ics: Neurobiology 65, Academics: Pharmacology 65, Academics: Psychology 65, Academics: Viro-logy 80, Language: English 40, Language: Hindi 95, Language: Mandarin 55, Profession: Lab Technician 85, Profession: Forgery 40

Psi: Multitasking, Charisma, Psi Shield, Subliminal, Finger Gun*, Force Field*, Mind Control*,

Rep: 40 c-rep, 55 r-repImplants: Basic Biomods, Basic Mesh Inserts, Circadi-

an Regulation, Cortical Stack, Dead Switch, Drug Gland (Suicide co*cktail), Eidetic Memory, En-hanced Respiration, Enhanced Vision, Exsurgent Biology* (4 extra limbs, increased morph caps, immunity to NBC attacks), Hyper Linguist, Math Boost, Medichines, Temperature Tolerance, Tox-in Filters

Gear: Keycard, NanodetectorArmor: 2/4 (smart vac clothing with lotus coating)Special: Force field blocks first 12 attacks/phase

Four Exsurgent Arms 45 (AP -1, DV 4d10 + 3, +30 melee defense) Touch Attack 75 Finger Gun 85 (AP -8, 3d10 + 20, increases DV with MoS as normal, doubles DV on a critical)

Roleplaying: Dr. Kalirai is no longer the person she was. She is now an exsurgent dedicated to ruling all of transhumanity with her psychic power. Right now she can only control those she touches for a limited time. However, she is actively re-search ways to extend her power.

Tactics: Dr. Kalirai thinks she is invincible (she doesn't know about the weaknesses of her force field) and doesn't bother to attempt to dodge or take cover, though she will reflexively block with her Unarmed Combat Skill if attacked in melee. If a biomorph opponent is close to her, Dr. Kalirai attempts to touch them and use her mind control psi-sleight to force them to fight for her. Other-wise, Dr. Kalirai attacks with her finger gun.

Notes: Dr. Kalirai's special exsurgent biology implant increases her aptitude caps to 40, gives her four extra limbs, and renders her immune to NBC threats and shock. As Dr. Kalirai has the Psi (Lv. 3) trait, she is not subject to strain and has access to unique sleights (see the sidebar on p. 18).






































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Version 1.0 (July 2013) by A.W. Dabertoncontact me at [emailprotected]

Based on the original works of Posthuman StudiosVisit them at

Cover Art taken from Eclipse Phase, p. 227.

Creative Commons License; Some Rights Reserved.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.To view a copy of this license, visit:

What this means is that you are free to copy, share, and remix the text and artwork within this book under the following conditions:1) you do so only for noncommercial purposes;2) you attribute Posthuman Studios and A.W. Daberton;3) you license any derivatives under the same license.

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Is there romance in Kill the Queen? ›

And like all my other books/series, Kill the Queen features a strong heroine, lots of action/fight scenes, a hint of romance, and magic/worldbuilding, among other things.

Can the king kill the queen in chess? ›

A king can capture a queen the same way it can capture any other piece. Unless the queen is defended, the king can capture it. If the queen is defended by some other piece or a pawn, king can't capture it, as that would put the king in check, so it is an illegal move. 1.

Is the queens assassin enemies-to-lovers? ›

The romance was again pretty standard and predictable. It's a shade of enemies to lovers, with tropes like secret identity and forced close quarters.

Is there any romance in Kill It? ›

You'll need to be in a specific mood and disposition to watch and appreciate this because it is intense, and the theme dark and disturbing. There is hardly any romance here, but quite a bit of action.

Is there any romance in The Corpse Queen? ›

The romance was shoehorned in, and thanks to the lack of characterization -- literally, all we know about is how his body looks (a theme throughout, the body vs. the person, that didn't gel). I had no investment anywhere.

Is there any romance in the Cruel Prince series? ›

This book has some great romance, no sex, just some passionate kisses. There are very few swear words. The violence is a lot, but I wouldn't describe it as "graphic" or "frightening", especially for older teens. Violence is typical in fantasy novels; a few stabbings are the main violence in this book.

Is there any romance in The Lost Queen? ›

It is very much a historical fiction piece with some romance thrown in.

Is there any romance in The Queen's Assassin? ›

The Queen's Assassin by Melissa de la Cruz has been a *very* fun read. If you love the idea of star-crossed romance, deadly plots and immense consequences? This is the book for you. This fantasy romance packs so much within its pages, it left me fully invested in Cal and Shadow's ending!

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

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Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.