How Do ETF Dividends Work? (2024)

One of the ways that investors make money from exchange traded funds (ETFs) is through dividends that are paid to the ETF issuer and then paid on to their investors in proportion to the number of shares each holds.

If you're looking for an ETF that pays a steady stream of income, you might consider one of the many ETFs that focus on investments that historically have paid high dividends.

ETF issuers decide whether to pay these dividends directly or reinvest them in the fund. The fund prospectus makes it clear which it is.

The Timing of ETF Dividend Payments

Like any company that issues a stock dividend, an ETF's sponsor sets an ex-dividend date, a record date, and a payment date. These dates determine who will receive the dividend and when it will be paid. The timing of these dividend payments is on a different schedule than those of the underlying stocks and is set by the ETF sponsor.

For example, the ex-dividend date for the popular SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) is the third Friday of the final month of a fiscal quarter (March, June, September, and December). If that date is not a business day, the ex-dividend date falls on the prior business day. The record date comes two days prior to the ex-dividend date. At the end of each quarter, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF distributes the dividends.

These dates are listed in the fund's prospectus, which is publicly available to all investors.

Just as like any stock shares, the price of an ETF often rises before the ex-dividend date—reflecting a flurry of buying activity—and falls afterward, asinvestors who own the fund before the ex-dividend date receive the dividend, and those buying afterward do not.

Dividends Paid in Cash

The SPDR S&P 500 ETF pays out dividends in cash. According to the fund’s prospectus, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF puts all dividends it receives from its underlying stock holdings into a non-interest-bearing account until it comes time to make a payout. At the end of the fiscal quarter, when dividends are due to be paid, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF pulls the dividends from the non-interest-bearing account and distributes them proportionally to the investors.

Some ETFs may temporarily reinvest the dividends from the underlying stocks into the holdings of the fund until it comes time to make a cash dividend payment. Naturally, this creates a small amount of leverage in the fund, which can slightly improve its performance during bull markets and slightly harm its performance during bear markets.

Dividends Reinvested

ETF managers also have the option of reinvesting investors' dividends into the ETF rather than distributing them as cash. The payout to shareholders is accomplished through reinvestment in the ETF's underlying index on their behalf.

Essentially, it comes out to the same amount:An ETF shareholder who receives a 2% dividend reinvestment from an ETF can sell those shares and take the cash.

Dividends Are Taxable

These reinvestments can be seen as a benefit, as it does not cost the investor a trade fee to purchase the additional shares through the dividend reinvestment.

However, each shareholder's annual dividends are taxable in the year they are received, even if they are received via dividend reinvestment.

Taxes on Dividends in ETFs

ETFs are often viewed as a favorable alternative to mutual funds in terms of their ability to control the amount and timing of income tax to the investor. However, this is primarily due to how and when the taxable capital gains are captured in ETFs.

Owning dividend-producing ETFs does not defer the tax on the dividends paid by an ETF during a tax year. The dividends that an ETF pays are taxable to the investor in essentially the same way as the dividends paid by a mutual fund are taxable.

Examples of Dividend-Paying ETFs

Here are five popular dividend-orientated ETFs.

1. The SPDR S&P Dividend ETF (SDY)

TheSPDR S&P Dividend ETF (SDY)is the most extreme and exclusive of the dividend ETFs. Ittracks the S&P High-Yield Dividend Aristocrats Index, which includes companies in the S&P Composite 1500 that have increased their dividends for at least 20 consecutive years.

Due to their long history of reliably paying these dividends, these companies are often considered less risky for investors seeking total return.

2. The Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF (VIG)

TheVanguardDividend Appreciation ETF (VIG) tracks the S&P U.S. Dividend Growers Index, amarket capitalization-weighted grouping of companies that have increased dividends for a minimum of ten consecutive years.

Its assets are invested domestically, and theportfolio includes many companies known for paying rich dividends, such as Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ).

3. The iShares Select Dividend ETF (DVY)

The iShares Select Dividend ETF (DVY) is the largest ETF to track a dividend-weighted index. Similar to VIG, this ETF invests in U.S. companies but the focus is on smaller companies.

Roughly one-quarter of the 100 stocks in DVY's portfolio are utility companies. Other major sectors represented include financials, consumer staples, energy, and communication stocks.

4. The iShares Core High Dividend ETF (HDV)

BlackRock's iShares Core High Dividend ETF (HDV) is younger and uses a smaller portfolio than the company's other notable high-yield option, DVY. This ETF tracks aMorningstar-constructed index of 75 U.S. stocks screened by dividend sustainability and earnings potential, which are two hallmarks of the Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett school of fundamental analysis.

In fact, Morningstar's sustainability ratings are driven by Buffett's concept of an "economic moat" that some businesses create to insulate themselves from their rivals.

5. The Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF (VYM)

The Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF (VYM) is characteristically low-cost and straightforward, like most Vanguard offerings. It tracks the FTSE High Dividend Yield Indexeffectively and demonstrates outstanding tradability for all investor demographics.

A particular quirk of the investment strategy for VYM is its focus on companies that pay very high dividends. As a result, this ETF's majority holdings are heavy in the financial and consumer staples sectors.

Other Income-Oriented ETFs

In addition to these five funds, there aredividend-focused ETFs that employ various strategies to increase dividend yield.

ETFs such as the iShares Preferred and Income Securities ETF (PFF) track a basket of preferred stocks from U.S. companies. The dividend yields on preferred stock ETFs should be substantially more than those of traditional common stock ETFs because preferred stocks behave more like bonds than equities and do not benefit from the appreciation of the company's stock price in the same manner.

Real estate investment trust ETFs such as the Vanguard Real Estate ETF (VNQ) track publicly traded equity real estate investment trusts (REITS). Due to the nature of REITs, the dividend yields tend to be higher than those of common stock ETFs.

There are also international equity ETFs, such as the WisdomTree Emerging Markets High Dividend Fund (DEM)or the First Trust Dow Jones Global Select Dividend Index Fund(FGD),which track higher-than-normal dividend-paying companies domiciled outside of the United States.

How Do Dividends Work in an ETF?

ETF issuers collect any dividends paid by the companies whose stocks are held in the fund, and they then pay those dividends to their shareholders. They may pay the money directly to the shareholders, or reinvest it in the fund.

Not all ETFs earn dividends for their shareholders, and some ETFs are invested primarily in stocks that historically pay high dividends to their shareholders.

If you're interested in investing in an ETF that produces regular income that is paid directly to you, check the prospectus to find out whether dividends are paid out to investors or reinvested in the fund.

Do I Owe Taxes on my ETF Dividends?

Yes. Dividends paid through an ETF or through a traditional mutual fund are taxed exactly as stock dividends are. The taxes are due in the year that the dividend payment is received, whether the dividend is paid to the shareholder or reinvested in the fund.

What Is a Dividend?

A dividend is a share in a company's profit for a quarter or a year that is paid to each of its investors. Some companies pay no dividends at all, relying on fast growth in their share prices to attract investors. At the other end of the spectrum, many well-established and profitable companies pay good dividends year after year. Their investors aren't buying and selling their shares to make a fast profit. They're holding onto their shares in order to create a steady stream of income.

The Bottom Line

Although ETFs are best known for tracking broad indexes such as the or the Russell 2000, many ETFs focus on dividend-paying stocks.

Historically, dividends have accounted for about 41% of the total returns of the stock market, and a strong dividend payout history is one of the oldest and surest signs of corporate profitability. If your goal is steady income, you might look at one of the many ETFs that focus on dividend-paying companies.

How Do ETF Dividends Work? (2024)


How Do ETF Dividends Work? ›

How Do Dividends Work in an ETF? ETF issuers collect any dividends paid by the companies whose stocks are held in the fund, and they then pay those dividends to their shareholders. They may pay the money directly to the shareholders, or reinvest it in the fund.

Do ETFs pay dividends monthly? ›

Thankfully, there are some stock ETFs that do pay dividends on a monthly basis. They're definitely in the minority, but there are enough where you can actually build a pretty diversified portfolio using just monthly pay stock ETFs. Whether stock ETFs pay monthly dividends usually comes down to the issuer.

How are dividends paid in an ETF? ›

An exchange-traded fund (ETF) includes a basket of securities and trades on an exchange. If the stocks owned by the fund pay dividends, the money is passed along to the investor. Most ETFs pay these dividends quarterly on a pro-rata basis, where payments are based on the number of shares the investor owns.

Are ETF dividends worth it? ›

Dividend ETFs are passively managed, meaning the fund manager follows an index and does not have to make trading decisions often. Dividend ETFs are good investment options for investors that are risk-averse and income-seeking.

How long do you have to hold an ETF to get a dividend? ›

Moreover, the investor must own the shares in the ETF paying the dividend for more than 60 days during the 121-day period that begins 60 days before the ex-dividend date. This means if you actively trade ETFs, you probably can't meet this holding requirement.

What is the downside of dividend ETF? ›

Cons. No guarantee of future dividends. Stock price declines may offset yield. Dividends are taxed in the year they are distributed to shareholders.

What ETF has 12% yield? ›

Top 100 Highest Dividend Yield ETFs
SymbolNameDividend Yield
QRMIGlobal X NASDAQ 100 Risk Managed Income ETF12.32%
YMAXYieldMax Universe Fund of Option Income ETFs12.30%
XRMIGlobal X S&P 500 Risk Managed Income ETF12.28%
RYLDGlobal X Russell 2000 Covered Call ETF12.26%
93 more rows

Which ETF pays the highest dividend? ›

  • Invesco High Yield Equity Dividend Achievers ETF (PEY)
  • SPDR Portfolio S&P 500 High Dividend ETF (SPYD)
  • iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond BuyWrite Strategy ETF (TLTW)
  • VanEck IG Floating Rate ETF (FLTR)
  • Janus Henderson AAA CLO ETF (JAAA)
  • VanEck Preferred Securities ex-Financials ETF (PFXF)
Apr 25, 2024

Are ETF dividends automatically reinvested? ›

Automatic dividend reinvestment plans (DRIPs) directly from the fund sponsor aren't yet available on all ETFs although most brokerages will allow you to set up a DRIP for any ETF that pays dividends. This can be a smart idea because there's often a longer settlement time required by ETFs.

What is the best ETF for dividends? ›

7 high-dividend ETFs
TickerNameAnnual dividend yield
DIVGlobal X SuperDividend U.S. ETF6.97%
SPYDSPDR Portfolio S&P 500 High Dividend ETF4.56%
FDLFirst Trust Morningstar Dividend Leaders Index Fund4.43%
SPHDInvesco S&P 500® High Dividend Low Volatility ETF4.32%
3 more rows
May 1, 2024

What is the downside to an ETF? ›

The greatest risk for investors is market risk. If the underlying index that an ETF tracks drops in value by 30% due to unfavorable market price movements, the value of the ETF will drop as well.

Can you live off ETF dividends? ›

So what does it mean to live off your dividends? If you invest in dividend-paying stocks, mutual funds, or ETFs, which provide distributions of stocks or cash to shareholders, over time, the cash generated by those dividend payments can supplement your income when you retire.

Is it better to buy dividend stocks or ETFs? ›

Dividend ETFs or Dividend Stocks: Which Is Better? Dividend ETFs can be a good option for investors looking for a low-cost, diversified and reliable source of income from their investments. Dividend stocks may be a better option for investors who prefer to choose their own investments.

Do you pay taxes on ETFs every year? ›

For ETFs held more than a year, you'll owe long-term capital gains taxes at a rate up to 23.8%, once you include the 3.8% Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT) on high earners. If you hold the ETF for less than a year, you'll be taxed at the ordinary income rate.

Is it OK to hold ETF long-term? ›

Nearly all leveraged ETFs come with a prominent warning in their prospectus: they are not designed for long-term holding. The combination of leverage, market volatility, and an unfavorable sequence of returns can lead to disastrous outcomes.

Do ETF dividends grow? ›

Dividend Growth ETFs focus on dividend-paying stocks with various histories of growing dividends constantly and consistently, year after year.

How often are dividends paid on ETFs? ›

Dividend-paying exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have been growing in popularity, especially among investors looking for high yields and more stability from their portfolios. As with stocks and many mutual funds, most ETFs pay their dividends quarterly—once every three months.

How often does S&P 500 ETF pay dividends? ›

S&P 500 investments

The SPDR S&P 500 ETF, which trades under the ticker SPY, is the oldest and biggest ETF to track the S&P 500, with about $425 billion in assets under management. It's administered by State Street Global Advisors. It pays a dividend quarterly and had a yield of about 1.3% as of November 2021.

What is the best ETF for monthly income? ›

8 Best Income ETFs to Buy in 2024
  • SPDR S&P Dividend ETF (SDY)
  • Vanguard High Dividend Yield ETF (VYM)
  • WisdomTree U.S. Quality Dividend Growth Fund (DGRW)
  • iShares iBoxx $ High Yield Corporate Bond ETF (HYG)
  • JPMorgan Equity Premium Income ETF (JEPI)
  • Vanguard Dividend Appreciation ETF (VIG)
Apr 30, 2024

Does the S&P 500 pay dividends every month? ›

Does the S&P 500 Pay Dividends? The S&P 500 is an index, so it does not pay dividends; however, there are mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track the index, which you can invest in. If the companies in these funds pay dividends, you'll receive yours based on how many shares of the funds you hold.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.