How come Death Knights aren't rotting? (2024)

  1. 2017-12-22,11:53 AM#1

    Compared to the Forsaken, a human Death Knight, for example, isn't rotting even though both are technically undead humans. I'm under the assumption that Death Knights are imbued with stronger/more necromatic energies when they are raised that keeps them in better condition. But I've never seen an official/canon reason.

    Any ideas?

  2. 2017-12-22,11:55 AM#2

    The Unstoppable ForceHow come Death Knights aren't rotting? (33)

    How come Death Knights aren't rotting? (34)
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    How come Death Knights aren't rotting? (35)

    Pretty much this.

  3. 2017-12-22,11:58 AM#3

    How come Death Knights aren't rotting? (44) Originally Posted by ThePallyRangerHow come Death Knights aren't rotting? (45)

    Compared to the Forsaken, a human Death Knight, for example, isn't rotting even though both are technically undead humans. I'm under the assumption that Death Knights are imbued with stronger/more necromatic energies when they are raised that keeps them in better condition. But I've never seen an official/canon reason.

    Any ideas?

    If you are talking about the playable death knight class yeah the main reason they are not rotting because they retained their humanity from the Lich king's power.
  4. 2017-12-22,12:00 PM#4

    High OverlordHow come Death Knights aren't rotting? (53)

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    I think Death knights technically aren't really dead bodies, but warriors / heroes that were infused with the Lich King's powers. At the beginning of the death knight quest line you'll see carts of dead humanoids, while the player hero is alive in front of the carts, before being given robes and sent to meet the Lich King. I imagine all the prisoners were infused with the Lich King's power and that those that survive become death knight acolytes.

    Edit: The players are the above case, but there can be cases where the Lich King's power keeps the body fresh even after death, like most of the npc DKs. Hard to explain this other than just saying the valkyr's magical work again.

    If u read the story about Sylvanas obtaining the Valkyr's power after the fall of the lich king (prelude to cata), a valkyr sacrifices herself on the formation of their pact to prolong her body. So I imagine the npc DKs would eventually rot unless they are the type that are 'still alive'.

    Last edited by Radianshot; 2017-12-22 at 12:09 PM.

    How come Death Knights aren't rotting? (55)
    Stack up or you get no heals! || Water control perfect, still can't attack with it
    Signature by Winter Blossom

  5. 2017-12-22,12:05 PM#5

    DKs were probably resurrected immediately after they were fallen in combat, while forsaken could have nearly any timeline when they were brought back.
  6. 2017-12-22,12:10 PM#6

    The Unstoppable ForceHow come Death Knights aren't rotting? (69)

    How come Death Knights aren't rotting? (70)
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    How come Death Knights aren't rotting? (71) Originally Posted by TyphoriaHow come Death Knights aren't rotting? (72)

    DKs were probably resurrected immediately after they were fallen in combat, while forsaken could have nearly any timeline when they were brought back.

    Given that we see candidates on piles of corpses, it wouldnt be that immediately.
  7. 2017-12-22,12:14 PM#7

    Infused by unholy magic
    Frigid with frost
    Or drinking blood life essence preserves them

    Forskaen x class are literal corpses just ressed

  8. 2017-12-22,12:18 PM#8

    How come Death Knights aren't rotting? (88) Originally Posted by VelshinHow come Death Knights aren't rotting? (89)

    If you are talking about the playable death knight class yeah the main reason they are not rotting because they retained their humanity from the Lich king's power.

    What I mean is if you take an undead/forsaken human, and you take a human death knight, even though both are humans resurrected by the Lich King, the latter still looks exactly like a human, while the former is in terrible shape. Not just humans though, but Death Knights of every other race look the same as though they were alive, the only difference is glowing eyes and hair/skin color.- - - Updated - - -

    How come Death Knights aren't rotting? (90) Originally Posted by TyphoriaHow come Death Knights aren't rotting? (91)

    DKs were probably resurrected immediately after they were fallen in combat, while forsaken could have nearly any timeline when they were brought back.

    Trollbane, Nazgrim, Whitemane, etc.
  9. 2017-12-22,12:43 PM#9

    ModeratorHow come Death Knights aren't rotting? (98)

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    The second generation of Scourge Death Knights (those that are playable) were meant to be the elite warriors of the Scourge - the Necromantic processes that bring them about strengthen or otherwise enhance their bodies tremendously, and since decay would hinder this strength it would also need to be arrested. The vast majority of the Scourge were simply ghouls raised by the Plague of Undeath, a more or less passive affliction that killed its victims and then made them undead, binding their wills to the Lich King's superior will. They continued to degrade (albeit slowly) as the Plague was designed to raise the undead en masse, mostly as shock troops or cannon fodder. The Death Knights were lieutenants and generals - great care was taken with enhancing them, and they benefit from extended viability and a near-living state of undeath.

    Noth and Heigan talk about the Death Knight creation process during the Death Knight starting scenario, and there are other in-game references that talk about it as well.

    - - - Updated - - -

    How come Death Knights aren't rotting? (101) Originally Posted by ThePallyRangerHow come Death Knights aren't rotting? (102)

    Trollbane, Nazgrim, Whitemane, etc.

    Trollbane, Nazgrim, and Whitemane (as well as Darion later on) are special cases - they were raised specifically by the Deathlord to become Horsem*n, and granted even further power than a typical Death Knight. Whitemane herself was a spirit when she was raised, and Trollbane's corpse would've long since rotted into nothing but a skeleton. The Necromantic power of the Deathlord, with the help of the new Lich King, was apparently sufficient to recreate bodies from base matter - shaping an entirely new undead vessel based on the original's appearance for them to inhabit. It's not yet known what the ramifications of this feat of Necromancy will be.

    "We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see." ― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

  10. 2017-12-22,12:46 PM#10

    Herald of the TitansHow come Death Knights aren't rotting? (109)

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    Because DKs are infused with runic magic, and some never even died to become what they are.
  11. 2017-12-22,01:04 PM#11

    ModeratorHow come Death Knights aren't rotting? (117)

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    How come Death Knights aren't rotting? (120) Originally Posted by DastreusHow come Death Knights aren't rotting? (121)

    Because DKs are infused with runic magic, and some never even died to become what they are.

    The second generation of Scourge Death Knights are all uniformly undead - raised from the corpses of Horde and Alliance heroes of the Third War and other conflicts. The first generation actually are culled from the living, mostly powerful knights and a few fallen-away Paladins who pledged their souls in service to the Lich King in exchange for immortality through undeath.

    "We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see." ― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

  12. 2017-12-22,01:16 PM#12


    Death Knights have been infused with much stronger necromantic magic than your avarage undead, it is also kind of explained in the recent Nathanos short story. They do not rot and are their bodies are stornger than they were alive.

    The reason forsaken dks looks so shabby is just that: they are forsaken, it's not like blizzard could have made a unique model just for them.

  13. 2017-12-22,04:14 PM#13

    it is explained in nathanos short story, the process of creating a death knight is a special ritual done by the lich King, what probably happens is that the effect of decay energies on the death knight´s body is somehow stopped
    Last edited by Piamonte; 2017-12-22 at 04:21 PM.
  14. 2017-12-23,05:39 AM#14

    Pandaren MonkHow come Death Knights aren't rotting? (136)

    How come Death Knights aren't rotting? (137)
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    It's simple really. Deathknights are a much more complex undead then a Ghoul.

    It's nothing new in fantasy most have lesser and greater undead, Warcraft is no exception.

    Last edited by Melsiren; 2017-12-23 at 05:55 AM.

    How come Death Knights aren't rotting? (138) Originally Posted by ArrashiHow come Death Knights aren't rotting? (139)

    High elf fans are basically flat-earth society of warcraft lore.

    How come Death Knights aren't rotting? (140) Originally Posted by Lady Alleria WindrunnerHow come Death Knights aren't rotting? (141)

    I AM the victim.

  15. 2017-12-23,05:45 AM#15

    How come Death Knights aren't rotting? (149) Originally Posted by AucaldHow come Death Knights aren't rotting? (150)

    The second generation of Scourge Death Knights are all uniformly undead - raised from the corpses of Horde and Alliance heroes of the Third War and other conflicts. The first generation actually are culled from the living, mostly powerful knights and a few fallen-away Paladins who pledged their souls in service to the Lich King in exchange for immortality through undeath.

    Correct, but your generations are wrong.

    First generation are dead knights possessed by the spirits of orc warlocks.

    Second generation are fallen paladins and heroes damaged by death knights that then fell to corruption (redpath.)

    Third generation is what we are which is fallen heroes after the events of WC3:TFT. Culled from the battlefield and given unlife in the service of the Lich King.

  16. 2017-12-23,07:13 AM#16

    Pit LordHow come Death Knights aren't rotting? (157)

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    A lot of DKs were just regular living people infused with dark energy, the prime example being Drakuru waaaay back in wrath.

    How come Death Knights aren't rotting? (159) Originally Posted by Boomzy

    People just want to be bullies without facing any sort of consequences or social fallout for being a bully. If you declare X as a racist/sexist/hom*ophobic/etc. person you can say or do whatever you want to them, ignoring the fact that they are a human.

  17. 2017-12-23,11:09 AM#17

    It's easier to think that their bodies are just really good wax dolls made of magic.
  18. 2017-12-23,01:23 PM#18

    ModeratorHow come Death Knights aren't rotting? (174)

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    How come Death Knights aren't rotting? (176)
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    How come Death Knights aren't rotting? (177) Originally Posted by ShellyHow come Death Knights aren't rotting? (178)

    Correct, but your generations are wrong.

    First generation are dead knights possessed by the spirits of orc warlocks.

    Second generation are fallen paladins and heroes damaged by death knights that then fell to corruption (redpath.)

    Third generation is what we are which is fallen heroes after the events of WC3:TFT. Culled from the battlefield and given unlife in the service of the Lich King.

    I was referring specifically to Scourge Death Knights, of which there are only two recognized generations. I didn't want to muddy the waters with Gul'dan's OG Death Knights as they're kind of a different animal altogether being more undead casters than melee fighters and having a different methodology of creation. But if you were just talking about Death Knights through history it would be correct to say there are three distinct versions of them.

    "We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see." ― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

  19. 2017-12-23,07:16 PM#19

    DKs, Sylvanas and now Nathanos are essentially superior undead compared to the playable Forsaken.

    This is one of the reasons why I feel the Forsaken are such a meh race to begin with. It pretty much screams "inferior" and "pathetic" every way you look at it. Only way to fix this mess is to add an Allied Race of Nathanos-like undead humans.

  20. 2017-12-24,09:39 PM#20

    How come Death Knights aren't rotting? (194) Originally Posted by deviantcultistHow come Death Knights aren't rotting? (195)

    DKs, Sylvanas and now Nathanos are essentially superior undead compared to the playable Forsaken.

    This is one of the reasons why I feel the Forsaken are such a meh race to begin with. It pretty much screams "inferior" and "pathetic" every way you look at it. Only way to fix this mess is to add an Allied Race of Nathanos-like undead humans.

    the forsaken being in a bad position is part of their identity, they have these rotten and ugly bodies and they are doomed to live in that state for ever until the pieces of their body finally start to fall apart. This is not a mess but rather an intended decision from blizzard part.

    Also an allied race of "nathanos-like undead humans" goes against the lore

    Last edited by Piamonte; 2017-12-24 at 11:16 PM.

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How come Death Knights aren't rotting? (2024)


Do Death Knights rot? ›

Since a Death Knight can continue to decay, their oral hygiene could become quite dire if not properly tended to, not to mention their breath.

How do Death Knights heal themselves? ›

Death Coil is a beginning death knight spell that unleashes some of the death knight's Runic Power to damage any living target or heal a friendly undead target. While not specifically mentioned, Death Coil can be used to heal a death knight under the effects of [Lichborne] (including yourself).

Why are Death Knights so strong? ›

Death knights are the former champions of the Scourge. They fortify their bodies and drain life energy itself with the power of blood, sharpen their blades and strike powerfully with the power of frost, and raise the dead while striking with the unholy fervor granted by undeath.

What level do Death Knights get death and decay? ›

Death and Decay is a targetable AoE Death knight ability learned at level 60. It is the key to AoE tanking, and should always be used on cooldown when facing two or more mobs. Against single targets, do not use it, as your other attacks provide more threat. For DPS, it is worth using when facing large packs.

What is the best race for Death Knights? ›

Melee damage and strength are hugely important to Unholy Death Knights. Orcs generally have great strength and physicality in World of Warcraft, making them ideal choices for such a position. Their “Blood Fury” gives them one of the best attack buffs available in the whole game, which is hugely useful to this class.

Do Death Knights need to eat? ›

Nowadays, as undead, modern Death Knights don't need to eat or sleep. Psychologically, the Lich King's Death Knights have no memory of their former lives. Moreover, they slowly gain an "eternal hunger" that forces them to inflict suffering on others.

What is a Death Knights weakness? ›

DK's are rotation dependent so anything that screws them up really hurts their DPS. Also they are hurt by any class that can cure diseases as they relay on their victims to be infected for most of their DPS.

Can a Lich control a Death Knight? ›

When the Lich King's control of his death knights was broken, his former champions sought revenge for the horrors committed under his command. After their vengeance was won, the death knights found themselves without a cause and without a home.

What is the strongest Death Knight spec? ›

Best Death Knight Leveling Spec in Shadowlands. Although each specialization has strengths and weaknesses, we recommend Blood as the best Death Knight leveling spec. Blood has high area damage capability and amazing self-healing, and its damage is not far behind the two damage specializations.

What is the best profession for Death Knights? ›

Dragonflight Death Knight Best Professions

DK wears plates, so he will always like Blacksmithing and Mining: Blacksmithing — now you can craft plate armor up to Mythic raid item levels; Mining — bread and butter for gold making and Blacksmithing.

What is the best spec to level as a Death Knight? ›

Best Leveling Spec for Death Knights

Frost and Unholy share similar strengths and weaknesses, and as such, there isn't a clear ranking on which takes second or third in terms of leveling prowess. Either is a fine choice.

Can you make a Death Knight without a level 55? ›

There are some limitations on creating a Death Knight on a Classic Progression realm. Below are the details: You may only have one Death Knight per realm. Before you can create a Death Knight on a specific realm, you must have an existing level 55 character on the same realm.

Do Death Knights smell? ›

In the Web Novel, Maruyama describes how Death Knights smells unexpectedly smelly, "the scent of a graveyard wafts off them, as well as the earth." But the mantle appears to have little smell.

Can Death Knights walk on water? ›

Path of Frost is a death knight ability learned at level 66. It allows the death knight and their party or raid to walk or ride on water for 10 minutes. This effect maintains while the player is mounted and can be cast while mounted.

Are Death Knights good tanks? ›

Many high end raiding guilds have DKs as Main tanks and Off tanks, because of their flexibility and high effective health. In the current challenge mode dungeons, they are considered to be one of the strongest tanks because of their versitility.

Are Death Knights Immortal? ›

Immortal Until Redeemed

A death knight can arise anew even after it has been destroyed. Only when it atones for a life of wickedness or finds redemption can it finally escape its undead purgatory and truly perish.

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