A question about my connection speed - AT&T DSL (2024)

Mesquite, TX



2013-Jul-8 5:45 pm

A question about my connection speed

Hello this is my first time posting at this site.

I have a question about my line stats, and I would like it someone could help me understand this.

with these line stats

Current Connection:
Current Noise Margin: 18.0 dB 22.0 dB
Current Attenuation: 38.4 dB 22.0 dB
Current Output Power: 16.1 dBm 11.9 dBm

what should the highest available speed be for my line?

I hope this isn't a stupid question.

· actions · 2013-Jul-8 5:45 pm ·

my thoughts

my thoughts


2013-Jul-8 7:35 pm

More about type of modem and distance from source, currently in all areas for VDSL profiles there are two.

1) 32 M profile HSIA speeds of 3, 6, 12, 18, 24 based on what you want to pay need to be less than 2200 feet with good lines (SN >15) RG 3051, 3600 (no TV) or 3800, 3801 (have TV services)

2) 25 M profile HSIA speeds of 3, 6, 12, 18 M based on $$ on following
2a) if more than 2200 less than 3000 feet RG 3801, some limited markets 589
2b) over 3000 feet bonded pair iNID (i38hg) or limited market 589
2c) on FTTP with 3800 or 3801 RP

These are current, changes are coming, things going up, up, ?

· actions · 2013-Jul-8 7:35 pm ·

Mesquite, TX



2013-Jul-8 7:57 pm

Not sure I understood most of that.

I want better understand what the quality of my line is.

In the past I've been told that I live close to the office or the exchange or something, was never really made clear.

I have had tech support/line workers that have come to my house in the past tell me that I should be able have a faster speed base on my line.

And then I have had people on the phone tell me that wasnt the case, and I am not smart enough to figure this stuff out on my own.

DSL Down Up
Current Rate: 3008 kbs 512 kbs
Max Rate: 6812 kbs 1088 kbs

Does this mean faster speeds are available, or am I completely misunderstanding something.

when it has involved AT&T I feel like I have never been given a straight answer.

Is there more info I could include?

· actions · 2013-Jul-8 7:57 pm ·

I gave her time to steal my mind away
San Jose, CA

TP-Link TD-8616
Asus RT-AC66U B1
Netgear FR114P

A question about my connection speed - AT&T DSL (3)



2013-Jul-8 10:28 pm

said by Chronophage:

And then I have had people on the phone tell me that wasnt the case, and I am not smart enough to figure this stuff out on my own.

DSL Down Up
Current Rate: 3008 kbs 512 kbs
Max Rate: 6812 kbs 1088 kbs

Does this mean faster speeds are available, or am I completely misunderstanding something.

Assuming standard ADSL (used to be called, "at&t Yahoo! HSI Pro" for your profile), you should be good for the highest ADSL profile: "at&t Yahoo! HSI Elite", 6016/768.

To get a faster profile would require AT&T U-verse Internet. This would be either ADSL2+, or VDSL, depending on the equipment serving your premises.

· actions · 2013-Jul-8 10:28 pm ·

Mesquite, TX



2013-Jul-8 10:56 pm

so i could get that elite package?

then why do the people on the phone tell me its unavailable.

is it because they are trying to push Uverse?

I have heard bad things about Uverse

my only choices for ISPs are ATT and suddenlink, and i have heard they are quite draconian in regards to bit torrent and that they lie a lot with pricing and fees.

I am really unhappy, and i have no idea what to do

· actions · 2013-Jul-8 10:56 pm ·

I gave her time to steal my mind away
San Jose, CA

TP-Link TD-8616
Asus RT-AC66U B1
Netgear FR114P

A question about my connection speed - AT&T DSL (5)



2013-Jul-8 11:40 pm

said by Chronophage:

so i could get that elite package?

then why do the people on the phone tell me its unavailable.

The statistics support upgrade. Either they lack backhaul capacity, or, more likely, want to push you to U-verse. You might post an upgrade request to the techs in the AT&T Direct forum, and see if they can push it through, or tell you why not.

· actions · 2013-Jul-8 11:40 pm ·

Mesquite, TX



2013-Jul-9 7:26 am

What does lack of backhaul capacity mean exactly?

And what would be the best way to go about asking in the other forum for an answer about this?

· actions · 2013-Jul-9 7:26 am ·

I gave her time to steal my mind away
San Jose, CA

TP-Link TD-8616
Asus RT-AC66U B1
Netgear FR114P

A question about my connection speed - AT&T DSL (7)



2013-Jul-9 11:35 am

said by Chronophage:

What does lack of backhaul capacity mean exactly?

The "backhaul" is the connection from the DSLAM to the Internet core. Insufficient capacity leads to congestion as more people compete for the limited bandwidth.

And what would be the best way to go about asking in the other forum for an answer about this?

Put a "[Pre-qual]" tag in your subject. Include your signal levels (SNR and attenuation and power, as you did here), tell the techs you have been refused an upgrade, and can they find a way. You can just link this thread and ask for help with the upgrade.

· actions · 2013-Jul-9 11:35 am ·

Premium Member
Granite City, IL

A question about my connection speed - AT&T DSL (9)

David to Chronophage

Premium Member

2013-Jul-9 2:24 pm

to Chronophage

Actually I can answer it here, there is enough info posted here.

To qualify for the elite pkg your line stats have to meet or exceed the following requirements:

• Max attainable at or above 7000 (you do not meet this requirement at 6812)

• upstream attenuation at or below 21db (yours is 22db)

• downstream attenuation at or below 40db (you meet this requirement at 38.4db)

Essentially it all boils down to distance. I have seen some people really clear up inside wiring issues they may have and gain 1db easily, but that's not always the case.

if you can achieve more with pair bonded uverse internet that would be the best way to go. That probably would get you the 6mbps per line (more tone bits per channel than regular ADSL) and potentially pair bonded DSL.

· actions · 2013-Jul-9 2:24 pm ·

Mesquite, TX



2013-Jul-9 9:40 pm

I see..

So I am just ever so slightly out of the minimum range for a faster speed? Thats disappointing.

For the record I am afraid of this whole Uverse thing, I have no idea what new issues I would have to deal with under that service. I have heard many bad things and that makes me nervous.

I have heard there is more latency with Uverse, and that worries me.

I was once for some odd reason put on interleaved for a while, it completely ruined my ability to play games online in any enjoyable matter. Speed is something I value, but if its at the cost of my ability to use my internet for the things I enjoy its meaningless

Also I have gotten some very aggressive marketing calls from AT&T trying to get me to switch recently, and something in there tone and demeanor was very unsettling to me

I can only assume its just a matter of time before they force the issue.

In any case thank you for your help in answering my question David, your assistance is appreciated.

Dealing with AT&T has greatly harmed my mental health in the past

· actions · 2013-Jul-9 9:40 pm ·

Premium Member
Granite City, IL

1 edit

A question about my connection speed - AT&T DSL (11)

David to Chronophage

Premium Member

2013-Jul-9 9:53 pm

to Chronophage

the interleaving for uverse is different than it was for ADSL. In the ADSL world it was a 16 to 20ms hit. In the IPDSL world and such (even for VDSL when I look at the lines) I only see at most a 8ms delay. IPDSL also has a fast path option as well at this time.

A lot of people hear interleaving and head for the hills. Problem is it depends on the ms delay of interleaving. Had one end user up an cancel service because of the word interleaved. Apparently on certain platforms there is such a thing as a "1ms interleaved". Fast path also has a 1ms delay. Because it said Interleaved they up and cancelled. Last I saw them they were complaining of a 30ms hit on a cable service here.

Sometimes, some people, learn even harder lessons by trying to fixing it.

· actions · 2013-Jul-9 9:53 pm ·

Mesquite, TX

1 edit



2013-Jul-10 7:34 pm

Well in my case it was a hit to latency in the hundreds. And when you get right down to it, I don't know if that was the reason for my issue back then, I just know getting it changed was what fixed it.

This was like 5-6 years ago.

I had never heard of fast path or interleave or anything like that til one day I found I could no longer play a game online.

One morning I went to play a game, and found that it was unplayable. I didn't instinctively think to bother AT&T, I did my due diligence, checked my hardware, software, etc. Even though nothing on my end had changed, I thoroughly went through everything I could think of on my end.

Nothing helped, so I called AT&T tech support(didn't know anything about the tiers thing back then) and someone from Bangladesh ran a test and told me nothing was wrong.(what is it that tier 1 people test exactly? what is it that they can see?)

They had a repairman come down and have a look, he checked the line inside and outside the house and told me I shouldn't have any problems with how close I was the exchange(or something like that). When I showed him the very high latency he said " Hmm that is a problem, ain't nothing I can do about it though" and he left.

So I sat there angry not at the fact I couldn't play a damn game, but that a week ago I could, and no one had an answer for me or seemed to care.

So I google "dsl high latency issue" just to see if I could find out if anyone else had the same problem. It was then I found about about this connection type thing and that there where multiple tiers of tech support, a 1st tier as a guard against people didn't have there computers turned on, and higher ones where things got done.

Now dont get me wrong, I have nothing against the people in India or where ever else the tech support comes from. They are nice folk who are just doing a job trying to get by, but it was just red tape that meant I had to wait another week to get something done.

I call at&t trying to get to this higher tier of support, and I was told they absolutely could not let me talk to a higher tier without sending a technician out to my house first, I asked the tier one people about the fast path thing, and they didn't know what I was talking about.

A week later I talk to the guy who comes out to my house about this fastpath thing and he knows what I am talking about and tells me that he will call a buddy of his to get it taken care off, the next day my trouble is resolved and I can play my games again. The word "interleave" for me has a strong connotation of no longer being able to enjoy my internet, and extreme stress.

I didn't think it was an unreasonable demand to have my service go back to how it was before it crapped out like that, but as far as the people I talked to were concerned, if I could reach the yahoo home page then I have no right to complain about anything.

I am not a tech savvy person, I don't fully understand how the lines in my city are laid out or the complex infrastructure of the internet. I can read, and learn, a listen to find out. But I have to have some help to really understand, without it I am just left frustrated.

This was the first time I have spoken with an AT&T employee(am I mistaken on this) that I have felt has actually informed me of something.

I started this topic really more so to find out why I have been told something in the past and it has been informative, I didn't know there where different types of interleaving or that it should have only meant 20ms or so in difference.

Now that being said, and maybe I am just taking this out of proportion, but that ending line there sounds sort of threatening, something the damn mafia would say.

"well... some people learn what happens the hard way when they leave"

You're not not gonna break my legs are ya? Because, you know I need those guys, for kicking and standing and stuff.

· actions · 2013-Jul-10 7:34 pm ·

Premium Member
Granite City, IL

A question about my connection speed - AT&T DSL (13)

David to Chronophage

Premium Member

2013-Jul-10 8:17 pm

to Chronophage
said by Chronophage:

Now that being said, and maybe I am just taking this out of proportion, but that ending line there sounds sort of threatening, something the damn mafia would say.

"well... some people learn what happens the hard way when they leave"

You're not not gonna break my legs are ya? Because, you know I need those guys, for kicking and standing and stuff.

Oh heavens no... LOL! I would want to borrow the power to choke some people over the phone some days or wish I had a recorder for some stuff I have heard and read over the years. I think I could start my own comedy show.

More along the lines some people around these parts cause their own grief, or screw with things enough to where it's permanently broken and then complain about it after they broke it. I am kind of one of those... "If it isn't broke don't go fixing it." I posted it's followup if that helps. I did edit it and correct it.

As far as ping times: I actually saw this statement posted once, don't remember where and I think that forum bit the dust (an old forum here).

from an old forum here before it bit the dust
It's not the ping time that makes the gamer, it's their skills. I find a lot are lacking in the skills department and blaming it on their ISP ping times or ISP routing is quite honestly, laughable! I can game with a 80ms ping time, only because my skills are better.

· actions · 2013-Jul-10 8:17 pm ·

Mesquite, TX



2013-Jul-10 9:16 pm

I'll agree with that to some extinct, a great connection cannot make up for a lack of skill. But you can also say that great skill can be hindered by a poor connection.

More often then not though you get my case, having neither awesome skills or a great connection. Things as they are now, I get by ok.

But take a fighting game for example, in some cases needed timing can come down to 1/60th of a second.

In one I played a while back it was set up so you could lock people out if they didn't have a perfect connection.

You don't need a perfect connection to play a smooth game for the most part. But when you have a lot of people who are snobs about connection(I don't need it to be perfect, just not god awful) it makes it much harder for someone with a sub standard/just ok connection to actually find a game to play.

The level of hate for people without perfect connections is irrational. I can't tell you how many times I have seen immature people say things like "stop using that walmart connection" not understanding that some people just cant do any better at no fault of there own.

As for causing ones own grief, and situations becoming permanently broken. This is what worries me about Uverse.

What happens if I should go over to that service and find its worse for what I need it then what I have now, I have been told on no uncertain terms by AT&T over the phone that if I did change I would not be allowed to go back to my old service.

I am not interested in TV over my internet line, I can barely watch a youtube video above 360p. And even if I could, there is not a damn thing worth watching anymore(I remember when the history channel actually had history on it)

At least at the moment the service I have is usable.

And as to my only other ISP choice, better the devil you know than the devil you don't.

I feel like I have no options, and the best I can hope for is things to not get worse.

· actions · 2013-Jul-10 9:16 pm ·

Premium Member
Granite City, IL

A question about my connection speed - AT&T DSL (15)

David to Chronophage

Premium Member

2013-Jul-10 9:58 pm

to Chronophage

Well ask yourself this quick question. What speed did you qualify for the Uverse internet? That can tell you pretty quick if it's IPDSL or VDSL.

If you qualified for TV it would be VDSL. From what I have seen as far as VDSL platforms the delay is 8-10ms max. I haven't seen any of the higher than that. I think rolande is on a VDSL if memory serves. I remember there was quite a few hot threads here about the VDSL ping times. Don't know what ever happened to those.

· actions · 2013-Jul-10 9:58 pm ·

Mesquite, TX



2013-Jul-11 2:41 pm

Now I have no idea about that.

I made my comment about the TV thing because I was getting a call ever other day last week from AT&T with the guy on the other end saying..

"Hi this is AT&T calling to make sure you have the best possible service, but first let me ask you, What kind of programs do you enjoy on television?"

This here was a 1-2 punch of anger inducing speech for me. First because AT&T has proven to me they didn't give a damn about my service in the past. The issue I had last year getting help about my service proved that to me, it was much worse then the whole fastpath lag fiasco. I don't even know where to begin with that cluster@#$%.

And secondly if your going to try and sell me something(I don't like being "sold" anything, make me feel like a mark in someones con) you had better get to the point and not beat around the bush asking me such a question.

Because I hate network TV, 90% of it is such a vapid, unintelligible travesty of good taste. I feel like I'm a damn alien when I think of all the people that find it enjoyable( I'm sure the vast majority of people feel the same about my tastes in media)

How would I go about finding out about what tech has actually been setup in my area? without speaking to a sales rep on the phone who may or may not give me any actual truth, either due to lying to make a sale, or just plan not knowing whats really going on.

· actions · 2013-Jul-11 2:41 pm ·

Premium Member
Granite City, IL

A question about my connection speed - AT&T DSL (17)

David to Chronophage

Premium Member

2013-Jul-11 3:08 pm

to Chronophage

typically and since uverse is address driven you can go to uverse.att.com and hit the "check availability" button and punch in your address.

That should tell you what you can get. That database it uses is the same one we use, except the online one has the customer facing stuffs/info if that makes sense. Essentially me and you query the same database, my end is a bit more technical, while yours is a bit more "eye candish" if that makes sense.

· actions · 2013-Jul-11 3:08 pm ·

Mesquite, TX



2013-Jul-11 3:37 pm

I tried that last night and just now. For whatever reason stuff like this flakes out whenever I try it, not sure why.

I put in my address and it tells me it can't find me in their data base.

I put in my phone number, and it lists my address wrong and tells me I am already a Uverse customer. and it asks me to sign in.

This kinda thing happens all the time, I get mail from quite a few other addresses, same with phone calls.

I used to get calls at 3 am from the local jail because for some reason my number was listed in the phone book as a local 24 hour bail bonds service.

· actions · 2013-Jul-11 3:37 pm ·

Premium Member
Granite City, IL

A question about my connection speed - AT&T DSL (19)

David to Chronophage

Premium Member

2013-Jul-11 5:10 pm

to Chronophage

Do you live in an apartment complex or townhome?

· actions · 2013-Jul-11 5:10 pm ·

Mesquite, TX



2013-Jul-11 5:25 pm


· actions · 2013-Jul-11 5:25 pm ·

Premium Member
Granite City, IL

A question about my connection speed - AT&T DSL (21)

David to Chronophage

Premium Member

2013-Jul-11 5:45 pm

to Chronophage

ok, on the DSL bill, what does it list for an address?

· actions · 2013-Jul-11 5:45 pm ·

Mesquite, TX

1 edit



2013-Jul-11 6:05 pm

Not sure I want to post that in a public forum.

That instant message thing when i click on your name is private right?

· actions · 2013-Jul-11 6:05 pm ·

Premium Member
Granite City, IL

A question about my connection speed - AT&T DSL (23)


Premium Member

2013-Jul-11 8:32 pm

said by Chronophage:

Not sure I want to post that in a public forum.

Sometimes I think faster than I type. I meant make the address on the uverse.att.com match what your bill has. if you make it match word for word or letter to letter it should spit out some results.

said by Chronophage:

That instant message thing when i click on your name is private right?

yep, instant messages are always private user to member communication. A bit different than the direct forum, the direct forum is a member to a group (or company people) of a forum. Kind of like a group instant messenger if that makes sense. Only you and the direct forum people can interact and see you. No one outside the direct forum (or not listed as a member of a direct forum) can see what you post in a direct forum.

I hope I explained that right, if not a moderator can explain it a bit better or send a note to fatness , tmpchaos or cabana can explain it better.

· actions · 2013-Jul-11 8:32 pm ·

A question about my connection speed - AT&T DSL (2024)
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